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Masonic Anecdotes.
would nlM Span - , ; Ilve r s of >' 0 l , rself a » d crew-hut for this you Zl '" Vr ' n ' , Jt WSS subsequentl y discovered that two boTh i or 1 , P lad b , " , dest ? y ed by Are ^ those seas , the crews of h i JZ tt ™ ? , ' l 0 Ubt ™ der sirailar circumstances . Bro . Glen on which ,, WP " S -T 1 lost , , ! » n seeking admission into our Order , which under Providence , hacl been the means of preserving his life . , , ' , : "ive we have a remarkable instance of a man who , though e ' JaW 0 thhuman and di
faithfolT'l Ai ^ . ™« - had yetremainfd lh k wliio ! ? M , T "' Ration-Masonry , in fact , forming the only ™ lr ^ V ° ~ ty ; but cases like these , fnd there rariSZ - ° f a Slmikr charac'er > ^ corded in the annals of hnnorta cl nf T ™) 7 com ™ nt to show the great value ancl vast otZr bin fi i kn ° wled S Masonic secrets ' independently of the other beneficial results , social as well as moral , which the practice of Freemasonry is calculated to produce . P Dvcr-mL'cr 10 , 1844 .
To The Supreme Grand Chapter Of England.
MOST EXCELLENT GRAND PRINCIPALS , AND COMPANIONS GENERALLY -I had intended to have addressed you at some future day on the £ pt P ract ce f the Order , but the recent debate on The fou h of February has so deeply impressed me , that I feel irresistibl y impelled to offer some observations thereon , still reserving matters of gLeral discipline and practice to another opportunity geneiai of the detote " that a Pril " referenoe should be made to * e origin
On the 3 rd of November , 1841 , Ccmp . J . C . McMullen who had previously . given a ^ notice of motion for dues , stated ' I hat tt was not his intention at this meeting to proceed with the notice he gave at the last Quarterl y Convocation , relative to s 7 b crib-Chaptei ' Paym 9 m mmUal contribution t 0 fa funds of the Grand For four consecutive years this Companion , whatever intention he may have entertained of renewing his motion
, very carefully concealed i during this long period of time . AVh y or wherefore dols no very clearly appear : if the original object was at the time clearly apparent why was it kept so long in abeyance-if otherwise , why force it o ^ at present-for forced on it has been vi et armis , as will be shewn VVas not a registry needed in 1841 , as much as it is now ? as arpreTenr ? lent ^ " R ° Ar < = h aS much re ' l uired then
If these objects were required in 1841 , why did Comp . McMullen then turn his back ^ on them ? v l - - * " " Let us next peruse the notice of motion , as given in bv the same Companion . AVe ; extract from the printed circular . 7 "Freemasons'Hall , 80 th Oct . l 8 U .-The following Notice of Motion has been received for the next Quarterl y Convocation , viz ¦ — rf / n' ¦ f 0 , ] . tlielmr P ° f of establishing a Fund , to be applied in aid of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Annuity Fund , and for obtainina and keeping a correct Register of Royal Arch Masons
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Anecdotes.
would nlM Span - , ; Ilve r s of >' 0 l , rself a » d crew-hut for this you Zl '" Vr ' n ' , Jt WSS subsequentl y discovered that two boTh i or 1 , P lad b , " , dest ? y ed by Are ^ those seas , the crews of h i JZ tt ™ ? , ' l 0 Ubt ™ der sirailar circumstances . Bro . Glen on which ,, WP " S -T 1 lost , , ! » n seeking admission into our Order , which under Providence , hacl been the means of preserving his life . , , ' , : "ive we have a remarkable instance of a man who , though e ' JaW 0 thhuman and di
faithfolT'l Ai ^ . ™« - had yetremainfd lh k wliio ! ? M , T "' Ration-Masonry , in fact , forming the only ™ lr ^ V ° ~ ty ; but cases like these , fnd there rariSZ - ° f a Slmikr charac'er > ^ corded in the annals of hnnorta cl nf T ™) 7 com ™ nt to show the great value ancl vast otZr bin fi i kn ° wled S Masonic secrets ' independently of the other beneficial results , social as well as moral , which the practice of Freemasonry is calculated to produce . P Dvcr-mL'cr 10 , 1844 .
To The Supreme Grand Chapter Of England.
MOST EXCELLENT GRAND PRINCIPALS , AND COMPANIONS GENERALLY -I had intended to have addressed you at some future day on the £ pt P ract ce f the Order , but the recent debate on The fou h of February has so deeply impressed me , that I feel irresistibl y impelled to offer some observations thereon , still reserving matters of gLeral discipline and practice to another opportunity geneiai of the detote " that a Pril " referenoe should be made to * e origin
On the 3 rd of November , 1841 , Ccmp . J . C . McMullen who had previously . given a ^ notice of motion for dues , stated ' I hat tt was not his intention at this meeting to proceed with the notice he gave at the last Quarterl y Convocation , relative to s 7 b crib-Chaptei ' Paym 9 m mmUal contribution t 0 fa funds of the Grand For four consecutive years this Companion , whatever intention he may have entertained of renewing his motion
, very carefully concealed i during this long period of time . AVh y or wherefore dols no very clearly appear : if the original object was at the time clearly apparent why was it kept so long in abeyance-if otherwise , why force it o ^ at present-for forced on it has been vi et armis , as will be shewn VVas not a registry needed in 1841 , as much as it is now ? as arpreTenr ? lent ^ " R ° Ar < = h aS much re ' l uired then
If these objects were required in 1841 , why did Comp . McMullen then turn his back ^ on them ? v l - - * " " Let us next peruse the notice of motion , as given in bv the same Companion . AVe ; extract from the printed circular . 7 "Freemasons'Hall , 80 th Oct . l 8 U .-The following Notice of Motion has been received for the next Quarterl y Convocation , viz ¦ — rf / n' ¦ f 0 , ] . tlielmr P ° f of establishing a Fund , to be applied in aid of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Annuity Fund , and for obtainina and keeping a correct Register of Royal Arch Masons