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Masonic Charities.
of Antiquity , No . 2 , Vice-president ; and Bro . Head , W . M . of No . 5 , Treasurer ; Bro . Crew being requested to act as Secretary . A arious arrangements having been made , a sub-committee Avas appointed , to consider the musical part of the festival , which it is intended , if possible , to render more than usually attractive and recherche . The SteAvards then adjourned until the 5 th of April .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
ON AVednesday , the Sth of March , the Anniversary Festival of this excellent Institution , established for the purpose of clothing , educating , and apprenticing , the sons of indigent and deceased Ereemasons , was celebrated by a very elegant dinner at the Ereemasons' Tavern . The chair Avas occupied by the Most Noble the Marquis of Huntley , Prov . G . M . for Northam ptonshire and Huntingdonshire , supported by the Bight Hon . the Earl of Zetland ,
M . AV . G . M . ; the Bight lion , the Earl of Yarborough , D . G . M . ; Bro . B . B . Cabbell , MP ., Prov . G . M . for Norfolk , Treasurer ofthe Charity , and P . J . G . W ; Bro . Bev . C . J . Biclley , Prov . G . M . for Oxfordshire ; Bro . Beadon , P . S . G . AV . ; Bro . Bev . j . E . Cox , Grand Chap . ; Bro . White , Grand Sec . ; and nearl y ISO other Brethren , including many Present and Past Grand Officers . Upon the removal of the cloththe noble chairman proposed the
, health of the Queen , AA'hich was most enthusiastically drunk by the company . The next toast was " H . B . II . Prince Albert , and the rest of the lloyal Eamily ; " which Avas also drunk Avith all the honours . The CHAIKJIA 2 T then said , —In proposing tho toast I am about to commend to your notice , it is due to you to state , that I am aware it is rather unusual to be drunk on these occasions in this room ; but I think you will agree with me , that
at the present moment , in every assembly of Englishmen , we are peculiarly called upon to drink success to our Brethren , relations , and friends , about to proceed to the East ( cheers ) ; whether they are about to serve on laud , or join that gallant and unrivalled fleet , which is in a few days to sail from our shores for the purpose of curbing the ambition of the Czar , and bringing him to his senses by the aid of English bullets ( cheers ) . I have only just arrived in town , and therefore I have had very little time to give attention to the proceedings at the meeting at tbe Reform Club yesterday , when a dinner was given to Sir Charles Napier ;
but everything appears to have gone off well and satisfactorily ( cheers ) . I hope you will charge your glasses , Brethren , and drink with me to the success of the united armies and fleets of England and Prance ( cheers ) . The toast having been drunk , The CHAIKMAN said , —I am sure every member of the Craft will join me with great pleasure in drinking the toast I am about to propose , viz ., the health of the M . W . Grand Master ( loud cheers ) . I am proud to say that I have had the honour of enjoying the Earl of Zetland's friendship for many years , and have met with the
always greatest kindness and consideration at his hands ( cheers ) . I feel that it would be superfluous and ridiculous on my part to make a long speech , in recommending the toast to your notice ; as , whilst I could not do VOL . II . H
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Charities.
of Antiquity , No . 2 , Vice-president ; and Bro . Head , W . M . of No . 5 , Treasurer ; Bro . Crew being requested to act as Secretary . A arious arrangements having been made , a sub-committee Avas appointed , to consider the musical part of the festival , which it is intended , if possible , to render more than usually attractive and recherche . The SteAvards then adjourned until the 5 th of April .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
ON AVednesday , the Sth of March , the Anniversary Festival of this excellent Institution , established for the purpose of clothing , educating , and apprenticing , the sons of indigent and deceased Ereemasons , was celebrated by a very elegant dinner at the Ereemasons' Tavern . The chair Avas occupied by the Most Noble the Marquis of Huntley , Prov . G . M . for Northam ptonshire and Huntingdonshire , supported by the Bight Hon . the Earl of Zetland ,
M . AV . G . M . ; the Bight lion , the Earl of Yarborough , D . G . M . ; Bro . B . B . Cabbell , MP ., Prov . G . M . for Norfolk , Treasurer ofthe Charity , and P . J . G . W ; Bro . Bev . C . J . Biclley , Prov . G . M . for Oxfordshire ; Bro . Beadon , P . S . G . AV . ; Bro . Bev . j . E . Cox , Grand Chap . ; Bro . White , Grand Sec . ; and nearl y ISO other Brethren , including many Present and Past Grand Officers . Upon the removal of the cloththe noble chairman proposed the
, health of the Queen , AA'hich was most enthusiastically drunk by the company . The next toast was " H . B . II . Prince Albert , and the rest of the lloyal Eamily ; " which Avas also drunk Avith all the honours . The CHAIKJIA 2 T then said , —In proposing tho toast I am about to commend to your notice , it is due to you to state , that I am aware it is rather unusual to be drunk on these occasions in this room ; but I think you will agree with me , that
at the present moment , in every assembly of Englishmen , we are peculiarly called upon to drink success to our Brethren , relations , and friends , about to proceed to the East ( cheers ) ; whether they are about to serve on laud , or join that gallant and unrivalled fleet , which is in a few days to sail from our shores for the purpose of curbing the ambition of the Czar , and bringing him to his senses by the aid of English bullets ( cheers ) . I have only just arrived in town , and therefore I have had very little time to give attention to the proceedings at the meeting at tbe Reform Club yesterday , when a dinner was given to Sir Charles Napier ;
but everything appears to have gone off well and satisfactorily ( cheers ) . I hope you will charge your glasses , Brethren , and drink with me to the success of the united armies and fleets of England and Prance ( cheers ) . The toast having been drunk , The CHAIKMAN said , —I am sure every member of the Craft will join me with great pleasure in drinking the toast I am about to propose , viz ., the health of the M . W . Grand Master ( loud cheers ) . I am proud to say that I have had the honour of enjoying the Earl of Zetland's friendship for many years , and have met with the
always greatest kindness and consideration at his hands ( cheers ) . I feel that it would be superfluous and ridiculous on my part to make a long speech , in recommending the toast to your notice ; as , whilst I could not do VOL . II . H