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the Deputy Grand Secretary , when Bro . Thomas AVright , P . M ., Victoria Lodge , No . 4 , entered at length into the merits of the measure , and exhibited its usefulness , by bringing every grade of Freemasonry under some authority , to which they should be amenable ; that as the members were limited as to number , by reason of their original Constitution , established in Ireland many years ago by Bro . Zimmerman ; that the body of Masonsnow forming the oriinal Chapter of Prince
, g Masons , or Knights of the Eagle and Pelican , Prince Grand Rose-Croix , having attained full strength , were anxious to share the honours of the higher grades , had established this Grand Council or Lodge , in a constitutional and legal manner , and had solicited all those claiming to be of that rank in tbe Order , to come forward and join them , by taking out warrants , gratuitously in the first instance ; and for which purpose , as Secretary to the Councilhe had forwarded a copy of the
Consti-, tution , regularly signed and sealed , to every Lodge in Dublin , as well as to every one within his reach , and that no application of any kind had been made or received up to that hour ; that the Council hacl been formed on the model of the Grand-Orient of Paris , or Grand Council , which numbered a long fist of English ancl Irish Brothers , who had taken those high grades in Paris , and mostly men of distinction , as well as property
and rank , who it had been better to have kept at home ; ancl ultimatelyexhibited its great advantages , by reference to an invaluable article at page 404 of the Quarterly Freemasons' Review , in 1835 , to which he referred the Brethren ; and called to the recollection of the Grancl Lodge , that by the judicious management of the Deputy Grand Alaster , the Royal Arch and Knights Templars' Degrees had their respective Grand Lodges ; that the Duke of Leinster , always anxious and alive to the good of the Orderhad instructed those qualified to act to create
, , legally and constitutionally , a similar Grand Lodge for all Degrees , from Prince Grand Rose-Croix upward , in order to extend the benefit thereof to the Craft at large ; which had already been acted on by granting a warrant , No . 1 to Cork , and No . 2 to Dublin , the original Chapter of Ireland still retaining their precedence ivithout a number . Bro . Wright then moved , which was seconded by Bro . Thomas Hewitt , of Cork" That the Grand Lodge of Ireland recognize the Constitutions of the
Grand Council of Rites , and act in unison with it , as with the Supreme Royal Arch Grand Chapter and the Supreme Grancl Encampment of High Knights Templars , "—which was adopted , there being only one dissentient voice . This question was afterwards sought to be opened by notice , and debated in Grand Lodge on the 3 rd January last , when on a division the motion on notice was reiected , the
Ayes for the notice being .... 21 Noes for original measure .... -57 The previous question having been then put , it was carried ivithout a dissentient voice . The Festival of St . John , was as usual celebrated by the opening of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , at five o ' clock in the afternoon , when the salutation of Grand Officers was proceeded with . The Brethren
afterwards dined together in full Cral ' t clothing , AVilliam AVhite , Esq ., Deputy Grand Master presiding , ivhose presence is a guarantee , that not only were all the recondite portions of Freemasonry observed , but that the social spirit of the entertainment did not lack its usual rationality .
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the Deputy Grand Secretary , when Bro . Thomas AVright , P . M ., Victoria Lodge , No . 4 , entered at length into the merits of the measure , and exhibited its usefulness , by bringing every grade of Freemasonry under some authority , to which they should be amenable ; that as the members were limited as to number , by reason of their original Constitution , established in Ireland many years ago by Bro . Zimmerman ; that the body of Masonsnow forming the oriinal Chapter of Prince
, g Masons , or Knights of the Eagle and Pelican , Prince Grand Rose-Croix , having attained full strength , were anxious to share the honours of the higher grades , had established this Grand Council or Lodge , in a constitutional and legal manner , and had solicited all those claiming to be of that rank in tbe Order , to come forward and join them , by taking out warrants , gratuitously in the first instance ; and for which purpose , as Secretary to the Councilhe had forwarded a copy of the
Consti-, tution , regularly signed and sealed , to every Lodge in Dublin , as well as to every one within his reach , and that no application of any kind had been made or received up to that hour ; that the Council hacl been formed on the model of the Grand-Orient of Paris , or Grand Council , which numbered a long fist of English ancl Irish Brothers , who had taken those high grades in Paris , and mostly men of distinction , as well as property
and rank , who it had been better to have kept at home ; ancl ultimatelyexhibited its great advantages , by reference to an invaluable article at page 404 of the Quarterly Freemasons' Review , in 1835 , to which he referred the Brethren ; and called to the recollection of the Grancl Lodge , that by the judicious management of the Deputy Grand Alaster , the Royal Arch and Knights Templars' Degrees had their respective Grand Lodges ; that the Duke of Leinster , always anxious and alive to the good of the Orderhad instructed those qualified to act to create
, , legally and constitutionally , a similar Grand Lodge for all Degrees , from Prince Grand Rose-Croix upward , in order to extend the benefit thereof to the Craft at large ; which had already been acted on by granting a warrant , No . 1 to Cork , and No . 2 to Dublin , the original Chapter of Ireland still retaining their precedence ivithout a number . Bro . Wright then moved , which was seconded by Bro . Thomas Hewitt , of Cork" That the Grand Lodge of Ireland recognize the Constitutions of the
Grand Council of Rites , and act in unison with it , as with the Supreme Royal Arch Grand Chapter and the Supreme Grancl Encampment of High Knights Templars , "—which was adopted , there being only one dissentient voice . This question was afterwards sought to be opened by notice , and debated in Grand Lodge on the 3 rd January last , when on a division the motion on notice was reiected , the
Ayes for the notice being .... 21 Noes for original measure .... -57 The previous question having been then put , it was carried ivithout a dissentient voice . The Festival of St . John , was as usual celebrated by the opening of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , at five o ' clock in the afternoon , when the salutation of Grand Officers was proceeded with . The Brethren
afterwards dined together in full Cral ' t clothing , AVilliam AVhite , Esq ., Deputy Grand Master presiding , ivhose presence is a guarantee , that not only were all the recondite portions of Freemasonry observed , but that the social spirit of the entertainment did not lack its usual rationality .