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of Laws and Advocate of the Exchequer of the Kingdom of the Netherlands . It is hoped that they will be able to give a good account of their Masonic mission , upon their return to their Brethren in Holland . EDINBURGH PRIORY OP KNIGHTS TEMPLARS , Feb 21 . — Messrs . Johan Herrman Schuymer and Von Lennop , were received as members of the Combined Order of the Temple , Malta , and Holy Sepulchre . CELTIC LODGE . —This Lodge held their annual convivial meeting ,
in their Lodge-room , Regent-hotel , on Friday , Jan . 13 , the R . W . M ., Bro- A . Murray , in the chair . The friendly and fraternal feeling existing between this popular Lodge , and the sister Lodges of Edinburgh , was evinced in a remarkable degree , by the attendance of numerous deputations to congratulate the R . AV . M . on his accession to office . Nearly a hundred sat down to supper . Bro . Mackenzie ' s band attended , and played appropriate airs to the leading loyal and Masonic toasts .
ST . MARY ' CHAPEL , No . 1 , Feb . —The annual festival of this Lodge was held on Tuesday last , in the large AVaterloo-ro . om , the Substitute Grand Master presiding , in the absence of the M . AV . G . M . Lord Frederick Fitzclarence , who was prevented from attending by severe indisposition-This occasioned universal regret amongst the Brethren , by whom he is held in the very highest estimation , as was abundantly manifested , not only by the enthusiastic manner in which his health was receivedbut
, by the numerous attendance on the part of the different Lodges , many of whom had come a great distance in the expectation of meeting him . The Lodge was opened about half-past eight o ' clock , and immediately afterwards , the deputations from the various Lodges were announced , and received with due Masonic honours . Bro . AAliyte Melville , of Mount
Melville , Substitute Grand Master , accompanied by the other officebearers of the Grand Lodge , was also present . Grace being said , the Brethren sat down to an elegant and sumptuous entertainment , after which—the usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given—the acting G . Master , proposed the Lodge of Edinburgh St . Mary ' s Chapel , which was suitably acknowledged by the R . AV . M . Upon the health of the Lord Provost , Sir James Forrest , P . G . M ., being proposed , the Brethren
evinced the esteem in which they held him , in a manner that elicited from his lordshi p the kindest acknowledgments for the hearty welcome which had ever been given him , upon his visiting his mother Lodge . The Master of the Lodge No . 1 , then proposed a bumper to his predecessor , Bro . Dunlop , in a speech highly complimentary to that gentleman , and presented him , in the name of the Lodge , with a chaste and elegant silver claret-jug and salver , as a lasting testimonial of the esteem
in which he is held , for his valuable services to the Lodge , and of the personal friendship of those over whom he presided . The company were enlivened , during the evening , by the delightful music of the band ' of the Enniskillen dragoons , kindly granted to the Lodge , by Colonel Whytc , and the officers of that distinguished regiment . The annual festival of the Lodge Edinburgh St . Andrew , No . 48 , was held at the Regent-hotelAVaterloo-pIaceon FridayFeb 24 The
, , , . . R . W . Master , Bro . J . Steventon , in the chair , surrounded by a numerous body of his Brethren , and deputations from the sister Lodges , headed by their respective office-bearers . The evening was spent in the greatest harmony . ST . DAVID ' LODGE . —On Tuesday , 2 fst of February , a monthly meeting of this Lodge was held , at which deputations of visiting Bre-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
of Laws and Advocate of the Exchequer of the Kingdom of the Netherlands . It is hoped that they will be able to give a good account of their Masonic mission , upon their return to their Brethren in Holland . EDINBURGH PRIORY OP KNIGHTS TEMPLARS , Feb 21 . — Messrs . Johan Herrman Schuymer and Von Lennop , were received as members of the Combined Order of the Temple , Malta , and Holy Sepulchre . CELTIC LODGE . —This Lodge held their annual convivial meeting ,
in their Lodge-room , Regent-hotel , on Friday , Jan . 13 , the R . W . M ., Bro- A . Murray , in the chair . The friendly and fraternal feeling existing between this popular Lodge , and the sister Lodges of Edinburgh , was evinced in a remarkable degree , by the attendance of numerous deputations to congratulate the R . AV . M . on his accession to office . Nearly a hundred sat down to supper . Bro . Mackenzie ' s band attended , and played appropriate airs to the leading loyal and Masonic toasts .
ST . MARY ' CHAPEL , No . 1 , Feb . —The annual festival of this Lodge was held on Tuesday last , in the large AVaterloo-ro . om , the Substitute Grand Master presiding , in the absence of the M . AV . G . M . Lord Frederick Fitzclarence , who was prevented from attending by severe indisposition-This occasioned universal regret amongst the Brethren , by whom he is held in the very highest estimation , as was abundantly manifested , not only by the enthusiastic manner in which his health was receivedbut
, by the numerous attendance on the part of the different Lodges , many of whom had come a great distance in the expectation of meeting him . The Lodge was opened about half-past eight o ' clock , and immediately afterwards , the deputations from the various Lodges were announced , and received with due Masonic honours . Bro . AAliyte Melville , of Mount
Melville , Substitute Grand Master , accompanied by the other officebearers of the Grand Lodge , was also present . Grace being said , the Brethren sat down to an elegant and sumptuous entertainment , after which—the usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given—the acting G . Master , proposed the Lodge of Edinburgh St . Mary ' s Chapel , which was suitably acknowledged by the R . AV . M . Upon the health of the Lord Provost , Sir James Forrest , P . G . M ., being proposed , the Brethren
evinced the esteem in which they held him , in a manner that elicited from his lordshi p the kindest acknowledgments for the hearty welcome which had ever been given him , upon his visiting his mother Lodge . The Master of the Lodge No . 1 , then proposed a bumper to his predecessor , Bro . Dunlop , in a speech highly complimentary to that gentleman , and presented him , in the name of the Lodge , with a chaste and elegant silver claret-jug and salver , as a lasting testimonial of the esteem
in which he is held , for his valuable services to the Lodge , and of the personal friendship of those over whom he presided . The company were enlivened , during the evening , by the delightful music of the band ' of the Enniskillen dragoons , kindly granted to the Lodge , by Colonel Whytc , and the officers of that distinguished regiment . The annual festival of the Lodge Edinburgh St . Andrew , No . 48 , was held at the Regent-hotelAVaterloo-pIaceon FridayFeb 24 The
, , , . . R . W . Master , Bro . J . Steventon , in the chair , surrounded by a numerous body of his Brethren , and deputations from the sister Lodges , headed by their respective office-bearers . The evening was spent in the greatest harmony . ST . DAVID ' LODGE . —On Tuesday , 2 fst of February , a monthly meeting of this Lodge was held , at which deputations of visiting Bre-