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Cnoss or CHEIST ENCAMPMENT , March 17 th , 1854 . — Present , Sir Knights B . Costa , E . C . B . Mosley , 1 st Capt , M . Costa as 2 nd Capt , Eev . J . E . Cox , Prelate , GoldsAVorthy , P . C , 0 . Baumer , P . C , E . Spencer , P . C , Eooks , Pharaoh , and Boby . Sir Kt . Mosley was installed E . C . for the ensuing year by Sir Kt . B . Costa , assisted by P . 0 . Goldswortby . The ceremony was most ably j > erforined by Bro . B . CostaAvho is always perfect in the performance of his
, Masonic duties . At this meeting it Avas moved and seconded , and unanimously carried , thafc the Encampment should subscribe annually to each of the Masonic charities , — an example well worthy to be followed by other Encampments .
MAEK MASONS . —A meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , Eeb . 21 st , under the presidency of Comp . Evans , Avhen six Brethren were adA'anced into the Order ; and on Thursday , Feb . 23 rd , another meeting Avas held , Avhen nine Brethren Avere advanced . On each occasion % he Brethren supped together . This Lodge held another meeting on AVednesday , March 1 , AA'hen five Brethren were introduced b y Comp . AV . Evans . This Order also held a Lodge at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Saturday , the 11 th March , Avhen three Companions were introduced and initiated into the Order b y . Comp . AVm . Evans .
FEEEMASONS' LAND SOCIETY . — On Monday evening , Feb . 20 fch , a meeting of influential members of the Craft took place at Dick ' s Hotel , Eleet-street , Bro . Jas . Bobins , P . M , in the chair , to form a Society under this title . Among the Brethren present were Bros . Buckmaster , AV . S . Masterman , J . M . Thearle , AVithers , Quelch , Windus , Ashivell , C . T . Masterman , Campbell , Sleigh , & c . After a very animated discussion , the propriety of immediately
setting before the Masonic AA-orld the objects of the Society was determined upon . The policy of keeping the Society exchmvely among Ereemasons was unanimously approved of , and it was agreed that public notice should be given at as early a period as possible of a meeting to be held afc fche Freemasons' Tavern on the subject . The Trustees of this society are—Bro . C . Purfcon Cooper , Q . C . and P . G . M . of Kent ; Bro . Bellinger , W . M , and Bro . Strahan , of the banking firm of that name . This undertaking has our "hearty good wishes , " and its objects will be found fully set out in our advertising pages .
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Cnoss or CHEIST ENCAMPMENT , March 17 th , 1854 . — Present , Sir Knights B . Costa , E . C . B . Mosley , 1 st Capt , M . Costa as 2 nd Capt , Eev . J . E . Cox , Prelate , GoldsAVorthy , P . C , 0 . Baumer , P . C , E . Spencer , P . C , Eooks , Pharaoh , and Boby . Sir Kt . Mosley was installed E . C . for the ensuing year by Sir Kt . B . Costa , assisted by P . 0 . Goldswortby . The ceremony was most ably j > erforined by Bro . B . CostaAvho is always perfect in the performance of his
, Masonic duties . At this meeting it Avas moved and seconded , and unanimously carried , thafc the Encampment should subscribe annually to each of the Masonic charities , — an example well worthy to be followed by other Encampments .
MAEK MASONS . —A meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , Eeb . 21 st , under the presidency of Comp . Evans , Avhen six Brethren were adA'anced into the Order ; and on Thursday , Feb . 23 rd , another meeting Avas held , Avhen nine Brethren Avere advanced . On each occasion % he Brethren supped together . This Lodge held another meeting on AVednesday , March 1 , AA'hen five Brethren were introduced b y Comp . AV . Evans . This Order also held a Lodge at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Saturday , the 11 th March , Avhen three Companions were introduced and initiated into the Order b y . Comp . AVm . Evans .
FEEEMASONS' LAND SOCIETY . — On Monday evening , Feb . 20 fch , a meeting of influential members of the Craft took place at Dick ' s Hotel , Eleet-street , Bro . Jas . Bobins , P . M , in the chair , to form a Society under this title . Among the Brethren present were Bros . Buckmaster , AV . S . Masterman , J . M . Thearle , AVithers , Quelch , Windus , Ashivell , C . T . Masterman , Campbell , Sleigh , & c . After a very animated discussion , the propriety of immediately
setting before the Masonic AA-orld the objects of the Society was determined upon . The policy of keeping the Society exchmvely among Ereemasons was unanimously approved of , and it was agreed that public notice should be given at as early a period as possible of a meeting to be held afc fche Freemasons' Tavern on the subject . The Trustees of this society are—Bro . C . Purfcon Cooper , Q . C . and P . G . M . of Kent ; Bro . Bellinger , W . M , and Bro . Strahan , of the banking firm of that name . This undertaking has our "hearty good wishes , " and its objects will be found fully set out in our advertising pages .