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Song , by Bro . Donaldson—prepared for the occasion—which was received with great applause . TUVE— Tho Old Oak . A song for the Lodge—the old St . Andrew Lodge ! That has lived in the light so long ! On the LKVKI , and SQUARE , we all repair To join in the feast and song ! In the days gone hy , there was joy in each eye , When the Charter save birth lo her name , On this festal night , in Masonic light * Let us join in one acclaim , In a sone ; for the Lodge—the old St . Andrew Lodge !
That lives not in light alone ! But doth honour and cheer the Grand Lodge here , Though a hundred years arc gone ! To the Lodges all that are here at the call , By name as by number ' * Free , " By Saint Andrew ' s cross , a bumper we'll toss With " Masonic" cheers by " three . " If brotherhood claim any more than a name , Let us build on tbe corner-stone ; And a Temple raise , that will draw the gaze When a hundred years are gone I Then a song for the Lodge—the old St . Andrew Lodge ! That has lived not in light alone ! But doth honour and cheer the Grand Lodge here . Though a hundred vears are gone !
A song for the Lodge—the old St . Andrew Lodge ! For by that sainted name , To each Mason here will be more dear , His country ' s honour and fame . May Glenlyon ' s * name , with Masonic fame , Descend on sculptured stone ! Be bis memory bright on St . Andrew ' s night , When a hundred years are gone ! Then a song for the Lodge , -fee .
R . W . M . Bro . SIME then returned thanks in his own name , and in the name of the . Lodge over which he had the honour to preside . The following toasts were then proposed by the M . W . G . M ., unless when mentioned otherwise : — " The Lodge Edinburgh , St . Mary ' s Chapel , and Bro . Forrester , as R . W . M . ; " to which Bro . Forrester returned thanks in a neat and appropriate speech , and proposed "The health o £ the M . VV . S . G . M . John Whyte Melvilleas Deputy
, , Chairman to the Grand Lodge of Scotland / ' whom he complimented on the high position he had attained in Masonry , and concluded by expressing his best wishes for his happiness . The toast was received with enthusiastic cheering . Bro . Melville returned thanks . " The Lodge Canongate Kilwinning , and Bro . Sommerville as R . W . M ., " was then proposed , and thanks returned b y Bro . Sommerville , who proposed the healths of
" The Senior and Junior Grand Wardens ; " to which Bro . Baillie , as Senior Grand Warden , returned thanks , The Earl of STRATHMOBK then proposed the health of Lady Catherine Whyte Melville , lady of the M . VV . S . G . M ., and adverted , in suitable terms , to the amiable qualities of that lady . To which toast , M . W . S . G . M . Melville returned thanks . Song , : i The Free and Accepted Mason , " by Bro . Steventon ; after which was given " The Lodge Canongate and Leith , and Bro . Garland ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Song , by Bro . Donaldson—prepared for the occasion—which was received with great applause . TUVE— Tho Old Oak . A song for the Lodge—the old St . Andrew Lodge ! That has lived in the light so long ! On the LKVKI , and SQUARE , we all repair To join in the feast and song ! In the days gone hy , there was joy in each eye , When the Charter save birth lo her name , On this festal night , in Masonic light * Let us join in one acclaim , In a sone ; for the Lodge—the old St . Andrew Lodge !
That lives not in light alone ! But doth honour and cheer the Grand Lodge here , Though a hundred years arc gone ! To the Lodges all that are here at the call , By name as by number ' * Free , " By Saint Andrew ' s cross , a bumper we'll toss With " Masonic" cheers by " three . " If brotherhood claim any more than a name , Let us build on tbe corner-stone ; And a Temple raise , that will draw the gaze When a hundred years are gone I Then a song for the Lodge—the old St . Andrew Lodge ! That has lived not in light alone ! But doth honour and cheer the Grand Lodge here . Though a hundred vears are gone !
A song for the Lodge—the old St . Andrew Lodge ! For by that sainted name , To each Mason here will be more dear , His country ' s honour and fame . May Glenlyon ' s * name , with Masonic fame , Descend on sculptured stone ! Be bis memory bright on St . Andrew ' s night , When a hundred years are gone ! Then a song for the Lodge , -fee .
R . W . M . Bro . SIME then returned thanks in his own name , and in the name of the . Lodge over which he had the honour to preside . The following toasts were then proposed by the M . W . G . M ., unless when mentioned otherwise : — " The Lodge Edinburgh , St . Mary ' s Chapel , and Bro . Forrester , as R . W . M . ; " to which Bro . Forrester returned thanks in a neat and appropriate speech , and proposed "The health o £ the M . VV . S . G . M . John Whyte Melvilleas Deputy
, , Chairman to the Grand Lodge of Scotland / ' whom he complimented on the high position he had attained in Masonry , and concluded by expressing his best wishes for his happiness . The toast was received with enthusiastic cheering . Bro . Melville returned thanks . " The Lodge Canongate Kilwinning , and Bro . Sommerville as R . W . M ., " was then proposed , and thanks returned b y Bro . Sommerville , who proposed the healths of
" The Senior and Junior Grand Wardens ; " to which Bro . Baillie , as Senior Grand Warden , returned thanks , The Earl of STRATHMOBK then proposed the health of Lady Catherine Whyte Melville , lady of the M . VV . S . G . M ., and adverted , in suitable terms , to the amiable qualities of that lady . To which toast , M . W . S . G . M . Melville returned thanks . Song , : i The Free and Accepted Mason , " by Bro . Steventon ; after which was given " The Lodge Canongate and Leith , and Bro . Garland ,