Article FREEMASONRY. THE GERMAN FREEMASONS' QUAR... Page 1 of 1 Article DR. ROWE ON NERVOUS DISEASES. Just publi... Page 1 of 1 Article THE WATER CURE AT MALVERN. Just publishe... Page 1 of 1 Article T3> OBINSON'S PATENT BARLEY is the only ... Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry. The German Freemasons' Quar...
JFrefaiattmfetjje FtoelfaErs & c & rift . LEIPZIG : J- J . WEBER . The German Freemasons' Review appears in Quarterly Numbers , of 200 pages , with Masonic Illustrations , Price 5 s . each , to be had of D . NUTT , FOREIGN BOOKSELLER , 158 , FLEET STREET .
Dr. Rowe On Nervous Diseases. Just Publi...
DR . ROWE ON NERVOUS DISEASES . Just published , Fifth Edition , enlarged , 5 s 6 d . boards , AN NERVOUS DISEASES , Liver and Stomach Complaints , Low Spirits , Indiges-^ - ' tion , and Gout ; also , on Disorders produced b y Tropical Climates , with Cases . By GEORGE ROBERT ROWEM . D . F . S . A . Member of the Royal College of
Phy-, , , sicians , and of the Royal College of Surgeons , London , & c . " This is a clever as well as useful work , and should certainly be read by all martyrs to indigestion , and other ills which flesh is heir to , as they may derive many useful , not to say invaluable hints . "—The Times . London : JOHN CHURCHILL , Princes Street , Soho .
The Water Cure At Malvern. Just Publishe...
THE WATER CURE AT MALVERN . Just published , and to be had of all Booksellers , 250 pages , with an Engraving , price 3 s . 6 d ., CTOMACH COMPLAINTS AND DRUG DISEASES ; their causes , consequences , ^ and cure . To which is appended , Two Letters to Dr . Hastings , of Worcester , on the RESULTS OF THE WATER CURE AT MALVERN & c .
BJAMES-, y WILSON , M . D ., Physician to His Serene Highness Prince Nassau . By the same Author , THE WATER-CURE . Fourth Edition , 8 vo ., price 4 s . 6 d . London : JOHN CIIUHCHILL , Princes Street , Soho ,
T3> Obinson's Patent Barley Is The Only ...
T 3 > OBINSON'S PATENT BARLEY is the only genuine article by which pure - - - Barley Water can be made in ten minutes . It produces an excellent mucilaginous beverage , more palatable than that made from Pearl Barley . Mothers , during the anxious period of suckling , will find it a cooling drink ; and in constitutions where stimulant and fermented liquors are inadmissible , it is an ample and productive source of comfort both to the parent and the infant . There are numerous other uses to which the Patent Barley may be applied : —Light Suppers , delicious Custard Puddings ,
Thickening Soups and Gravies , and as an Adjunct with New Milk for Breakfast . It is especially recommended by the Medical Profession as a nutritious food for Infants , being , from its taste and purity , more suitable to their delicate stomachs than any other kind of food . Sold by all respectable Grocers , Druggists , and Oilmen in Town and Country , in Packets of 6 d ., Is ., and in Family Canisters at 2 s ., os ., and 10 s . each . ROBINSON and BELVILLE , the only Manufacturers of the Patent Barley , also of the Patent Groats for a Superior Gruel in ten minutes , Purveyors to the Queen , 64 , lied Lion Street , Holborn , London .
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Freemasonry. The German Freemasons' Quar...
JFrefaiattmfetjje FtoelfaErs & c & rift . LEIPZIG : J- J . WEBER . The German Freemasons' Review appears in Quarterly Numbers , of 200 pages , with Masonic Illustrations , Price 5 s . each , to be had of D . NUTT , FOREIGN BOOKSELLER , 158 , FLEET STREET .
Dr. Rowe On Nervous Diseases. Just Publi...
DR . ROWE ON NERVOUS DISEASES . Just published , Fifth Edition , enlarged , 5 s 6 d . boards , AN NERVOUS DISEASES , Liver and Stomach Complaints , Low Spirits , Indiges-^ - ' tion , and Gout ; also , on Disorders produced b y Tropical Climates , with Cases . By GEORGE ROBERT ROWEM . D . F . S . A . Member of the Royal College of
Phy-, , , sicians , and of the Royal College of Surgeons , London , & c . " This is a clever as well as useful work , and should certainly be read by all martyrs to indigestion , and other ills which flesh is heir to , as they may derive many useful , not to say invaluable hints . "—The Times . London : JOHN CHURCHILL , Princes Street , Soho .
The Water Cure At Malvern. Just Publishe...
THE WATER CURE AT MALVERN . Just published , and to be had of all Booksellers , 250 pages , with an Engraving , price 3 s . 6 d ., CTOMACH COMPLAINTS AND DRUG DISEASES ; their causes , consequences , ^ and cure . To which is appended , Two Letters to Dr . Hastings , of Worcester , on the RESULTS OF THE WATER CURE AT MALVERN & c .
BJAMES-, y WILSON , M . D ., Physician to His Serene Highness Prince Nassau . By the same Author , THE WATER-CURE . Fourth Edition , 8 vo ., price 4 s . 6 d . London : JOHN CIIUHCHILL , Princes Street , Soho ,
T3> Obinson's Patent Barley Is The Only ...
T 3 > OBINSON'S PATENT BARLEY is the only genuine article by which pure - - - Barley Water can be made in ten minutes . It produces an excellent mucilaginous beverage , more palatable than that made from Pearl Barley . Mothers , during the anxious period of suckling , will find it a cooling drink ; and in constitutions where stimulant and fermented liquors are inadmissible , it is an ample and productive source of comfort both to the parent and the infant . There are numerous other uses to which the Patent Barley may be applied : —Light Suppers , delicious Custard Puddings ,
Thickening Soups and Gravies , and as an Adjunct with New Milk for Breakfast . It is especially recommended by the Medical Profession as a nutritious food for Infants , being , from its taste and purity , more suitable to their delicate stomachs than any other kind of food . Sold by all respectable Grocers , Druggists , and Oilmen in Town and Country , in Packets of 6 d ., Is ., and in Family Canisters at 2 s ., os ., and 10 s . each . ROBINSON and BELVILLE , the only Manufacturers of the Patent Barley , also of the Patent Groats for a Superior Gruel in ten minutes , Purveyors to the Queen , 64 , lied Lion Street , Holborn , London .