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have come forward in a most liberal manner for the purpose of erecting a canopy over the Throne , regilding the furniture , & c . Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 77 ) have re-elected Bro . Blentha as W . M ., who has appointed Bros . Thos . Berry and Shaylor as S . and J . AA' ' . The Loclge is thriving . Lodge of Virtue ( No . 177 ) have elected Bro . Blitchell as AV . BI . ; the S . and J . W . are Bros . Berry and Shaylor . This Lodhas increased
ge its numbers considerably during the past year . Social Lodge ( No . 75 ) have elected Bro . C . AVilliams as AV . BL , and he appointed Bros . Partington ancl Clew as S . and J . AV . Under the able management of the new AV . BI . the Loclge is in a flourishing state .
Lodge of Friendship ( No . 52 ) have elected Bro . B . Colley as W . M ., who appointed Bro . Boult S . W ., ancl Bro . C . Colley J . AV . It is most pleasing to record that this , the second oldest Loclge in the province , boasts of a numerous and highly respectable list of members : but though last , not least , comes the most pleasing intelligence , viz . that Lodges 52 , 75 , 77 , and 177 , have taken a suite of private rooms in the Town Hall Buildings as a Blasonic Hall . Great praise is due to these Lodges for this very important stepwhich is onla prelude to the erection of a
, y Masonic Hall , which will be both an ornament to the town ancl the Craft . The project was hardly matured before our zealous Brethren came forward and bespoke shares , and before two years it is hoped the building will be completed : the private rooms are taken only for that time . Masonry in this great and populous city will no longer hide its head in inns and taverns , but be able to receive the visiting Brethren in their new rooms entitled the Masonic Hall , and say THIS IS OUR
OWN HOME , CONSECRATED TO FRIENDSHIP , CHARITY , AND BENEVOLENCE . In this grand move we must give the highest meed of praise to No . 52 ancl 177 , who on their own responsibility took these rooms for themselves , inviting all the other Lodges , if they chose , to join ; the call was responded to in gallant style by No . 75 and 77 ; a committee was formed of the AV . M . and Wardens to arrange the furniture , decorations , & c . Too much praise cannot be given to Bros . Colley , Gait ,
Berry , Shaylor and Lewis , who constituted the Provisional Committee of the two Lodges , and it was mainly owing to the strenuous exertion of these good and worthy Blasons that No . 52 and 177 came forward to take these private rooms . —PROSPER THE ART .
LIVERPOOL , Feb . —Bro . Arthur Henderson was installed as AV . BI . of St . George ' s Lodge of Harmony , at the Adelphi Hotel . The AV . BI . invested the following gentlemen as his Officers for the ensuing year : — Bro . A . R . Blartin , S . AV . ; Bro . J . B . Blolyneux , J . AV . Bro . John Foster was elected Treasurer ; Bro . L Samuel , who had helcl the office twenty-one years , retiring , and receiving the warm thanks of the Lodge for his services .
SOUTH SHIELDS , Jan . 2 . —The St . Hild ' s Lodge held their annual festival , iu tlieir Lodge Room , at Brother Tower ' s , Golden Lion Hotel , when George Potts , Esq ., was installed AV . BI . for the ensuing year . After the conclusion of the ceremony , and the appointment of officers , the Brethren sat down to an excellent dinner , and spent the evening in true Blasonic harmony . WIGTON , Cumberland , Feb . 28 . —Brother John Person , secretary to the Wigton Saint John ' s Lodge of Freemasons , by whom it was founded VOL . in . o
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have come forward in a most liberal manner for the purpose of erecting a canopy over the Throne , regilding the furniture , & c . Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 77 ) have re-elected Bro . Blentha as W . M ., who has appointed Bros . Thos . Berry and Shaylor as S . and J . AA' ' . The Loclge is thriving . Lodge of Virtue ( No . 177 ) have elected Bro . Blitchell as AV . BI . ; the S . and J . W . are Bros . Berry and Shaylor . This Lodhas increased
ge its numbers considerably during the past year . Social Lodge ( No . 75 ) have elected Bro . C . AVilliams as AV . BL , and he appointed Bros . Partington ancl Clew as S . and J . AV . Under the able management of the new AV . BI . the Loclge is in a flourishing state .
Lodge of Friendship ( No . 52 ) have elected Bro . B . Colley as W . M ., who appointed Bro . Boult S . W ., ancl Bro . C . Colley J . AV . It is most pleasing to record that this , the second oldest Loclge in the province , boasts of a numerous and highly respectable list of members : but though last , not least , comes the most pleasing intelligence , viz . that Lodges 52 , 75 , 77 , and 177 , have taken a suite of private rooms in the Town Hall Buildings as a Blasonic Hall . Great praise is due to these Lodges for this very important stepwhich is onla prelude to the erection of a
, y Masonic Hall , which will be both an ornament to the town ancl the Craft . The project was hardly matured before our zealous Brethren came forward and bespoke shares , and before two years it is hoped the building will be completed : the private rooms are taken only for that time . Masonry in this great and populous city will no longer hide its head in inns and taverns , but be able to receive the visiting Brethren in their new rooms entitled the Masonic Hall , and say THIS IS OUR
OWN HOME , CONSECRATED TO FRIENDSHIP , CHARITY , AND BENEVOLENCE . In this grand move we must give the highest meed of praise to No . 52 ancl 177 , who on their own responsibility took these rooms for themselves , inviting all the other Lodges , if they chose , to join ; the call was responded to in gallant style by No . 75 and 77 ; a committee was formed of the AV . M . and Wardens to arrange the furniture , decorations , & c . Too much praise cannot be given to Bros . Colley , Gait ,
Berry , Shaylor and Lewis , who constituted the Provisional Committee of the two Lodges , and it was mainly owing to the strenuous exertion of these good and worthy Blasons that No . 52 and 177 came forward to take these private rooms . —PROSPER THE ART .
LIVERPOOL , Feb . —Bro . Arthur Henderson was installed as AV . BI . of St . George ' s Lodge of Harmony , at the Adelphi Hotel . The AV . BI . invested the following gentlemen as his Officers for the ensuing year : — Bro . A . R . Blartin , S . AV . ; Bro . J . B . Blolyneux , J . AV . Bro . John Foster was elected Treasurer ; Bro . L Samuel , who had helcl the office twenty-one years , retiring , and receiving the warm thanks of the Lodge for his services .
SOUTH SHIELDS , Jan . 2 . —The St . Hild ' s Lodge held their annual festival , iu tlieir Lodge Room , at Brother Tower ' s , Golden Lion Hotel , when George Potts , Esq ., was installed AV . BI . for the ensuing year . After the conclusion of the ceremony , and the appointment of officers , the Brethren sat down to an excellent dinner , and spent the evening in true Blasonic harmony . WIGTON , Cumberland , Feb . 28 . —Brother John Person , secretary to the Wigton Saint John ' s Lodge of Freemasons , by whom it was founded VOL . in . o