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On Freemasonry. Evidences, Doctrines, And Traditions. *
that our Saviour was born in one of these consecrated orottos or caverns . * A belief was also prevalent amongst the early Christians , that his Second Advent would occur in the year 1000 of our era ; and that the Valley of Jehosaphat , a deep ravine , without the city of Jerusalem , was to be the scene of the final judgment . ! Hencepilgrimages
, from every part of Christendom became so very prevalent about that period , as to make some kind of institutions necessary for the protection of these pious devotees , at a period when travellers were exposed to all sorts of dangers . This was the origin of the knightly orders . Plospitals were established for the entertainment of the pilgrims in health ,
and for their relief in sickness . In the above valley the first and principal house was erected ; and its benevolent inmates are reputed to have been , not only valiant knights , but also worthy Freemasons . The buildings were capacious , and a church was attached to them , dedicated to the Virgin Mary . During the first crusade , the knights companions of these hospitals gained such celebrity by their valour in the field , and by their careful attendance on the sick and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
On Freemasonry. Evidences, Doctrines, And Traditions. *
that our Saviour was born in one of these consecrated orottos or caverns . * A belief was also prevalent amongst the early Christians , that his Second Advent would occur in the year 1000 of our era ; and that the Valley of Jehosaphat , a deep ravine , without the city of Jerusalem , was to be the scene of the final judgment . ! Hencepilgrimages
, from every part of Christendom became so very prevalent about that period , as to make some kind of institutions necessary for the protection of these pious devotees , at a period when travellers were exposed to all sorts of dangers . This was the origin of the knightly orders . Plospitals were established for the entertainment of the pilgrims in health ,
and for their relief in sickness . In the above valley the first and principal house was erected ; and its benevolent inmates are reputed to have been , not only valiant knights , but also worthy Freemasons . The buildings were capacious , and a church was attached to them , dedicated to the Virgin Mary . During the first crusade , the knights companions of these hospitals gained such celebrity by their valour in the field , and by their careful attendance on the sick and