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Now , though no such ultra-trials are practised at present , it will be obvious to the initiated , whether in Masonry or Templary , that the above , if true , was simply an arbitrary test of the character of the candidate or member . James de Molay was then Grand Visitator in England , and might have had some reason to suspect the fidelity or orthodoxy of the religious Brother in question ; who , be it remarked , when he made the statement , had been subjected to every sort of torture by the inquisitors , and consequently , was not a very trustworthy evidence .
EDINBURGH PRIORY . —Before closing the Chapter , the Brethren voted a splendid enamelled Cross to the Knights of the Priory of Amsterdam ; the same to be worn by their Prior for the time being , in token of fraternal regard . A vote of thanks was also passed to the M . N ., the Prior of Edinburgh , for the handsome addition to the funds of £ 25 , as also for some elegantly-emblazoned shields presented as ornaments to the hall .
EDINBURGH R . A . CHAPTER , NO . 1 . —On Wednesday , July 19 , the Companions held their last monthly social meeting previous to the election ; the E . Z . Companion Deuchar in the chair , supported by the second and third Principals , Companions Pringle and Douglas . The Chapter having been constituted , an interesting lecture on the astronomical coincidences , as explanatory of the ancient and modern mysteries , and exhibiting the analogy between them , was delivered by
the First Principal . We understand that the late learned Sir William Drummond was the first who delivered , before the fraternity here , a series of lectures on this subject , illustrating with ingenious research the signs and symbols of Royal Arch Masonry . Such analyses are instructive and worthy of a scientific order ; though , from their occult nature , they cannot well be explained to " the profane . " After closing of the Chapter , the company sat down to banquet , which was as usual
enlivened with the stirring toast and cheerful song . During the course of the evening , the Second Principal proposed the memory of a departed Companion , Lord Robert Ker , whose long residence in Edinburgh , as head of the Adjutant-General ' s department , had rendered him well known and endeared , both to the Craft and to the citizens generally . The toast was drunk in solemn silence , and acknowledged bCompanions M . Pringle and Capt . Nunnof the
Ady , jutant-General ' s office . Two Companions from the Eyemouth Chapter , Berwickshire , were present , whose healths were proposed by the Chair ; and within the sanctum of which Chapter , ( as these Brethren were proud to boast ) , was received the immortal Robert Burns . The Chapter No . 1 . will not hold festival again until the autumnal equinox .
FIDELITY CHAPTER—SIXTH DRAGOONS , July 10 . —The Chapter attached to this distinguished regiment , and holding charter from the Supreme Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , met at Piershill , to receive a visitation from the Edinburgh Chapter , ( No . 1 ) , and the Naval and Military Chapter of Edinburgh . The former was headed by the E . Z . Companion Deuchar ; the latter , by Companion Murray Pringle . —The proceedings of the evening reflected great credit on the Chapter of Fidelity , which was worked by the E . Z ., a non-commissioned officer , supported by several other officers of the regiment—both commissioned and non-commissioned . After closing the Chapter , the Companions partook of convivial refreshment .
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Now , though no such ultra-trials are practised at present , it will be obvious to the initiated , whether in Masonry or Templary , that the above , if true , was simply an arbitrary test of the character of the candidate or member . James de Molay was then Grand Visitator in England , and might have had some reason to suspect the fidelity or orthodoxy of the religious Brother in question ; who , be it remarked , when he made the statement , had been subjected to every sort of torture by the inquisitors , and consequently , was not a very trustworthy evidence .
EDINBURGH PRIORY . —Before closing the Chapter , the Brethren voted a splendid enamelled Cross to the Knights of the Priory of Amsterdam ; the same to be worn by their Prior for the time being , in token of fraternal regard . A vote of thanks was also passed to the M . N ., the Prior of Edinburgh , for the handsome addition to the funds of £ 25 , as also for some elegantly-emblazoned shields presented as ornaments to the hall .
EDINBURGH R . A . CHAPTER , NO . 1 . —On Wednesday , July 19 , the Companions held their last monthly social meeting previous to the election ; the E . Z . Companion Deuchar in the chair , supported by the second and third Principals , Companions Pringle and Douglas . The Chapter having been constituted , an interesting lecture on the astronomical coincidences , as explanatory of the ancient and modern mysteries , and exhibiting the analogy between them , was delivered by
the First Principal . We understand that the late learned Sir William Drummond was the first who delivered , before the fraternity here , a series of lectures on this subject , illustrating with ingenious research the signs and symbols of Royal Arch Masonry . Such analyses are instructive and worthy of a scientific order ; though , from their occult nature , they cannot well be explained to " the profane . " After closing of the Chapter , the company sat down to banquet , which was as usual
enlivened with the stirring toast and cheerful song . During the course of the evening , the Second Principal proposed the memory of a departed Companion , Lord Robert Ker , whose long residence in Edinburgh , as head of the Adjutant-General ' s department , had rendered him well known and endeared , both to the Craft and to the citizens generally . The toast was drunk in solemn silence , and acknowledged bCompanions M . Pringle and Capt . Nunnof the
Ady , jutant-General ' s office . Two Companions from the Eyemouth Chapter , Berwickshire , were present , whose healths were proposed by the Chair ; and within the sanctum of which Chapter , ( as these Brethren were proud to boast ) , was received the immortal Robert Burns . The Chapter No . 1 . will not hold festival again until the autumnal equinox .
FIDELITY CHAPTER—SIXTH DRAGOONS , July 10 . —The Chapter attached to this distinguished regiment , and holding charter from the Supreme Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , met at Piershill , to receive a visitation from the Edinburgh Chapter , ( No . 1 ) , and the Naval and Military Chapter of Edinburgh . The former was headed by the E . Z . Companion Deuchar ; the latter , by Companion Murray Pringle . —The proceedings of the evening reflected great credit on the Chapter of Fidelity , which was worked by the E . Z ., a non-commissioned officer , supported by several other officers of the regiment—both commissioned and non-commissioned . After closing the Chapter , the Companions partook of convivial refreshment .