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Freemasonry. Portrait Of Bro. Peter Thom...
FREEMASONRY . PORTRAIT OF BRO . PETER THOMSON . Lion and Lamb Lodge , 227 . London , Alay 14 th , 1811 . Sir and Brother , —AVe are publishing a Lithographic Portrait of our AVorthy and much respected Past Master , Bro . PETER THOMSON , Senior Grand Deacon , Past Grand Standard Bearerand P . Z . of Chapter 218 , from a Painting by Bro . R . Frainand
, , Lithographed by Mr . C . Couzins . Every Subscriber of Ten Shillings shall receive one Print , and an additional Copy for every Ten Shillings subscribed . The PROFITS arising from the Publication will be equally divided among tbe Masonic CHARITIES ( of which our Bro . Thomson has always been the constant and zealous supporter ) viz . —The Girls' and Boys' Schools , and the Royal Masonic Annuity Fund . We are , Sir and Brother , your obedient Servants and Brothers , Harry Daws , AV . M ., Uresse-street , Rathbone-place .
Thomas Sotheran , 10 , Little Tower-street . Nathaniel Button , 77 , Holborn-hill . William Bolus , 2 , Cumming-street , Pentonville . George Mailable , Wigmore-street , Cavendish-square . Alexander Lewis , City Chambers , Bishopsgate-street . Charles James Gapp , 12 , High-street , Islington . George Mager , Maiden-lane , Battle-bridge .
Augustus James Alport , 4 , Cross-street , Islington . Henry Muggeridge , 61 , St . John-street . VV . C . Markham , Chester-street , Grosvenor-pace . William Rule , 45 , Chiswell-street . All of whom will receive Subscriptions . AVILLIAM RULE , ( Grand Pursuivant ) Honorary Secretary . g ^ y - The Portrait is published by Sotheran and Son , 10 , Little Tower-street , and M . and N . Hanhart , 64 , Charlotte-street , Rathbone-place .
Preemasonrv. W. Evans, Masonic Jeaveller...
PREEMASONRV . W . EVANS , MASONIC JEAVELLER AND CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , HO . 6 , GREAT IJEWSOSK STREET , LONG ACRE , Four Doors from St . Martinis Lane , London , removed from No . 28 , New Street , Covent Garden .
BROTHER AVILLIAM EVANS returns his sincere thanks to his Friends , and the Masonic Craft in general , for their patronage and support , and begs respectfully to solicit a continuance of their favours , which it will be his constant study to merit . Brother EVANS being really the manufacturer of every description of work appertaining to Masonic Paraphernalia , is enabled to supply the members of the Craft , and Lodges , on most advantageous terms . Every article may be depended upon as strictly in conformity with the constitutions .
An extensive collection of Jewels , Collars , Aprons , Sashes , Clothing , AVorking Tools , Banners , and Furniture , & c . & c . suitable for the several degrees of Craft , Royal Arch , and Templar Masonry , always ready for sale . Masonic furniture of every description manufactured to order , on the shortest possible notice . Letters requiring information respecting any business in the Masonic line , will be punctually answered .
A cash remittance , or an order for payment ( in London ) , is requested to accompany all orders from the country ; and his friends may rest assured of the utmost possible expedition , as well as care in the perfect execution of the same . The Brethren may rely on being supplied with articles of the best quality , and on the most reasonable terms , consistent with a fair profit . Brother EVANS will feel obliged by Post Office Orders hew made payable at Charing Cross .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry. Portrait Of Bro. Peter Thom...
FREEMASONRY . PORTRAIT OF BRO . PETER THOMSON . Lion and Lamb Lodge , 227 . London , Alay 14 th , 1811 . Sir and Brother , —AVe are publishing a Lithographic Portrait of our AVorthy and much respected Past Master , Bro . PETER THOMSON , Senior Grand Deacon , Past Grand Standard Bearerand P . Z . of Chapter 218 , from a Painting by Bro . R . Frainand
, , Lithographed by Mr . C . Couzins . Every Subscriber of Ten Shillings shall receive one Print , and an additional Copy for every Ten Shillings subscribed . The PROFITS arising from the Publication will be equally divided among tbe Masonic CHARITIES ( of which our Bro . Thomson has always been the constant and zealous supporter ) viz . —The Girls' and Boys' Schools , and the Royal Masonic Annuity Fund . We are , Sir and Brother , your obedient Servants and Brothers , Harry Daws , AV . M ., Uresse-street , Rathbone-place .
Thomas Sotheran , 10 , Little Tower-street . Nathaniel Button , 77 , Holborn-hill . William Bolus , 2 , Cumming-street , Pentonville . George Mailable , Wigmore-street , Cavendish-square . Alexander Lewis , City Chambers , Bishopsgate-street . Charles James Gapp , 12 , High-street , Islington . George Mager , Maiden-lane , Battle-bridge .
Augustus James Alport , 4 , Cross-street , Islington . Henry Muggeridge , 61 , St . John-street . VV . C . Markham , Chester-street , Grosvenor-pace . William Rule , 45 , Chiswell-street . All of whom will receive Subscriptions . AVILLIAM RULE , ( Grand Pursuivant ) Honorary Secretary . g ^ y - The Portrait is published by Sotheran and Son , 10 , Little Tower-street , and M . and N . Hanhart , 64 , Charlotte-street , Rathbone-place .
Preemasonrv. W. Evans, Masonic Jeaveller...
PREEMASONRV . W . EVANS , MASONIC JEAVELLER AND CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , HO . 6 , GREAT IJEWSOSK STREET , LONG ACRE , Four Doors from St . Martinis Lane , London , removed from No . 28 , New Street , Covent Garden .
BROTHER AVILLIAM EVANS returns his sincere thanks to his Friends , and the Masonic Craft in general , for their patronage and support , and begs respectfully to solicit a continuance of their favours , which it will be his constant study to merit . Brother EVANS being really the manufacturer of every description of work appertaining to Masonic Paraphernalia , is enabled to supply the members of the Craft , and Lodges , on most advantageous terms . Every article may be depended upon as strictly in conformity with the constitutions .
An extensive collection of Jewels , Collars , Aprons , Sashes , Clothing , AVorking Tools , Banners , and Furniture , & c . & c . suitable for the several degrees of Craft , Royal Arch , and Templar Masonry , always ready for sale . Masonic furniture of every description manufactured to order , on the shortest possible notice . Letters requiring information respecting any business in the Masonic line , will be punctually answered .
A cash remittance , or an order for payment ( in London ) , is requested to accompany all orders from the country ; and his friends may rest assured of the utmost possible expedition , as well as care in the perfect execution of the same . The Brethren may rely on being supplied with articles of the best quality , and on the most reasonable terms , consistent with a fair profit . Brother EVANS will feel obliged by Post Office Orders hew made payable at Charing Cross .