Article THE GRAND MASTERS , ← Page 8 of 10 →
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The Grand Masters ,
Deputy Grand Master . The Hon . James Carmichael , and Sir Richard Worttesly , Baronet , Grand AVardens . 1754 JAMES THE MARQUIS OF CARNARVON , ( afterwards D . of Chandos , ) assisted by the Duke of Chandos ; Lords Ward and Carysfort ; Sir R . de Cornwall , Baronet , Past Grand Master ; Sir Robert Lumley , Baronet ; Sir Richard Wrottesl y , Baronet ; Alderman Sir Richard GlynnKnight ; the Hon . Captain
, Proby , and three hundred of the Brethren in Craft clothing and insignia . The noble Marquis was re-elected in 1755 , at which period he presented to the Grand Lodge a splendid Jewel in a knot , enamelled in blue , to be worn by the Grand Treasurer . 1757-62 SHOLTO LORD ABERDOUR was Grand Master . During the period his lordship held office , measures of value and
importance to the Craft were contemplated and carried out , not only at every meeting of the Grand Lodge , but at all private Lodges ; large contributions for general and particular charity funds were invariably made , and considerable sums were voted for the relief of French prisoners of war , confined in Great Britain , who , on enquiry , were ascertained to be deserving Masonsand consequently considered worthy of assistance ; they
, all faithfully promising , when opportunity offered , to perform kind offices towards their British Brethren , prisoners in France . The sum of £ 50 . was also transmitted to JBrotber Major-Gen . Kinsley , to be distributed by him amongst the soldiers of Prince Ferdinand ' s army ( being Freemasons ) , whether English ,
Hanoverians , or Hessians . General John Salter , Deputy Grand Master . 1762-3 WASHINGTON SHIRLEY , Earl Ferrers , wore the Ribbon and Jewel of Grand Master . John Revis , Esq . Deputy Grand Master . 1764 CADWALLADER LORD BLAYNEY was elected Grand Master , and continued in office until 1767 . New furniture was this year purchased for the use of the Grand Lodge , and amongst the numerous contributions and donations to distressed Brethren
, was . £ 100 , sent for the relief of those Masons who suffered b y the devastating fire at Barbadoes , on the 9 th of February , 1767 . A Lodge was held at the Thatched House Tavern , St . James ' s , Colonel Salter , Deputy Grand Master , on the Throne , when His Royal Highness Henry Frederick Duke of Cumberland was , in the customary impressive manner , introduced , entered as an apprentice , passed a Fellow Craftand raised to the
, sublime Degree of a Master Mason . General John Salter , Deputy Grand Master . 1767 HENRY DUKE OF BEAUFORT , at the Assembly at Merchant Tailors' Hall , was proclaimed and placed in Solomon ' s Chair as Grand Master , and continued in office until 1770 . Colonel Salter , and the Hon . Charles Dillon , were Deputy Grand Masters during this period . His Gracethe Grand Master
, , proposed to petition his Majesty for A Charter of Incorporation in favour of Free and Accepted Masons under the Constitutions of England . " To this application there were sent to the Grand Secretary the approbation of 168 Lod ges , and the dissent of 43 ; the particular circumstances under which such
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The Grand Masters ,
Deputy Grand Master . The Hon . James Carmichael , and Sir Richard Worttesly , Baronet , Grand AVardens . 1754 JAMES THE MARQUIS OF CARNARVON , ( afterwards D . of Chandos , ) assisted by the Duke of Chandos ; Lords Ward and Carysfort ; Sir R . de Cornwall , Baronet , Past Grand Master ; Sir Robert Lumley , Baronet ; Sir Richard Wrottesl y , Baronet ; Alderman Sir Richard GlynnKnight ; the Hon . Captain
, Proby , and three hundred of the Brethren in Craft clothing and insignia . The noble Marquis was re-elected in 1755 , at which period he presented to the Grand Lodge a splendid Jewel in a knot , enamelled in blue , to be worn by the Grand Treasurer . 1757-62 SHOLTO LORD ABERDOUR was Grand Master . During the period his lordship held office , measures of value and
importance to the Craft were contemplated and carried out , not only at every meeting of the Grand Lodge , but at all private Lodges ; large contributions for general and particular charity funds were invariably made , and considerable sums were voted for the relief of French prisoners of war , confined in Great Britain , who , on enquiry , were ascertained to be deserving Masonsand consequently considered worthy of assistance ; they
, all faithfully promising , when opportunity offered , to perform kind offices towards their British Brethren , prisoners in France . The sum of £ 50 . was also transmitted to JBrotber Major-Gen . Kinsley , to be distributed by him amongst the soldiers of Prince Ferdinand ' s army ( being Freemasons ) , whether English ,
Hanoverians , or Hessians . General John Salter , Deputy Grand Master . 1762-3 WASHINGTON SHIRLEY , Earl Ferrers , wore the Ribbon and Jewel of Grand Master . John Revis , Esq . Deputy Grand Master . 1764 CADWALLADER LORD BLAYNEY was elected Grand Master , and continued in office until 1767 . New furniture was this year purchased for the use of the Grand Lodge , and amongst the numerous contributions and donations to distressed Brethren
, was . £ 100 , sent for the relief of those Masons who suffered b y the devastating fire at Barbadoes , on the 9 th of February , 1767 . A Lodge was held at the Thatched House Tavern , St . James ' s , Colonel Salter , Deputy Grand Master , on the Throne , when His Royal Highness Henry Frederick Duke of Cumberland was , in the customary impressive manner , introduced , entered as an apprentice , passed a Fellow Craftand raised to the
, sublime Degree of a Master Mason . General John Salter , Deputy Grand Master . 1767 HENRY DUKE OF BEAUFORT , at the Assembly at Merchant Tailors' Hall , was proclaimed and placed in Solomon ' s Chair as Grand Master , and continued in office until 1770 . Colonel Salter , and the Hon . Charles Dillon , were Deputy Grand Masters during this period . His Gracethe Grand Master
, , proposed to petition his Majesty for A Charter of Incorporation in favour of Free and Accepted Masons under the Constitutions of England . " To this application there were sent to the Grand Secretary the approbation of 168 Lod ges , and the dissent of 43 ; the particular circumstances under which such