Article -WELLINGTON-STREET, STRAND, LONDON. HALL... Page 1 of 1 Article AI.BSRT SILASTIC CRAVATS. <' There's per... Page 1 of 1 Article PERFECTED FILTER INKSTAND , AVITH MOVEAB... Page 1 of 1
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-Wellington-Street, Strand, London. Hall...
-WELLINGTON-STREET , STRAND , LONDON . HALL & Co ., SOLE PATENTEES of the PANNUS CORIUM , or Leather Cloth Boots and Shoes , for La . lies and Gentlemen . These articles have borne the test and received tbe approbation of ail who have worn them . Such as are troubled with
Corns , Bunions , Gout , Chilblains , or Tenderness of Feet from any other cause , will find them the softest and most comfortable ever invented—they never draw the feet or get hard , are very durable , adapted for every climate—they resemble the finest Leather , and are cleaned with common Blacking . The PATENT INDIA RUBBER GOLOSHES are light , durable , elastic , and waterproof ; they thoroughly protect the feet from damp or cold ; are excellent preservatives against Gout , Chilblains , & c . ; and when worn over a boot or shoe , no sensible
addition is felt to the weight . Ladies and Gentlemen may be fitted with either of the above by sending a boot or shoe . HALL & CVs Portable AVATERPROOF DRESSES for Ladies and Gentlemen . This desirable article claims the attention of all who are exposed to the wet . Ladies ' Cardinal Cloaks with Hoods , 18 s . Gentlemen ' s Dresses , comprising Cape , Overalls , and Hood , 21 s . Tlie whole can be carried with convenience in the pocket . $ 1 * 5 HALL & Co . particularly invite attention to their ELASTIC BOOTS , which are much approved ; the supersede lacing or buttoning , are drawn on in an instant , and are a great support to the ancle .
Ai.Bsrt Silastic Cravats. <' There's Per...
AI . BSRT SILASTIC CRAVATS . < ' There ' s perfect luxury in this elastic cravat . "—Conservative Journal . < ' For appearance , comfort , and durability , nothing approaching to it has yet been in use . "—London Journal of Commerce . " Durable , elegant , and most pleasant to wear . "—Naval and Military Gazette . * .. f Numerous Testimonials shown at the Manufactory .
It would be as well for the public if it were acquainted how much is lost by that portion as yet ignorant of the claims this patent has on universal patronage . Manufactory for patent and every description of Truss and Anatomical Support . Improved Belts , Braces , Elastic Stockings , Knee Caps , & c . & c . F . HUGHES and Company , 247 , High Holborn . Established 1785 . P . S . Please mind the Address .
Perfected Filter Inkstand , Avith Moveab...
PERFECTED FILTER INKSTAND , AVITH MOVEABLE DISC . TAMES PERRY & CO . have the pleasure to announce that they have succeeded in " PERFECTING their Patent Filter Inkstand , by introducing a MOVEABLE DISC It is durable and faultless , and will be found superior to any other inkstand in the trade . The price is also considerably reduced . N . B . —The Moveable Disc can be applied to any of the former Filter Inkstands , at a moderate charge . PATENT PERRYIAN GRAVITATING INKSTAND .
This novel invention is exceedingly well adapted for general use . The Patentees strongly recommend it to the notice of Bankers , Merchants , Solicitors , Government Offices , Public Companies , Schools , & c , as a great improvement over the ordinary inkstands . It is formed by a cylinder with a gravitating action , by which means the dipping cup is supplied with clear ink at any moment , and with equal ease may be returned into tlie cylinder , where it is protected from dust or other injury . PATENT FLEXIBLE POINTS .
The new Patent Flexible Points are manufactured upon an entirely new principle , distinguished from all other pens by an originality and simplicity of construction calculated to produce clear and elegant writing . Sold in Packets containing Two Dozen each , with Broad , Medium , Fine , or Extra Fine Points , Gd . per Packet . Gilt , Oct . per Packet . *} j * Patent Elastic Holders for the above pens , 3 d . each . Gilt 9 d . each . § 3 " Sold by all Stationers and Dealers in Metallic Pens , AVholcsale and for Exportation , at the Manufactory , No . 37 , Red Lion Square , London .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
-Wellington-Street, Strand, London. Hall...
-WELLINGTON-STREET , STRAND , LONDON . HALL & Co ., SOLE PATENTEES of the PANNUS CORIUM , or Leather Cloth Boots and Shoes , for La . lies and Gentlemen . These articles have borne the test and received tbe approbation of ail who have worn them . Such as are troubled with
Corns , Bunions , Gout , Chilblains , or Tenderness of Feet from any other cause , will find them the softest and most comfortable ever invented—they never draw the feet or get hard , are very durable , adapted for every climate—they resemble the finest Leather , and are cleaned with common Blacking . The PATENT INDIA RUBBER GOLOSHES are light , durable , elastic , and waterproof ; they thoroughly protect the feet from damp or cold ; are excellent preservatives against Gout , Chilblains , & c . ; and when worn over a boot or shoe , no sensible
addition is felt to the weight . Ladies and Gentlemen may be fitted with either of the above by sending a boot or shoe . HALL & CVs Portable AVATERPROOF DRESSES for Ladies and Gentlemen . This desirable article claims the attention of all who are exposed to the wet . Ladies ' Cardinal Cloaks with Hoods , 18 s . Gentlemen ' s Dresses , comprising Cape , Overalls , and Hood , 21 s . Tlie whole can be carried with convenience in the pocket . $ 1 * 5 HALL & Co . particularly invite attention to their ELASTIC BOOTS , which are much approved ; the supersede lacing or buttoning , are drawn on in an instant , and are a great support to the ancle .
Ai.Bsrt Silastic Cravats. <' There's Per...
AI . BSRT SILASTIC CRAVATS . < ' There ' s perfect luxury in this elastic cravat . "—Conservative Journal . < ' For appearance , comfort , and durability , nothing approaching to it has yet been in use . "—London Journal of Commerce . " Durable , elegant , and most pleasant to wear . "—Naval and Military Gazette . * .. f Numerous Testimonials shown at the Manufactory .
It would be as well for the public if it were acquainted how much is lost by that portion as yet ignorant of the claims this patent has on universal patronage . Manufactory for patent and every description of Truss and Anatomical Support . Improved Belts , Braces , Elastic Stockings , Knee Caps , & c . & c . F . HUGHES and Company , 247 , High Holborn . Established 1785 . P . S . Please mind the Address .
Perfected Filter Inkstand , Avith Moveab...
PERFECTED FILTER INKSTAND , AVITH MOVEABLE DISC . TAMES PERRY & CO . have the pleasure to announce that they have succeeded in " PERFECTING their Patent Filter Inkstand , by introducing a MOVEABLE DISC It is durable and faultless , and will be found superior to any other inkstand in the trade . The price is also considerably reduced . N . B . —The Moveable Disc can be applied to any of the former Filter Inkstands , at a moderate charge . PATENT PERRYIAN GRAVITATING INKSTAND .
This novel invention is exceedingly well adapted for general use . The Patentees strongly recommend it to the notice of Bankers , Merchants , Solicitors , Government Offices , Public Companies , Schools , & c , as a great improvement over the ordinary inkstands . It is formed by a cylinder with a gravitating action , by which means the dipping cup is supplied with clear ink at any moment , and with equal ease may be returned into tlie cylinder , where it is protected from dust or other injury . PATENT FLEXIBLE POINTS .
The new Patent Flexible Points are manufactured upon an entirely new principle , distinguished from all other pens by an originality and simplicity of construction calculated to produce clear and elegant writing . Sold in Packets containing Two Dozen each , with Broad , Medium , Fine , or Extra Fine Points , Gd . per Packet . Gilt , Oct . per Packet . *} j * Patent Elastic Holders for the above pens , 3 d . each . Gilt 9 d . each . § 3 " Sold by all Stationers and Dealers in Metallic Pens , AVholcsale and for Exportation , at the Manufactory , No . 37 , Red Lion Square , London .