Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 12 of 21 →
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Coverley , was not forgotten . The ball-room was decorated with transparencies symbolical of Freemasonry , which , together with the diversified orders of the Brethren , from the Entered Apprentice to the Knight Templar , excited considerable curiosity in the minds of the uninitiated ; and if the Brethren succeeded in effectually preserving the secrets of the order entrusted to them , after the searching inquiries to which they were doubtless subjected , the binding nature of their obligations to secrecy must indeed be great . The assembly passed off with much eclat , ancl the company did not separate until after four o ' clock .
LINCOLNSHIRE . —A very strong feeling of dissatisfaction has again been excited in the province of Lincoln , by another lapse of the provincial meeting . Last year a proposal was suggested in the Grand Lodge in London , that if the P . G . M . did not hold his annual meeting he should thereby actually vacate his office , and it was not confirmed solely because it was proposed to make other regulations of the office . There are several noblemen ancl gentlemen of distinction in the province , members of the Craft , who would attend to the duties ; and if Bro . Tennyson d'Eyncourt cannot mate it convenient , he should resign . —Abridged from a Nottingham Paper .
WAKEFIELD . — Grand Masonic Ball . — The 22 nd clay of January the AA ;" orshipful Blaster , Officers , and Brethren of ' ¦ the Wakefield Loclge , " No . 727 , gave a grand ball and musical entertainment at their house , the Blasonic Hall , Thornhill-street , to a select and distinguished portion of the " Sisterhood , " in commemoration of the first anniversary of the opening of their Loclge , as well as of the unexampled success which has crowned their labours and exertions . From the singular fact that hitherto
the portals of the Masonic Loclge had been in this neighbourhood closel y tyled against the " popular world , " ancl that the brotherhood had never indulged even the " fairer part of the creation" with the privilege of an entree within the precincts of the " sanctum sanctorum , " much less of partaking of their mystic festivities , the felicitous hour was anticipated with feelings of anxious ancl thrilling delight . The Craft has raised itself considerablin the estimation of the hiher ordersand the Lodge
y g , has received a great accession of numbers , talent , ancl respectability . Neither time , labour , nor expense was spared to render the occasion worthy of the " lovely visitants ; " the whole affair was managed and went off with brilliancy , eclat , and unanimity ; for , to its credit be it said , that , though scarcely twelve months old , it has confessedly taken the very hi ghest station in the province of AA est Yorkshire ; thus giving palpable proof , that if Blasons be but true to themselves and their
obligations , if they would but celebrate their sublime and holy mysteries in consecrated and hallowed temples of their own with " freedom , zeal , and fervency , " they ivould command the admiration and respect of all that is lovely , and secure the patronage and co-operation of all that is exalted and noble . The elegant and tastefully decorated Lodge-room was appropriated to the refreshments ' :, and wines , in rich profusion . The ballroombeautifulladorned with evergreensbannersaud paintingsgave
, y , , , to the tout ensemble a grand and imposing appearance , filled as it was with a display of beauty and fashion , ancl , by special dispensation of the Provincial " Grand Blaster , the Brethren appeared in strict and full Blasonic costume , a novelty which our good olcl town never before witnessed in a ball-room . The sisterhood , many of whom had previously testified their approbation of the Craft by " presents rich and rare , " comprised
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Coverley , was not forgotten . The ball-room was decorated with transparencies symbolical of Freemasonry , which , together with the diversified orders of the Brethren , from the Entered Apprentice to the Knight Templar , excited considerable curiosity in the minds of the uninitiated ; and if the Brethren succeeded in effectually preserving the secrets of the order entrusted to them , after the searching inquiries to which they were doubtless subjected , the binding nature of their obligations to secrecy must indeed be great . The assembly passed off with much eclat , ancl the company did not separate until after four o ' clock .
LINCOLNSHIRE . —A very strong feeling of dissatisfaction has again been excited in the province of Lincoln , by another lapse of the provincial meeting . Last year a proposal was suggested in the Grand Lodge in London , that if the P . G . M . did not hold his annual meeting he should thereby actually vacate his office , and it was not confirmed solely because it was proposed to make other regulations of the office . There are several noblemen ancl gentlemen of distinction in the province , members of the Craft , who would attend to the duties ; and if Bro . Tennyson d'Eyncourt cannot mate it convenient , he should resign . —Abridged from a Nottingham Paper .
WAKEFIELD . — Grand Masonic Ball . — The 22 nd clay of January the AA ;" orshipful Blaster , Officers , and Brethren of ' ¦ the Wakefield Loclge , " No . 727 , gave a grand ball and musical entertainment at their house , the Blasonic Hall , Thornhill-street , to a select and distinguished portion of the " Sisterhood , " in commemoration of the first anniversary of the opening of their Loclge , as well as of the unexampled success which has crowned their labours and exertions . From the singular fact that hitherto
the portals of the Masonic Loclge had been in this neighbourhood closel y tyled against the " popular world , " ancl that the brotherhood had never indulged even the " fairer part of the creation" with the privilege of an entree within the precincts of the " sanctum sanctorum , " much less of partaking of their mystic festivities , the felicitous hour was anticipated with feelings of anxious ancl thrilling delight . The Craft has raised itself considerablin the estimation of the hiher ordersand the Lodge
y g , has received a great accession of numbers , talent , ancl respectability . Neither time , labour , nor expense was spared to render the occasion worthy of the " lovely visitants ; " the whole affair was managed and went off with brilliancy , eclat , and unanimity ; for , to its credit be it said , that , though scarcely twelve months old , it has confessedly taken the very hi ghest station in the province of AA est Yorkshire ; thus giving palpable proof , that if Blasons be but true to themselves and their
obligations , if they would but celebrate their sublime and holy mysteries in consecrated and hallowed temples of their own with " freedom , zeal , and fervency , " they ivould command the admiration and respect of all that is lovely , and secure the patronage and co-operation of all that is exalted and noble . The elegant and tastefully decorated Lodge-room was appropriated to the refreshments ' :, and wines , in rich profusion . The ballroombeautifulladorned with evergreensbannersaud paintingsgave
, y , , , to the tout ensemble a grand and imposing appearance , filled as it was with a display of beauty and fashion , ancl , by special dispensation of the Provincial " Grand Blaster , the Brethren appeared in strict and full Blasonic costume , a novelty which our good olcl town never before witnessed in a ball-room . The sisterhood , many of whom had previously testified their approbation of the Craft by " presents rich and rare , " comprised