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The CHAIRMAN then requested the Brethren to fill a bumper , and join him in drinking the health of a distinguished and zealous member of the Order—one who , he had hoped , would have been there to preside over them that night ; and regretting , as he did , his absence and its cause , they could only express their great respect for Sir James Stewart , a member ot the Lodge , Principal of the Royal Arch Chapter , and Junior Grand AVarden of Ireland . —( Great cheering . )—He requested
the Brethren to drink , in a bumper , " Health and happiness to the constant friend , the good and indulgent landlord , the zealous and staunch pillar of Masonry , Sir James Stewart" Drank with immense cheering , and full Masonic honours . " The health of the Officers of the Lodge , " was proposed and responded to by them severally , in eloquent and very appropriate terms . The TreasurerBro . Keyswas most happy in his observationsthe
, , , quaintness and aptitude of which elicited much mirth and universal approbation . "The health of the Rev . Chaplains" was proposed by the Senior Warden in most impressive and eloquent terms , and received by the Brethren with every demonstration of respect and fraternal regard . The Rev . Bro . O'CONNOR responded in terms of eloquence peculiar to himself , in which the Rev . E . M . Clarke entirely concurred .
A subscription was entered into for the building of a Masonic Hall in Derry . The sum subscribed amounted to upwards of £ 50 . The pleasure of the evening was much heightened by some excellent songs , particularly those sung by a gallant member of the Craft in English , French , ancl Italian . The parting toast was given at half-past ten , P . M ., when the Brethren retired , delighted with their happy meeting , with fervent wishes that all might be spared to celebrate the next Festival of St . John in their own Hall .
ARMAGH . —Dec . 27 . —The Brethren of Lodge 623 , assembled to transact their usual business , and dine together in a social manner—the Worshipful Master , Brother James M'Laughlin , presiding . A large and goodly company sat down to dinner , among whom were ( as visiting Members , ) Brothers Alexander M'Neely , from Lodge 28 ; John Beatty , 39 ; James Livingstone , 264 ; Alexander A . Murphy , 789 ; John Arthur , 911 ; and AV . Dunne , 979 . The social and loyal toastssongsand sentimentswere arranged by
, , , Brother Arthur , the Master elect , who acted as Secretary pro tern ., and given by the Worshipful Brother James M'Laughlin , in the right spirit from the chair , and received and drank with great enthusiasm . There were some excellent songs sung after each toast . It having been stated by a Brother present , that he had seen in a newspaper an account of the initiation of Prince Albert into the secrets of Masonry , his health was proposed and drank .
"Prince Albert as a Freemason . " ( Nine times nine , with all the honours of Freemasonry ) . * "The Right Worshipful , the Grand Master for Ireland . " ( Nine times nine , with all the honours of Masonry ) . "The ladies , especially those who love Freemasonry—for we love them . " ( Three times three , with hand and heart ) . " The Craft in general . " ( Three times three , with the honours ) .
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The CHAIRMAN then requested the Brethren to fill a bumper , and join him in drinking the health of a distinguished and zealous member of the Order—one who , he had hoped , would have been there to preside over them that night ; and regretting , as he did , his absence and its cause , they could only express their great respect for Sir James Stewart , a member ot the Lodge , Principal of the Royal Arch Chapter , and Junior Grand AVarden of Ireland . —( Great cheering . )—He requested
the Brethren to drink , in a bumper , " Health and happiness to the constant friend , the good and indulgent landlord , the zealous and staunch pillar of Masonry , Sir James Stewart" Drank with immense cheering , and full Masonic honours . " The health of the Officers of the Lodge , " was proposed and responded to by them severally , in eloquent and very appropriate terms . The TreasurerBro . Keyswas most happy in his observationsthe
, , , quaintness and aptitude of which elicited much mirth and universal approbation . "The health of the Rev . Chaplains" was proposed by the Senior Warden in most impressive and eloquent terms , and received by the Brethren with every demonstration of respect and fraternal regard . The Rev . Bro . O'CONNOR responded in terms of eloquence peculiar to himself , in which the Rev . E . M . Clarke entirely concurred .
A subscription was entered into for the building of a Masonic Hall in Derry . The sum subscribed amounted to upwards of £ 50 . The pleasure of the evening was much heightened by some excellent songs , particularly those sung by a gallant member of the Craft in English , French , ancl Italian . The parting toast was given at half-past ten , P . M ., when the Brethren retired , delighted with their happy meeting , with fervent wishes that all might be spared to celebrate the next Festival of St . John in their own Hall .
ARMAGH . —Dec . 27 . —The Brethren of Lodge 623 , assembled to transact their usual business , and dine together in a social manner—the Worshipful Master , Brother James M'Laughlin , presiding . A large and goodly company sat down to dinner , among whom were ( as visiting Members , ) Brothers Alexander M'Neely , from Lodge 28 ; John Beatty , 39 ; James Livingstone , 264 ; Alexander A . Murphy , 789 ; John Arthur , 911 ; and AV . Dunne , 979 . The social and loyal toastssongsand sentimentswere arranged by
, , , Brother Arthur , the Master elect , who acted as Secretary pro tern ., and given by the Worshipful Brother James M'Laughlin , in the right spirit from the chair , and received and drank with great enthusiasm . There were some excellent songs sung after each toast . It having been stated by a Brother present , that he had seen in a newspaper an account of the initiation of Prince Albert into the secrets of Masonry , his health was proposed and drank .
"Prince Albert as a Freemason . " ( Nine times nine , with all the honours of Freemasonry ) . * "The Right Worshipful , the Grand Master for Ireland . " ( Nine times nine , with all the honours of Masonry ) . "The ladies , especially those who love Freemasonry—for we love them . " ( Three times three , with hand and heart ) . " The Craft in general . " ( Three times three , with the honours ) .