Article UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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United Grand Lodge Of England.
Many other Present and Past Grand Officers , several Grand Stewards of the year ; the Master , Past Master , and Wardens of the G . S . L ., and the same of many other Lodges . The Grand Officers were but few in number , but below the Dais the attendance of the Brethren ivas unusually numerous . THE GRAND MASTER announced that he had received a communication from the Deputy Grand Masterthe Earl Howeand also from
, , the Junior Grand Warden , Bro . W . H . Smith ; the former regretting that his absence was caused by severe indisposition , ancl the latter by very imperative business . The minutes of the last Grand Lodge were then read , and confirmed *
Bro . Gibbins moved , and Bro . Pryer seconded , a resolution that the Right Hon . and Most Worshipful Brother the Earl of Zetland be reelected Grand Master for the ensuing year ; which resolution was unanimously carried with every demonstration of affection ancl respect , and the Earl being proclaimed , the assembled Brethren arose ancl saluted him accordingly . The Grand Master addressed the Grand Lodge on his re-appointment .
The R . W . Bro . Richard Perceval was unanimously elected Treasurer . The Grand Lodge then proceeded to discuss the remaining clauses of the report of the Board of General Purposes , presented in June 1814 . ; viz ., on the alteration in the law relating to petitioners who do not attend the Board of Benevolence , suggesting that where a sum exceeding 51 . shall be voted , only such amount shall be advanced until the
ensuing Board of Benevolence , in order to give time for the confirmation of the truth of the petitions . To limit the donation to Scotch , Irish , ancl foreign Brethren , to the necessity of their quitting England . To extend the period of qualification for relief from two to three years . All ivhich clauses on being put wereafter a very protracted debate
, , severally negatived . The report of the Board of General Purposes was then read ( vide p . 70 ) and ordered to be entered on the minutes . Bro . CRUCEFIX was then called oh by the Grand Master to proceed with his notice of motion , which hacl been on the paper since August 30 , 1843 , when it was first given iu at the Committee of Masters . The notice of motion was as follows : —
"That the rule or regulation in the Book of Constitutions , page 111 , respecting the quarterly contributions of Members , shall be altered so as to increase the amount by sixpence per quarter , or two shillings per annum , and stand thus , — " Every Member of each Lodge within the London district shall pay towards the fund for Masonic Benevolence one shilling and sixpence per quarter , or six shillings per annum ; and every Member of each Country and Military Loclge one . shilling per quarter , or four shillings per annum .
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United Grand Lodge Of England.
Many other Present and Past Grand Officers , several Grand Stewards of the year ; the Master , Past Master , and Wardens of the G . S . L ., and the same of many other Lodges . The Grand Officers were but few in number , but below the Dais the attendance of the Brethren ivas unusually numerous . THE GRAND MASTER announced that he had received a communication from the Deputy Grand Masterthe Earl Howeand also from
, , the Junior Grand Warden , Bro . W . H . Smith ; the former regretting that his absence was caused by severe indisposition , ancl the latter by very imperative business . The minutes of the last Grand Lodge were then read , and confirmed *
Bro . Gibbins moved , and Bro . Pryer seconded , a resolution that the Right Hon . and Most Worshipful Brother the Earl of Zetland be reelected Grand Master for the ensuing year ; which resolution was unanimously carried with every demonstration of affection ancl respect , and the Earl being proclaimed , the assembled Brethren arose ancl saluted him accordingly . The Grand Master addressed the Grand Lodge on his re-appointment .
The R . W . Bro . Richard Perceval was unanimously elected Treasurer . The Grand Lodge then proceeded to discuss the remaining clauses of the report of the Board of General Purposes , presented in June 1814 . ; viz ., on the alteration in the law relating to petitioners who do not attend the Board of Benevolence , suggesting that where a sum exceeding 51 . shall be voted , only such amount shall be advanced until the
ensuing Board of Benevolence , in order to give time for the confirmation of the truth of the petitions . To limit the donation to Scotch , Irish , ancl foreign Brethren , to the necessity of their quitting England . To extend the period of qualification for relief from two to three years . All ivhich clauses on being put wereafter a very protracted debate
, , severally negatived . The report of the Board of General Purposes was then read ( vide p . 70 ) and ordered to be entered on the minutes . Bro . CRUCEFIX was then called oh by the Grand Master to proceed with his notice of motion , which hacl been on the paper since August 30 , 1843 , when it was first given iu at the Committee of Masters . The notice of motion was as follows : —
"That the rule or regulation in the Book of Constitutions , page 111 , respecting the quarterly contributions of Members , shall be altered so as to increase the amount by sixpence per quarter , or two shillings per annum , and stand thus , — " Every Member of each Lodge within the London district shall pay towards the fund for Masonic Benevolence one shilling and sixpence per quarter , or six shillings per annum ; and every Member of each Country and Military Loclge one . shilling per quarter , or four shillings per annum .