Article TO THE EDITOR. ← Page 2 of 2 Article TO THE EDITOR. Page 1 of 2 →
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To The Editor.
tural Chronology , founded on the Hebrew Text , and establishes the superior right of the Septuagint version to credibility and accuracy . Events which , according to Usher , cannot happen before 1925 , 1955 , 2 , 000 years A . C—Mr . C , by his learned ivork , makes to have happened in 1792 , 1822 , and to happen in 1867 . ' In March next , which finishes ] the Jewish year , he proves that the Chronology of all past ages , is summed up , shewing tbe approach of the end , as predicted in the
prophecy of Daniel , and the Apocalypse . The subject is most deeply interesting to the whole world , and particularly to Masons ; and our Hebrew Brethren are seriously called upon to refute the charge of spuriousness and interpolation , and mutilation of our old registry of Masonic land-marks , by their Scribes and Rabbis . Instead of A . M . 5559 , Cunninghame demonstrates by figures , and analogical analysis , that the age of the world is 7319 . I send you my notes hastily penned , while
perusing the above profoundly absorbing work , which you are at liberty to add in a P . S . if you deem them useful , and subscribe myself , Dear Sir and Brother , Yours Fraternally , Hampton . H . R . SLADE . P . S . Has the author not some theory of his own to build ? And
up , consequentl y , are not his calculations biassed to that end ? Is his work not a subtle and ingenious piece of political Charlatanry , knowing that numerous attempts have been made to interpret the Apocalypse by passing events in the political world ? Is it certain that the Jews , who were noted for their religious care of the " lively oracles , " would mutilate them ? Would not so learned a prelate as Usher , have detected such attempts to forge and falsify the Chronology of the Old Testament ?
One great advantage will spring from Mr . C . ' s admirable systems of computation , if exact and correct , the reconciling the real age of the world , with the objections advanced by geologists , on the ground that the earth is older by one thousand years than the Mosaic account records . St . Paul , who was a Hebrew , nowhere charges his countrymen with corrupting the text of the Old Testament , but rather extols their stewardship .
To The Editor.
ON SPURIOUS PREEMASONRY , & C DE . VR . SIB AND BROTHEB . —As a Mason of but few years' standing , and one who has had but few opportunities of becoming acquainted with the remote antiquities of our mystical lore , I should deem it presumption to dispute with so profound a scholar ^ and so zealous a Mason , as Dr . Oliver ; butwhen , in his theories he has fallen into an undoubted
, error , I trust it will not be censurable to point out an oversight he has committed in regard to the Spurious Masonry of the Egyptians , as inscribed in the constellations south of the zodiac . I am not about to defend the ridiculous fables which the Greeks invented to account for the asterisms , not one of wliich originated with them , except the small
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To The Editor.
tural Chronology , founded on the Hebrew Text , and establishes the superior right of the Septuagint version to credibility and accuracy . Events which , according to Usher , cannot happen before 1925 , 1955 , 2 , 000 years A . C—Mr . C , by his learned ivork , makes to have happened in 1792 , 1822 , and to happen in 1867 . ' In March next , which finishes ] the Jewish year , he proves that the Chronology of all past ages , is summed up , shewing tbe approach of the end , as predicted in the
prophecy of Daniel , and the Apocalypse . The subject is most deeply interesting to the whole world , and particularly to Masons ; and our Hebrew Brethren are seriously called upon to refute the charge of spuriousness and interpolation , and mutilation of our old registry of Masonic land-marks , by their Scribes and Rabbis . Instead of A . M . 5559 , Cunninghame demonstrates by figures , and analogical analysis , that the age of the world is 7319 . I send you my notes hastily penned , while
perusing the above profoundly absorbing work , which you are at liberty to add in a P . S . if you deem them useful , and subscribe myself , Dear Sir and Brother , Yours Fraternally , Hampton . H . R . SLADE . P . S . Has the author not some theory of his own to build ? And
up , consequentl y , are not his calculations biassed to that end ? Is his work not a subtle and ingenious piece of political Charlatanry , knowing that numerous attempts have been made to interpret the Apocalypse by passing events in the political world ? Is it certain that the Jews , who were noted for their religious care of the " lively oracles , " would mutilate them ? Would not so learned a prelate as Usher , have detected such attempts to forge and falsify the Chronology of the Old Testament ?
One great advantage will spring from Mr . C . ' s admirable systems of computation , if exact and correct , the reconciling the real age of the world , with the objections advanced by geologists , on the ground that the earth is older by one thousand years than the Mosaic account records . St . Paul , who was a Hebrew , nowhere charges his countrymen with corrupting the text of the Old Testament , but rather extols their stewardship .
To The Editor.
ON SPURIOUS PREEMASONRY , & C DE . VR . SIB AND BROTHEB . —As a Mason of but few years' standing , and one who has had but few opportunities of becoming acquainted with the remote antiquities of our mystical lore , I should deem it presumption to dispute with so profound a scholar ^ and so zealous a Mason , as Dr . Oliver ; butwhen , in his theories he has fallen into an undoubted
, error , I trust it will not be censurable to point out an oversight he has committed in regard to the Spurious Masonry of the Egyptians , as inscribed in the constellations south of the zodiac . I am not about to defend the ridiculous fables which the Greeks invented to account for the asterisms , not one of wliich originated with them , except the small