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to-day will only cost me 15 guineas , " meaning that , having been absent for five years , he should' pay that sum . When the Lodge subscription was raised to five guineas , he observed , — "AYell , I must come oftener , that my dinner may be less expensive . " Bro . Bish , it may he remembered , was the celebrated lucky lottery office-keeper , who sold the three prizes of £ 30 , 000 from one wheel . His addresses to the public were always characterised by much humour and quaintness ;
we have some in our collection that may be placed in apposition with the erudite emanations from the prolific cranium of the celebrated George Robins . Feb . 21 . —Bro . ROBERT HYDE , atSelsey Hill , ict . 7 C , formerly of 387 . Lately—Bro . LEE , Grand Tyler of the Grand Lodge , Dublin ; an estimable man , and a Brother to whom we have been much indebted for many acts of courteous attention , which were the more acceptable from the difficulty of his position in showing them .
UXBRIDGE . —ROYAL UNION ARCH CHAPTER . —This Chapter has been recently resuscitated , and has made considerable progress . The veestablishment of Royal Arch Masonry in the province will he ultimately productive of the most beneficial consequences . The warrant for this Chapter had lain dormant for many years , when it was revived through the zeal of Bro . Gibbing , who was ably seconded in the good work by Bro . Robinson , the present W . M . of the Oak Lodge ( No . 225 ) , and
assisted by several other worthy and excellent Masons . The Chapter has been joined by several Companions from the metropolis , and at the meeting in December last , Bros . G . Lloyd , T . Lloyd , and Thomas Price , of the Oak Lodge , were exalted . On the 20 th February _ a Chapter was held , on which occasion it was honoured by a visit from ^ the P . G . M . for Berks ( John Ramsbottom , Esq ., M . P . , the Grand J . of the order ) , and Comp . Burkhardt . Bro . Shuttle worth , of the Oak Lodge , was exalted at this meeting by Corn ]] .
Gibbing , the lirst Principal , and the officers of the Chapter . The Chapter having been closed , the Companions dined together at the King ' s Arms Inn . After the usual toasts were disposed of , Comp . Gibbing proposed the health of the P . G . M . for Berkshire , and expressed the general wish of the Chapter to be annexed to his province , and placed under his superintendence . The P . G . M ., in returning thanks , expressed the gratification he had experienced in witnessing the excellent working of the Chapter ; and signified his readiness to receive it
under his banner , until a Provincial Grand Superintendent should be appointed for Middlesex . The P . G . M . observed , that there existed no R . A . Chapter in his province , and he would heartily second the wisli of the Companions . The readiness of the P . G . M . to forward the wishes of the Companions , was received with much gratification , and measures were immediately resolved upon to place the Chapter under his sway . The proceedings of the day heartfelt satisfaction to the happy few
gave present . The business of " the Chapter was performed with all the decorum and solemnity befitting such an occasion ; whilst , at the banquet , harmony and brotherly love reigned supreme , VOL . I . j ,.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
to-day will only cost me 15 guineas , " meaning that , having been absent for five years , he should' pay that sum . When the Lodge subscription was raised to five guineas , he observed , — "AYell , I must come oftener , that my dinner may be less expensive . " Bro . Bish , it may he remembered , was the celebrated lucky lottery office-keeper , who sold the three prizes of £ 30 , 000 from one wheel . His addresses to the public were always characterised by much humour and quaintness ;
we have some in our collection that may be placed in apposition with the erudite emanations from the prolific cranium of the celebrated George Robins . Feb . 21 . —Bro . ROBERT HYDE , atSelsey Hill , ict . 7 C , formerly of 387 . Lately—Bro . LEE , Grand Tyler of the Grand Lodge , Dublin ; an estimable man , and a Brother to whom we have been much indebted for many acts of courteous attention , which were the more acceptable from the difficulty of his position in showing them .
UXBRIDGE . —ROYAL UNION ARCH CHAPTER . —This Chapter has been recently resuscitated , and has made considerable progress . The veestablishment of Royal Arch Masonry in the province will he ultimately productive of the most beneficial consequences . The warrant for this Chapter had lain dormant for many years , when it was revived through the zeal of Bro . Gibbing , who was ably seconded in the good work by Bro . Robinson , the present W . M . of the Oak Lodge ( No . 225 ) , and
assisted by several other worthy and excellent Masons . The Chapter has been joined by several Companions from the metropolis , and at the meeting in December last , Bros . G . Lloyd , T . Lloyd , and Thomas Price , of the Oak Lodge , were exalted . On the 20 th February _ a Chapter was held , on which occasion it was honoured by a visit from ^ the P . G . M . for Berks ( John Ramsbottom , Esq ., M . P . , the Grand J . of the order ) , and Comp . Burkhardt . Bro . Shuttle worth , of the Oak Lodge , was exalted at this meeting by Corn ]] .
Gibbing , the lirst Principal , and the officers of the Chapter . The Chapter having been closed , the Companions dined together at the King ' s Arms Inn . After the usual toasts were disposed of , Comp . Gibbing proposed the health of the P . G . M . for Berkshire , and expressed the general wish of the Chapter to be annexed to his province , and placed under his superintendence . The P . G . M ., in returning thanks , expressed the gratification he had experienced in witnessing the excellent working of the Chapter ; and signified his readiness to receive it
under his banner , until a Provincial Grand Superintendent should be appointed for Middlesex . The P . G . M . observed , that there existed no R . A . Chapter in his province , and he would heartily second the wisli of the Companions . The readiness of the P . G . M . to forward the wishes of the Companions , was received with much gratification , and measures were immediately resolved upon to place the Chapter under his sway . The proceedings of the day heartfelt satisfaction to the happy few
gave present . The business of " the Chapter was performed with all the decorum and solemnity befitting such an occasion ; whilst , at the banquet , harmony and brotherly love reigned supreme , VOL . I . j ,.