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Alasonie differences amongst their Brethren . Their position and well known Masonic worth and zeal admirabl y fit them for this labour of love , and the respect in which they are held by all members of the Craft must insure a happy result to their efforts . It is expected that the ball in aid of the Cork Masonic Female Asylum , announced for the 26 th March , will equal the former meetings in brilliancy and effect—we hope also in its successful result .
LONDONDERRY , Dec . 27 . —The anniversary festival was celebrated b y Lodge No . 93 , in their elegant rooms in Freemasons' Hall , for the purpose of installing the newly-elected officers for the ensuing year . The Worshipful Master , Bro . A . Grant , who was , by the unanimous voice of the Lodge , requested to continue as Master for a further period , installed the newly-elected officers in an expressive and appropriate manner . Tbe Lodge was most numerously and respectably attended .
After the dispatch of general business , the Lodge was closed with solemn prayer , and the members adjourned to the banquet , which was held in Corporation Hall , when nearly forty Brethren sat down to table . The table ran along the whole length of the room . In the east sat the AA'orshipful Master , Bro . Alex . Grant , supported on his right hy Bro . the Hon . AV . S . Knox , on his left by the Chaplain , the Rev . Moore O'Connor —in the westBro . S . J . CrookshankSenior AVardenand in the south
, , , , Bro . J . H . Rowe , Junior AVarden , After the removal of the cloth , Non Nobis Domine was very admirably sung by some amateur Brethren present . The CHAIRMAN rose and proposed the first toast , " the Queen "—( tremendous cheers and full Masonic honours ) . The CHAIRMAN then gave the next toast , " the health of three of the most distinguished Masons in the world , the Grand Masters of Ireland ,
England , and Scotland "—( great cheering and full Masonic honours ) . The CHAIRMAN next proposed , in very happy and appropriate terms , " the health of their newly initiated Brother , the Hon . W . . S . Knox "—( drank with fervor and Masonic affection ) . Bro . KNOX returned thanks in terms expressive of his approbation of the principles of Masonry . The SENIOR AVARDEN then begged permission to propose a toast , and having called on the Brethren to fill a bumperhe said—Brethrenno
, , doubt all anticipate the toast I am about to offer to your notice . After the frequent manifestations of his kindness and attachment to us all as Masons , I feel great difficulty in expressing the deep sense of gratitude I myself and you all , I am sure , entertain towards him —( tremendous cheering ) . I would now only ask you to join me to pray that Heaven would bless our excellent and beloved Master , and that he might long be spared to assist us with his valuable instructionand that when it
, pleased the Great Disposer of events to call him from this transitory life , he might enjoy Masonry in its purity and perfection , in that house not made with hands , eternal in the heavens—( immense cheers and the fullest honours ) . Bro . GRANT rose , and replied in an address of equal feeling and truth , the conclusion of which was hailed with the enthusiastic shouts of the Brethren . *
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Alasonie differences amongst their Brethren . Their position and well known Masonic worth and zeal admirabl y fit them for this labour of love , and the respect in which they are held by all members of the Craft must insure a happy result to their efforts . It is expected that the ball in aid of the Cork Masonic Female Asylum , announced for the 26 th March , will equal the former meetings in brilliancy and effect—we hope also in its successful result .
LONDONDERRY , Dec . 27 . —The anniversary festival was celebrated b y Lodge No . 93 , in their elegant rooms in Freemasons' Hall , for the purpose of installing the newly-elected officers for the ensuing year . The Worshipful Master , Bro . A . Grant , who was , by the unanimous voice of the Lodge , requested to continue as Master for a further period , installed the newly-elected officers in an expressive and appropriate manner . Tbe Lodge was most numerously and respectably attended .
After the dispatch of general business , the Lodge was closed with solemn prayer , and the members adjourned to the banquet , which was held in Corporation Hall , when nearly forty Brethren sat down to table . The table ran along the whole length of the room . In the east sat the AA'orshipful Master , Bro . Alex . Grant , supported on his right hy Bro . the Hon . AV . S . Knox , on his left by the Chaplain , the Rev . Moore O'Connor —in the westBro . S . J . CrookshankSenior AVardenand in the south
, , , , Bro . J . H . Rowe , Junior AVarden , After the removal of the cloth , Non Nobis Domine was very admirably sung by some amateur Brethren present . The CHAIRMAN rose and proposed the first toast , " the Queen "—( tremendous cheers and full Masonic honours ) . The CHAIRMAN then gave the next toast , " the health of three of the most distinguished Masons in the world , the Grand Masters of Ireland ,
England , and Scotland "—( great cheering and full Masonic honours ) . The CHAIRMAN next proposed , in very happy and appropriate terms , " the health of their newly initiated Brother , the Hon . W . . S . Knox "—( drank with fervor and Masonic affection ) . Bro . KNOX returned thanks in terms expressive of his approbation of the principles of Masonry . The SENIOR AVARDEN then begged permission to propose a toast , and having called on the Brethren to fill a bumperhe said—Brethrenno
, , doubt all anticipate the toast I am about to offer to your notice . After the frequent manifestations of his kindness and attachment to us all as Masons , I feel great difficulty in expressing the deep sense of gratitude I myself and you all , I am sure , entertain towards him —( tremendous cheering ) . I would now only ask you to join me to pray that Heaven would bless our excellent and beloved Master , and that he might long be spared to assist us with his valuable instructionand that when it
, pleased the Great Disposer of events to call him from this transitory life , he might enjoy Masonry in its purity and perfection , in that house not made with hands , eternal in the heavens—( immense cheers and the fullest honours ) . Bro . GRANT rose , and replied in an address of equal feeling and truth , the conclusion of which was hailed with the enthusiastic shouts of the Brethren . *