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The Brethren of this Lodge having resolved upon placing the portrait of C . E . Deacon , Esq ., the D . P . G . BI ., in the Blasonic Hall in this town , Bro . Gaugain has been employed to paint the same . He has just completed the task , and the portrait is one deserving of special notice ancl commendation . It is exceedingly well painted , and being a twothird length , shoivs the regalia and decorations of the office to great advantage . It was placed in BIr . Buchan ' s shop for a few clays , and
every one who has seen it speaks in the highest terms of its striking fidelity and admirable finish . CHRISTOHURCH . —At the Lodge of Hengist ( No . 230 ) , on St . John ' s day , Bro . James Druitt was again elected Blaster . The Brethren afterwards adjourned to Bro . Humby ' s to celebrate the feast . PORTSMOUTH , Oth Jan . —Lodge ( No . 717 ) . —The anniversary was celebrated . Bro . Forbeswho had been unanimously re-electedwas
in-, , stalled as AV . AI ., ancl appointed officers , Bros . A . Bfyers , S . AV . ; H . H . Graham , J . AV . ; H . BI . Emanuel , S . D . ; F . Faulkner , J . D . ; W . D . Blikhell , I . G . ; AV . Cavander , Treasurer . The Brethren then adjourned to the Quebec Hotel to banquet . On Tuesday , Feb . 18 , a splendid ball and supper was given by the W . Blaster ( Bro . Forbes ) ancl members of the Portsmouth Loclge of Freemasons to upwards of one hundred and thirty of their friends and
Brethren , at their Lodge-rooms . Dancing commenced at nine o ' clock , and was kept up with great spirit and uninterrupted enjoyment by the votaries of Terpsichore until gun-fire . The large room in Pembrokestreet was most beautifully and tastefully decorated with a profusion of Masonic banners , and the band was of first rate excellence .
ISLE OF AVIGHT—RYDE , East Medina Lodge ( No . 204 ) , Jan . 27 — The Brethren celebrated the festival of St . John . The AV . Blaster , Bro . J . H . Hearn was installed by Bro . Forbes , AV . BI . ( No . 717 ) . The AV . M . then invested the following officers : Bros . Bloore , S . AV . ; Basket , J . W . ; Elliott , S . D . ; Curry , J . D . ; Dashwood , Treasurer : Lake , Secretary ; AVhite , I . G . The Earl of Yarborough has appointed Bro . J . H . HearnEsq . of
, , Ryde , as his Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster for the Isle of Wight , who was duly installed on Blonday last , at Newport , in the presence of a large assemblage of the Brethren of the Island and other provinces . A Chapter has been granted from the Grand Lodge to be annexed to the East Medina Loclge ( No . 204 ) , held at Ryde .
GUERNSEY . —Doyle ' s Chapter of Friendship ( No . 99 ) , Jan . 28 . — A meeting was held at the Assembl y Rooms , in St . Peter ' s Port . Comp . T . O . Lyte , M . E . Z ., of the Chapter of Harmony ( Jersey ) , most kindly came over to assist , on which occasion he was invited to take the principal chair . Bro . H . St . George Priaulx , AV . M . of Doyle ' s Lodge of Friendship , and Bro . Henry Mansell , of the same Lodge , were exalted . After the ceremonies were concluded and the Chapter closed , the
Companions sat down to banquet , at which several officers of the depot were present . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given , and warmly received , the health of Comp . John Lane , D . C . L . P . P . S . G . D ., Oxfordshire , was proposed and responded to by all the Companions in the most enthusiastic manner . Those who were present , both in the Chapter and at the festive board , will not easily forget the sublime and intellectual pleasures of the former , or the social enjoyment of the latter .
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The Brethren of this Lodge having resolved upon placing the portrait of C . E . Deacon , Esq ., the D . P . G . BI ., in the Blasonic Hall in this town , Bro . Gaugain has been employed to paint the same . He has just completed the task , and the portrait is one deserving of special notice ancl commendation . It is exceedingly well painted , and being a twothird length , shoivs the regalia and decorations of the office to great advantage . It was placed in BIr . Buchan ' s shop for a few clays , and
every one who has seen it speaks in the highest terms of its striking fidelity and admirable finish . CHRISTOHURCH . —At the Lodge of Hengist ( No . 230 ) , on St . John ' s day , Bro . James Druitt was again elected Blaster . The Brethren afterwards adjourned to Bro . Humby ' s to celebrate the feast . PORTSMOUTH , Oth Jan . —Lodge ( No . 717 ) . —The anniversary was celebrated . Bro . Forbeswho had been unanimously re-electedwas
in-, , stalled as AV . AI ., ancl appointed officers , Bros . A . Bfyers , S . AV . ; H . H . Graham , J . AV . ; H . BI . Emanuel , S . D . ; F . Faulkner , J . D . ; W . D . Blikhell , I . G . ; AV . Cavander , Treasurer . The Brethren then adjourned to the Quebec Hotel to banquet . On Tuesday , Feb . 18 , a splendid ball and supper was given by the W . Blaster ( Bro . Forbes ) ancl members of the Portsmouth Loclge of Freemasons to upwards of one hundred and thirty of their friends and
Brethren , at their Lodge-rooms . Dancing commenced at nine o ' clock , and was kept up with great spirit and uninterrupted enjoyment by the votaries of Terpsichore until gun-fire . The large room in Pembrokestreet was most beautifully and tastefully decorated with a profusion of Masonic banners , and the band was of first rate excellence .
ISLE OF AVIGHT—RYDE , East Medina Lodge ( No . 204 ) , Jan . 27 — The Brethren celebrated the festival of St . John . The AV . Blaster , Bro . J . H . Hearn was installed by Bro . Forbes , AV . BI . ( No . 717 ) . The AV . M . then invested the following officers : Bros . Bloore , S . AV . ; Basket , J . W . ; Elliott , S . D . ; Curry , J . D . ; Dashwood , Treasurer : Lake , Secretary ; AVhite , I . G . The Earl of Yarborough has appointed Bro . J . H . HearnEsq . of
, , Ryde , as his Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster for the Isle of Wight , who was duly installed on Blonday last , at Newport , in the presence of a large assemblage of the Brethren of the Island and other provinces . A Chapter has been granted from the Grand Lodge to be annexed to the East Medina Loclge ( No . 204 ) , held at Ryde .
GUERNSEY . —Doyle ' s Chapter of Friendship ( No . 99 ) , Jan . 28 . — A meeting was held at the Assembl y Rooms , in St . Peter ' s Port . Comp . T . O . Lyte , M . E . Z ., of the Chapter of Harmony ( Jersey ) , most kindly came over to assist , on which occasion he was invited to take the principal chair . Bro . H . St . George Priaulx , AV . M . of Doyle ' s Lodge of Friendship , and Bro . Henry Mansell , of the same Lodge , were exalted . After the ceremonies were concluded and the Chapter closed , the
Companions sat down to banquet , at which several officers of the depot were present . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given , and warmly received , the health of Comp . John Lane , D . C . L . P . P . S . G . D ., Oxfordshire , was proposed and responded to by all the Companions in the most enthusiastic manner . Those who were present , both in the Chapter and at the festive board , will not easily forget the sublime and intellectual pleasures of the former , or the social enjoyment of the latter .