Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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To Correspondents.
SKVKUAI . P . MS . OF TIIK PROVINCE OI- " NORFOLK . —We hope that ere long a P . O . M . for this province will be appointed ; meanwhile , wc strenuously advise the Lodges to rally their stall ' , ami proceed to the enlistment of pioper recruits—let the standard of qualification be " moral respectability . ' * Bito . J . LUOTSKY , Phil . 1 ") ., will perceive that his request has been complied with . THE LATE LA MAN BLANCHARD was not a Mason . Some six years since he authorised Dr . Crucefix to propose him , but withdrew for a time , until the clouds of Masonic persecution should have passed away . In 1842 he was again desirous , hut still hesitated from an
unfavourable opinion of the powers that were , although himself an enthusiastic liberal . Lam an Blanchard was one of Nature ' s gentlemen ; to sweetness of temper and affability of manner , he united the grace and polish of a well-bred man . Witty was he . but how playful was his wit ; yet , alas ! who can guard against the phrenzy which is caused by th . it sorrow of the heart which for a time leaves the citadel of the mind unprotected ? The protection afforded to the orphan children by surviving friends is the best tribute to Laman Blanchard ' s memory . AMYCLCEUS . —We have received many similar letters , and hold it as a leading characteristic of our privilege and utility to direct the uninitiated in their proper course of entrance . Send
us your name , address , age , profession or business , if following any . No personal friends need he summoned from their homes . " Preston's Illustratrations of Freemasonry , " edited by Dr . Oliver , is a standard work . BRO . AUBREY . —Many thanks . BRO . DR . SBNIOR . —The interesting account of the ball will gratify our readers , especially the ladies . LYRICUS . —The poetry and sentiment are unexceptionable , but we do not advise the publication , it would be a failure ; even the memory of the Duke of Sussex will not secure it
success . At all events let it be postponed until the completion of the statue . BRO . LANK . —Welcome after so long an absence . PHILO-MASONICTJS . —This signature being already assumed by an esteemed corresponds t , we have taken the liberty to suggest another . BRO . WOODHOUSE will please to accept our thanks .
Bno . FAUDBL . —The anecdote for which credit for originality is now taken by " Le Globe , Paris , " will be found at page 16 * 7 , F . Q . R . for 1835 . Same of our contemporaries do not scruple to extract from our pages , but are too modest to acknowledge their own industry ; they are welcome to all we possess , and what is more , they have our permission to state as much . We are much indebted to Bro . Faudel . Two PAST MASTERS . —In providing for your families , examine well into the names of those who are responsible for the conditions ofthe policy . A mere money lending assurance affair , however it assumes to pay dividends & cis no security ; look to the deed of Settlement , INSIST
, , ON ITS PRODUCTION . Beware lest you become enrolled among those who must * ' abandon all hope that enter here . " BRO . PETERS . —We hope to resume the Annals of tho Grand Lodge in our next . BRO . E . G . WILLOUGHBY . —We have only grateful thanks to offer . PILGRIM . —The well-known characters are as usual most cheering . Sit Lux . —The Grand Lodge did not subscribe to the " Oliver Testimonial . " REV . BRO . T . E . POOLE , New Providence . —Our poet ' s comer for the present quarter being
pro-occupied , The Invocation is deferred , but with many thanks for the contribution . FREEMASONRY IN C HINA . —If possible , in ouv next . BRO . SHARP , Jun . —HOW d'ye do , after so long a nap . A BROTHER —We decline correspondence , wanting name and address . A CROYDON BROTHEH . —We regret that the liberal offer of Bro . Battersbee , to relinquish a lucrative office in favour of Bro . Gardner , could not be complied with . The report reached us too late for insertion in its proper place . BROPOLKA—Dancing conduces to healthso it may bo reckoned a . nong the Masonic
. . ; amusements— " There is a time to mourn and a time to dance . " It must have been a curious sight to see the- Board dancing , of whom it could not be said " We have piped to you and ye have not danced . " Tlie invitation card should be kept in lavender . H . T . ( Cork)—Bro . Spencer has the original copper-plate engraving of the Honourable Mrs . Aldworth , vide advertisement . ( The Editor understands that this portrait lias been so scarce that from three to five guineas have been given for a copy . )
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To Correspondents.
SKVKUAI . P . MS . OF TIIK PROVINCE OI- " NORFOLK . —We hope that ere long a P . O . M . for this province will be appointed ; meanwhile , wc strenuously advise the Lodges to rally their stall ' , ami proceed to the enlistment of pioper recruits—let the standard of qualification be " moral respectability . ' * Bito . J . LUOTSKY , Phil . 1 ") ., will perceive that his request has been complied with . THE LATE LA MAN BLANCHARD was not a Mason . Some six years since he authorised Dr . Crucefix to propose him , but withdrew for a time , until the clouds of Masonic persecution should have passed away . In 1842 he was again desirous , hut still hesitated from an
unfavourable opinion of the powers that were , although himself an enthusiastic liberal . Lam an Blanchard was one of Nature ' s gentlemen ; to sweetness of temper and affability of manner , he united the grace and polish of a well-bred man . Witty was he . but how playful was his wit ; yet , alas ! who can guard against the phrenzy which is caused by th . it sorrow of the heart which for a time leaves the citadel of the mind unprotected ? The protection afforded to the orphan children by surviving friends is the best tribute to Laman Blanchard ' s memory . AMYCLCEUS . —We have received many similar letters , and hold it as a leading characteristic of our privilege and utility to direct the uninitiated in their proper course of entrance . Send
us your name , address , age , profession or business , if following any . No personal friends need he summoned from their homes . " Preston's Illustratrations of Freemasonry , " edited by Dr . Oliver , is a standard work . BRO . AUBREY . —Many thanks . BRO . DR . SBNIOR . —The interesting account of the ball will gratify our readers , especially the ladies . LYRICUS . —The poetry and sentiment are unexceptionable , but we do not advise the publication , it would be a failure ; even the memory of the Duke of Sussex will not secure it
success . At all events let it be postponed until the completion of the statue . BRO . LANK . —Welcome after so long an absence . PHILO-MASONICTJS . —This signature being already assumed by an esteemed corresponds t , we have taken the liberty to suggest another . BRO . WOODHOUSE will please to accept our thanks .
Bno . FAUDBL . —The anecdote for which credit for originality is now taken by " Le Globe , Paris , " will be found at page 16 * 7 , F . Q . R . for 1835 . Same of our contemporaries do not scruple to extract from our pages , but are too modest to acknowledge their own industry ; they are welcome to all we possess , and what is more , they have our permission to state as much . We are much indebted to Bro . Faudel . Two PAST MASTERS . —In providing for your families , examine well into the names of those who are responsible for the conditions ofthe policy . A mere money lending assurance affair , however it assumes to pay dividends & cis no security ; look to the deed of Settlement , INSIST
, , ON ITS PRODUCTION . Beware lest you become enrolled among those who must * ' abandon all hope that enter here . " BRO . PETERS . —We hope to resume the Annals of tho Grand Lodge in our next . BRO . E . G . WILLOUGHBY . —We have only grateful thanks to offer . PILGRIM . —The well-known characters are as usual most cheering . Sit Lux . —The Grand Lodge did not subscribe to the " Oliver Testimonial . " REV . BRO . T . E . POOLE , New Providence . —Our poet ' s comer for the present quarter being
pro-occupied , The Invocation is deferred , but with many thanks for the contribution . FREEMASONRY IN C HINA . —If possible , in ouv next . BRO . SHARP , Jun . —HOW d'ye do , after so long a nap . A BROTHER —We decline correspondence , wanting name and address . A CROYDON BROTHEH . —We regret that the liberal offer of Bro . Battersbee , to relinquish a lucrative office in favour of Bro . Gardner , could not be complied with . The report reached us too late for insertion in its proper place . BROPOLKA—Dancing conduces to healthso it may bo reckoned a . nong the Masonic
. . ; amusements— " There is a time to mourn and a time to dance . " It must have been a curious sight to see the- Board dancing , of whom it could not be said " We have piped to you and ye have not danced . " Tlie invitation card should be kept in lavender . H . T . ( Cork)—Bro . Spencer has the original copper-plate engraving of the Honourable Mrs . Aldworth , vide advertisement . ( The Editor understands that this portrait lias been so scarce that from three to five guineas have been given for a copy . )