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Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
conduced most materiall y to the Avelfare of this nation ( cheers ) . I call upon you , Brethren , to do that honour also to those Avho , though youthful in years , are likel y , from the excellent manner in which they are brought up , to become ornaments of society , and objects of national affection . Allow me , then , to give you , " The health of His Boyal Hihness Prince AlbertHis Eoyal Hihness Albert
g , g Prince of Wales , and the rest ofthe Boyal Eamily . " The EAEI or YAKBOKOTJGII , D . G . M ., said , I take this opportunit y , Brethren , of expressing my appreciation of the privilege of belonging to this Societ y , and of proposing to you the health of one , who has at all times shown us a most excellent example in proving that he has the interests of the Craffc at heart . He truly practises what he and is sincerel
preaches , y admired by all those Avho can appreciate his character and services . He has always shown his desire and anxiety for the success of their Charities ; he has been willing , at all times , to take his part , and has always been desirous that others should take theirs . As President of this Institution , particularly , in behalf of Avhich Ave are assembled here to-day , I say that he has " such tenance and
coun support , on the present occasion , as cannot fail to be most trul y gratifying to him . I may further say—and I do so , I am sure , Avithout fear of contradiction—that at no time has the Craft been in a more flourishing condition than it is at the present moment under his presidency . I have therefore , Brethren , to propose to you "The health of the M . W . the GM " and I wish him I know
. ; , as you all do , health , long life , ancl prosperity ( applause ) . The M . W . the GRAND MASTEB said , I beg to return you my thanks for the polite manner , in Avhich the toast has been received , Avhich has been proposed to you by my Avorthy Brother , the D . G . M . It has been my anxious desire to merit your approbation in the fulfilment of the duties of that officeto which have raised I do not arrogate
, you me . to myself any claim to your praise for the manner in Avhich I have conducted myself in your service , for my official labours have been rendered easy by the kind manner in Avhich I have been supported ; and whatever I have clone in that office has been AA'ith a sincere desire
to promote tne general welfare of the Craft . I am happy to tell you , that in every instance I have been ably seconded and warml y supported ! I am glad to see that Ave are favoured to day Avith the company ofthe D . G . M ., ancl a few of the P . G . M . ' s . In conclusion , I have to call your attention to another toast , " The health of the Earl of Yarborough , D . G . M ., ancl the other ' Grand Officers" ( applause ) . The Dep . GRAND MASTER . —Allow me , Brethren , on behalf of myself and the other Grand Officersto thank for the
, you manner , in which you have received the toast which has been proposed to you by the M . AV . the G . M . I assure you that I am correct IC saying , that we are at all times anxious to do our duty ; and in the position m which we are placed , we wish to encourage you by our example , and to assist , by every means in our power , your efforts to benefit one another ; and we can only wish , on this interesting occasion , that those who are now supporting their Brethren may , in their turn , if unfortunately it is found necessary , be cheerfully supported themselves . Our excellent Society soothes the sorrows of the widow ; when her husband is gone , she finds his place in some measure supplied , aud her declining years comforted , by means of this Institution : and how com-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
conduced most materiall y to the Avelfare of this nation ( cheers ) . I call upon you , Brethren , to do that honour also to those Avho , though youthful in years , are likel y , from the excellent manner in which they are brought up , to become ornaments of society , and objects of national affection . Allow me , then , to give you , " The health of His Boyal Hihness Prince AlbertHis Eoyal Hihness Albert
g , g Prince of Wales , and the rest ofthe Boyal Eamily . " The EAEI or YAKBOKOTJGII , D . G . M ., said , I take this opportunit y , Brethren , of expressing my appreciation of the privilege of belonging to this Societ y , and of proposing to you the health of one , who has at all times shown us a most excellent example in proving that he has the interests of the Craffc at heart . He truly practises what he and is sincerel
preaches , y admired by all those Avho can appreciate his character and services . He has always shown his desire and anxiety for the success of their Charities ; he has been willing , at all times , to take his part , and has always been desirous that others should take theirs . As President of this Institution , particularly , in behalf of Avhich Ave are assembled here to-day , I say that he has " such tenance and
coun support , on the present occasion , as cannot fail to be most trul y gratifying to him . I may further say—and I do so , I am sure , Avithout fear of contradiction—that at no time has the Craft been in a more flourishing condition than it is at the present moment under his presidency . I have therefore , Brethren , to propose to you "The health of the M . W . the GM " and I wish him I know
. ; , as you all do , health , long life , ancl prosperity ( applause ) . The M . W . the GRAND MASTEB said , I beg to return you my thanks for the polite manner , in Avhich the toast has been received , Avhich has been proposed to you by my Avorthy Brother , the D . G . M . It has been my anxious desire to merit your approbation in the fulfilment of the duties of that officeto which have raised I do not arrogate
, you me . to myself any claim to your praise for the manner in Avhich I have conducted myself in your service , for my official labours have been rendered easy by the kind manner in Avhich I have been supported ; and whatever I have clone in that office has been AA'ith a sincere desire
to promote tne general welfare of the Craft . I am happy to tell you , that in every instance I have been ably seconded and warml y supported ! I am glad to see that Ave are favoured to day Avith the company ofthe D . G . M ., ancl a few of the P . G . M . ' s . In conclusion , I have to call your attention to another toast , " The health of the Earl of Yarborough , D . G . M ., ancl the other ' Grand Officers" ( applause ) . The Dep . GRAND MASTER . —Allow me , Brethren , on behalf of myself and the other Grand Officersto thank for the
, you manner , in which you have received the toast which has been proposed to you by the M . AV . the G . M . I assure you that I am correct IC saying , that we are at all times anxious to do our duty ; and in the position m which we are placed , we wish to encourage you by our example , and to assist , by every means in our power , your efforts to benefit one another ; and we can only wish , on this interesting occasion , that those who are now supporting their Brethren may , in their turn , if unfortunately it is found necessary , be cheerfully supported themselves . Our excellent Society soothes the sorrows of the widow ; when her husband is gone , she finds his place in some measure supplied , aud her declining years comforted , by means of this Institution : and how com-