Article THE REPORTER. ← Page 4 of 4 Article MASONIC CHIT-CHAT. Page 1 of 4 →
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The Reporter.
LODGE OF PEACE AND HARMONY , 72 . —The installation of Bro . J . A . Chase , most impressively conducted by Brother R . Lea Wilson , Prov . G . AY . for Surrey , was numerously attended ; among the visitors were Bros . Crucefix , I' . G . D ., John Udall , Dover , Staples , Past Grand Stewards ; Bros . H . Udall , AYylde , and many others . The AY . Master initiated , passed , and raised on this , his first time of taking the chair , and afterwards presided atthe social banquet with great eclatThe
. . most practised and expert Mason could find nothing to cavil at , bat much to admire ; this , however , is not to be wondered at . Bro . Chase possesses zeal , intelligence , and sound moral courage , and is supported by Bro . Lea AYilson , who is his Senior AYarden , and among the best working Masons of the age . The officers and members of the Lodge , with such an example , must blush if they become second to any Lodge in the order .
NEW LODGE OF INSTRUCTION . —We are requested to announce that a Lodge of Instruction , under the St . Michael ' s . Lodge , No . 255 , will regularly meet every Montlay evening , at a quarter before eight o ' clock , at the White-horse Tavern , No . 100 , High Holborn ; at which the ceremonies and lectures are worked under the direction of Brethren of acknowledged ability and authority in the Craft . It will be our duty to attend , and to make proper report of proceedings that must prove
interesting to our readers . The general principle is based on that of the celebrated Master Masons' Lodge of Improvement , established by the late Peter Gilkes , with the exception that Apprentices and Fellow-Crafts are admitted in the two degrees . A FRENCH LODGE IN LONDON . —On dit , that several Brethren , anxious that the great number of foreign Brethren in London should have an opportunity to profit b y the mysteries of the Craft , have commenced
arrangements to conduct a Lod ge in the French language . We are informed that the Brethren have practised , and are sufficiently perfect ; and that they intend to petition the Grand Master for a warrant for a French Lodge . For this , we believe , there has been a precedent many years since ; and it may perhaps be considered that the Pilgrim Lodge , which practises in the German language , is a sufficient reason why the warrant should be granted ; we , however , candidly express an opinion , that the Grand Master of England can only grant a warrant for the ceremonies to be conducted in full conformity with the English ritual . More anon .
Masonic Chit-Chat.
THE TOMB OP SIR JOHN MOORE . —The French , always curt and classical in their descriptions , in striking contrast with the long-winded and inflated effusions that cover some of our heroes in St . Paul ' s , or Westminster , have placed the following sublime and simple tribute to his memory , on the monument erected by them , at Corunna , to their gallant foe : " JOHN MOORE , LEADER OF THE ENGLISH ARMIES , SLAIN IN BATTLE , 1809 . "
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The Reporter.
LODGE OF PEACE AND HARMONY , 72 . —The installation of Bro . J . A . Chase , most impressively conducted by Brother R . Lea Wilson , Prov . G . AY . for Surrey , was numerously attended ; among the visitors were Bros . Crucefix , I' . G . D ., John Udall , Dover , Staples , Past Grand Stewards ; Bros . H . Udall , AYylde , and many others . The AY . Master initiated , passed , and raised on this , his first time of taking the chair , and afterwards presided atthe social banquet with great eclatThe
. . most practised and expert Mason could find nothing to cavil at , bat much to admire ; this , however , is not to be wondered at . Bro . Chase possesses zeal , intelligence , and sound moral courage , and is supported by Bro . Lea AYilson , who is his Senior AYarden , and among the best working Masons of the age . The officers and members of the Lodge , with such an example , must blush if they become second to any Lodge in the order .
NEW LODGE OF INSTRUCTION . —We are requested to announce that a Lodge of Instruction , under the St . Michael ' s . Lodge , No . 255 , will regularly meet every Montlay evening , at a quarter before eight o ' clock , at the White-horse Tavern , No . 100 , High Holborn ; at which the ceremonies and lectures are worked under the direction of Brethren of acknowledged ability and authority in the Craft . It will be our duty to attend , and to make proper report of proceedings that must prove
interesting to our readers . The general principle is based on that of the celebrated Master Masons' Lodge of Improvement , established by the late Peter Gilkes , with the exception that Apprentices and Fellow-Crafts are admitted in the two degrees . A FRENCH LODGE IN LONDON . —On dit , that several Brethren , anxious that the great number of foreign Brethren in London should have an opportunity to profit b y the mysteries of the Craft , have commenced
arrangements to conduct a Lod ge in the French language . We are informed that the Brethren have practised , and are sufficiently perfect ; and that they intend to petition the Grand Master for a warrant for a French Lodge . For this , we believe , there has been a precedent many years since ; and it may perhaps be considered that the Pilgrim Lodge , which practises in the German language , is a sufficient reason why the warrant should be granted ; we , however , candidly express an opinion , that the Grand Master of England can only grant a warrant for the ceremonies to be conducted in full conformity with the English ritual . More anon .
Masonic Chit-Chat.
THE TOMB OP SIR JOHN MOORE . —The French , always curt and classical in their descriptions , in striking contrast with the long-winded and inflated effusions that cover some of our heroes in St . Paul ' s , or Westminster , have placed the following sublime and simple tribute to his memory , on the monument erected by them , at Corunna , to their gallant foe : " JOHN MOORE , LEADER OF THE ENGLISH ARMIES , SLAIN IN BATTLE , 1809 . "