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GRAND COUNCIL or RITES , December 19 th . —ATet to elect Officers for the ensuing year , when the following return was agreed to . ! lis Grace the Duke of Leinster , Grand President . Brother John Norman , Vice-President . John Fowler , as Grand Chancellor , Senior Grand AA arden . Richard Wright , as Grand Almoner , Junior Grand Ware en . George iioyte ( Lord Mayor ) Grand Master of the Ceremonies
, , Senior Grand Deacon . William Ri gby , as Grand Standard Bearer , Junior Grand Deacon . Michael M'Donnell , Captain-General of Guards , Inner Guard . Rev . Thomas Flynn , Grand Chaplain . Thomas AVri ght , Grand Guardian of Archives , as Secretary-General and Treasurer .
REPRESENTATIVE MEMBERS OP THE GRAND COUNCIL OP RITES : — Duke of Leinster , John Fowler , and John Norman , Grand Inspectors General . SAME FOR THE PRINCES OF THE ROYAL SECRET . —Richard AVright and AVilliam Woodhouse , Order of Misraim . Geo . Hoyte ( Lord Mayor ) , Samuel AVarren ( Alderman ) , ancl Thomas AVright , Knights of the Sun . Rev . Thomas Fl George Browne Grant ( Hih Sheriff ) ancl
ynn , g , Michael M' . ' onnell , for the Philosophical Masons , K . H . Thomas Murphy , John Phelps , and Edward Moore , Knights of Eagle and Pelican , Prince Grand Rose-Croix . Andrew Nugent , Thomas Hewit , and Eustace Harris , No . 1 , Cork . Alexander Dudgeon , Richard George Ogle , and John Porter , No . 2 , Dublin .
Past-M . W . Sovereigns , Isaac D . Tyndall , AVilliam Rigby , John Veevers , and William AVhite . —For the list of all the Prince Masons of Ireland , or Knights of the Eagle and Pelican , Sovereign Princes Grand Rose-Croix , as enrolled and registered on the books of the Grancl Council of Rites , including His Grace the Duke of Leinster , and His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , see p . 456 , 1835 . Since which there have been added tho
following : — Col . Charles King , John Jones , John Porter , Thomas Quinton , AVilliam PI . Roe , James Blacker , Lloyd Henry Thomas , William Woodhouse , Andrew Nugent , Thomas Hewitt , Eustace Harris , Sir James Stewart , Bart ., AVilliam Henry Bolton , Robert Thomas Crucefix , M . D ., Fen ton Hort , Parisian Degree , Signor Antonio Sapio , Parisian Degree , Denis John DoyleParisian DegreeWilliam Henry AVrihtParisian
, , g , Degree . Lodge No . 2 . —The oldest in Dublin , the ivarrant bearing date Oct . 1732 , met on the 7 th of January to instal officers , when the worthy and harmonious Brother George Rankin was installed Alaster . The Lodge entertainment was as in the " good olden time , " in commemoration of the antiquity of their warrant ; among the guests we noticed the Rt . Hon . the Lord Mayor and his two SheriffsGrant and Taylortogether with
, , many distinguished individuals . This Lodge musters many professional brethren , so that there was no lack of harmony . The VICTORIA LODGE , NO . 4 , with their usual hospitality , entertained a goodly company on thc installation of officers , January 22 d , when Brother Nathaniel Augustus Fagan was installed Master , and by his Alasonic talent and gentlemanlike courtesy , proved to the Brethren the correctness of their choice ; indeed one would fancy , who saw Brother
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GRAND COUNCIL or RITES , December 19 th . —ATet to elect Officers for the ensuing year , when the following return was agreed to . ! lis Grace the Duke of Leinster , Grand President . Brother John Norman , Vice-President . John Fowler , as Grand Chancellor , Senior Grand AA arden . Richard Wright , as Grand Almoner , Junior Grand Ware en . George iioyte ( Lord Mayor ) Grand Master of the Ceremonies
, , Senior Grand Deacon . William Ri gby , as Grand Standard Bearer , Junior Grand Deacon . Michael M'Donnell , Captain-General of Guards , Inner Guard . Rev . Thomas Flynn , Grand Chaplain . Thomas AVri ght , Grand Guardian of Archives , as Secretary-General and Treasurer .
REPRESENTATIVE MEMBERS OP THE GRAND COUNCIL OP RITES : — Duke of Leinster , John Fowler , and John Norman , Grand Inspectors General . SAME FOR THE PRINCES OF THE ROYAL SECRET . —Richard AVright and AVilliam Woodhouse , Order of Misraim . Geo . Hoyte ( Lord Mayor ) , Samuel AVarren ( Alderman ) , ancl Thomas AVright , Knights of the Sun . Rev . Thomas Fl George Browne Grant ( Hih Sheriff ) ancl
ynn , g , Michael M' . ' onnell , for the Philosophical Masons , K . H . Thomas Murphy , John Phelps , and Edward Moore , Knights of Eagle and Pelican , Prince Grand Rose-Croix . Andrew Nugent , Thomas Hewit , and Eustace Harris , No . 1 , Cork . Alexander Dudgeon , Richard George Ogle , and John Porter , No . 2 , Dublin .
Past-M . W . Sovereigns , Isaac D . Tyndall , AVilliam Rigby , John Veevers , and William AVhite . —For the list of all the Prince Masons of Ireland , or Knights of the Eagle and Pelican , Sovereign Princes Grand Rose-Croix , as enrolled and registered on the books of the Grancl Council of Rites , including His Grace the Duke of Leinster , and His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , see p . 456 , 1835 . Since which there have been added tho
following : — Col . Charles King , John Jones , John Porter , Thomas Quinton , AVilliam PI . Roe , James Blacker , Lloyd Henry Thomas , William Woodhouse , Andrew Nugent , Thomas Hewitt , Eustace Harris , Sir James Stewart , Bart ., AVilliam Henry Bolton , Robert Thomas Crucefix , M . D ., Fen ton Hort , Parisian Degree , Signor Antonio Sapio , Parisian Degree , Denis John DoyleParisian DegreeWilliam Henry AVrihtParisian
, , g , Degree . Lodge No . 2 . —The oldest in Dublin , the ivarrant bearing date Oct . 1732 , met on the 7 th of January to instal officers , when the worthy and harmonious Brother George Rankin was installed Alaster . The Lodge entertainment was as in the " good olden time , " in commemoration of the antiquity of their warrant ; among the guests we noticed the Rt . Hon . the Lord Mayor and his two SheriffsGrant and Taylortogether with
, , many distinguished individuals . This Lodge musters many professional brethren , so that there was no lack of harmony . The VICTORIA LODGE , NO . 4 , with their usual hospitality , entertained a goodly company on thc installation of officers , January 22 d , when Brother Nathaniel Augustus Fagan was installed Master , and by his Alasonic talent and gentlemanlike courtesy , proved to the Brethren the correctness of their choice ; indeed one would fancy , who saw Brother