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" AYe certainly wore all of us very much surprised to see the news about the spiritual head of the Masonic temple , Bro . Oliver ; and those who were yet halting between two opinions , have , by this new act of tyranny , had their eyes opened , and have come to a decision , I need not tell you which way . In fact , the question of whether the P . G . for Lincolnshire was right or wrong in deposing his superior , is not a question of the Grand Lodge of England ; but involving , as it does , one of the most sacred rights of a Freemason , it is a question to be decided by the Craft at large , and by them only . Nor have I a doubt but this de cision will be glorious . "
TO CORHESrONDENTS . S . P . Q . R . —This , the first numher of cur New Series , while it in all respects confirms the past , will give the best earnest of our future intentions . A MASTER Maso . v 01 .- nwi . —The cfi ' orts of the cJi / jnc , however liaekcd by sjiics ami silly folk , have signally failed ; hut the time to expose them is not yet come ; there are also a few who are too good to he black-hailed bysueh acquaintanceship . Great care must he taken to winnow the grain from the chafr . A PAST GRAND OFFICER . —We are obligee by the MS . j and as we are preparing for our
" Annalist" some remarkable events of the Grand Lodges of Ireland , it comes in good time . We invite confidential communication . A BELIEVER I . V . We cannnot insert the report , the same not being authenticated ; true , it is very carefully drawn up , but / acts are not sufficiently apparent . AN IRISH DIOGENES has more wit than caution-, his Uvnthonr throws a strong retrospective light , and , consequently , he does not look as behind a mask . ET TO . BRUTE . —We retort the words . A better man does not breathe than ; if peace and kindness depended on him , all would be right , but lie is compelled to act against his feelings and his conscience .
" ¦ WHEN matters come to the worst , they are sure to mend "—this is a saying ; it is to be hoped the doing may not be far distant . Ill-omened birds are disposed to defile their own nest : and , not content with such unnatural proceedings , will make their practice as public as possible ; but the noisomeness usuall y . recoils on the aggressors . Freemasonry is too holy and noble an institution to be affected by the intriguing stolidity of any menmuch less can it suffer by such silly
, nonsense as is displayed in the following papers , which are taken from the Freeman , Feb . 7 , which paper , however , we believe , entertains no opinion of its own on the matter : — " FREEMASONRY . —AVe ( Tablet ) have much pleasure in laying before our renders the following extract from the " Monita et Statuta , " promulgated four years ago by the English Vicirs Apostolic : — I .
" Monita et Statuta ( p . 3 ) " AVe likewise enjoin that the Catholics be discreetly warned against entering into the society of them who are vulgarly called Freemasons . 4 th May , 1838 . " P ETEB ., Bishop of Siga . " T HOMAS , Bishop of Cambysopolis . " JOHN , Bishop of Trachis . " THOMAS , Bishop of . Olcna . VOL . I . N
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
" AYe certainly wore all of us very much surprised to see the news about the spiritual head of the Masonic temple , Bro . Oliver ; and those who were yet halting between two opinions , have , by this new act of tyranny , had their eyes opened , and have come to a decision , I need not tell you which way . In fact , the question of whether the P . G . for Lincolnshire was right or wrong in deposing his superior , is not a question of the Grand Lodge of England ; but involving , as it does , one of the most sacred rights of a Freemason , it is a question to be decided by the Craft at large , and by them only . Nor have I a doubt but this de cision will be glorious . "
TO CORHESrONDENTS . S . P . Q . R . —This , the first numher of cur New Series , while it in all respects confirms the past , will give the best earnest of our future intentions . A MASTER Maso . v 01 .- nwi . —The cfi ' orts of the cJi / jnc , however liaekcd by sjiics ami silly folk , have signally failed ; hut the time to expose them is not yet come ; there are also a few who are too good to he black-hailed bysueh acquaintanceship . Great care must he taken to winnow the grain from the chafr . A PAST GRAND OFFICER . —We are obligee by the MS . j and as we are preparing for our
" Annalist" some remarkable events of the Grand Lodges of Ireland , it comes in good time . We invite confidential communication . A BELIEVER I . V . We cannnot insert the report , the same not being authenticated ; true , it is very carefully drawn up , but / acts are not sufficiently apparent . AN IRISH DIOGENES has more wit than caution-, his Uvnthonr throws a strong retrospective light , and , consequently , he does not look as behind a mask . ET TO . BRUTE . —We retort the words . A better man does not breathe than ; if peace and kindness depended on him , all would be right , but lie is compelled to act against his feelings and his conscience .
" ¦ WHEN matters come to the worst , they are sure to mend "—this is a saying ; it is to be hoped the doing may not be far distant . Ill-omened birds are disposed to defile their own nest : and , not content with such unnatural proceedings , will make their practice as public as possible ; but the noisomeness usuall y . recoils on the aggressors . Freemasonry is too holy and noble an institution to be affected by the intriguing stolidity of any menmuch less can it suffer by such silly
, nonsense as is displayed in the following papers , which are taken from the Freeman , Feb . 7 , which paper , however , we believe , entertains no opinion of its own on the matter : — " FREEMASONRY . —AVe ( Tablet ) have much pleasure in laying before our renders the following extract from the " Monita et Statuta , " promulgated four years ago by the English Vicirs Apostolic : — I .
" Monita et Statuta ( p . 3 ) " AVe likewise enjoin that the Catholics be discreetly warned against entering into the society of them who are vulgarly called Freemasons . 4 th May , 1838 . " P ETEB ., Bishop of Siga . " T HOMAS , Bishop of Cambysopolis . " JOHN , Bishop of Trachis . " THOMAS , Bishop of . Olcna . VOL . I . N