Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 6 of 36 →
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KENT . Bro . Purton Cooper , Q . C . the Prov . G . M . being desirous of ascertaining the state of Freemasonry in his Province , has requested the Secretary of every Lodge to fill up the subjoined return in a tabular form prepared for that purpose . The return embraces the years 1850 , 1851 , 1852 , and 1853 , viz , the number of Brethren yearly initiated , passed , raised , ancl joined ; the number and date of each return to
the Grand Lodge , Provincial Lodge , and Clerk of the Peace ; the fee paid on initiation ; tbe fee paid on joining ; the amount of yearly Lodge subscriptions , exclusive of all fees ; the charities to which the Lodge subscribes , and the amount ; the balance of funds to the debit or credit of the Lodge ; the number of meetings ; whether the Lodgo meets all the year . The E . AV . Prov . G . M . at the same time invites the W . M . of each Lodge to offer his suggestions for the advancement of Freemasonry in his Province , and especially for an increased support to the several Masonic charities .
CHATHAM . —Kent Lodge of Anti quity ( No . 20 ) . —On Tuesday , December 27 th , the ceremonies of the installation of Bro . Saul Isaacs as AV . M . was performed in a most emphatic and impressive manner by Bro . Charles Isaacs , P . P . J . G . W . P . G . S . and P . M , in the presence of several distinguished Masonic -visitors . The banquet was honoured by the presence of Bro . 0 . P . Cooper , Q . C . Provincial Grand Master for Kent , and Bro . Thos . Bisgood , D . P . G . M . ; Bro .
King , P . S . G . D . ; Bro . Isaacs , G . Sec ; and seA'eral distinguished Brethren from various parts of the Province . The usual toasts were ably and eloquently proposed , and were receiA'ed with true Masonic enthusiasm , more esjiecially the health of Bro . J . Ashley , Esq ., P . D . P . G . M , the remembrances of Avhose services and zeal in the cause of Masonry in this Province will flourish as long as Masonry exists in it . After a happy and cheerful eveningenlivened
, at intervals by the vocal exertions of the favourite Bro . Genge , the Brethren retired , anticipating the high pleasure of meeting again on the anniversary , AVe are happy to say that Masonry is increasing here ; the number of military officers initiated here is calculated to spread Masonic knowledge wider and wider ,- and as a Lodge , No . 20 stands high in
the Province for its working ; and all its excellency must in Masonic fairness be attributed to the indefatigable energy and perseverance of Bro . W . Saunders , P . S . G . W . P . G . T . and P . M , and Bro . C . Isaacs , who so ably presided at the installation of the W . M . MAIDSTONE . —The Belvidere LodgeNo . 741 met on January 10 th
, , to receive the visit of the Prov . G . M . Bro . C . P . Cooper ; an unusuall y large number of Brethren attended . The P . G . M . addressed them at considerable length , both in Lod ge and at the banquet Avhich folloAved it , on the Masonic duties .
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KENT . Bro . Purton Cooper , Q . C . the Prov . G . M . being desirous of ascertaining the state of Freemasonry in his Province , has requested the Secretary of every Lodge to fill up the subjoined return in a tabular form prepared for that purpose . The return embraces the years 1850 , 1851 , 1852 , and 1853 , viz , the number of Brethren yearly initiated , passed , raised , ancl joined ; the number and date of each return to
the Grand Lodge , Provincial Lodge , and Clerk of the Peace ; the fee paid on initiation ; tbe fee paid on joining ; the amount of yearly Lodge subscriptions , exclusive of all fees ; the charities to which the Lodge subscribes , and the amount ; the balance of funds to the debit or credit of the Lodge ; the number of meetings ; whether the Lodgo meets all the year . The E . AV . Prov . G . M . at the same time invites the W . M . of each Lodge to offer his suggestions for the advancement of Freemasonry in his Province , and especially for an increased support to the several Masonic charities .
CHATHAM . —Kent Lodge of Anti quity ( No . 20 ) . —On Tuesday , December 27 th , the ceremonies of the installation of Bro . Saul Isaacs as AV . M . was performed in a most emphatic and impressive manner by Bro . Charles Isaacs , P . P . J . G . W . P . G . S . and P . M , in the presence of several distinguished Masonic -visitors . The banquet was honoured by the presence of Bro . 0 . P . Cooper , Q . C . Provincial Grand Master for Kent , and Bro . Thos . Bisgood , D . P . G . M . ; Bro .
King , P . S . G . D . ; Bro . Isaacs , G . Sec ; and seA'eral distinguished Brethren from various parts of the Province . The usual toasts were ably and eloquently proposed , and were receiA'ed with true Masonic enthusiasm , more esjiecially the health of Bro . J . Ashley , Esq ., P . D . P . G . M , the remembrances of Avhose services and zeal in the cause of Masonry in this Province will flourish as long as Masonry exists in it . After a happy and cheerful eveningenlivened
, at intervals by the vocal exertions of the favourite Bro . Genge , the Brethren retired , anticipating the high pleasure of meeting again on the anniversary , AVe are happy to say that Masonry is increasing here ; the number of military officers initiated here is calculated to spread Masonic knowledge wider and wider ,- and as a Lodge , No . 20 stands high in
the Province for its working ; and all its excellency must in Masonic fairness be attributed to the indefatigable energy and perseverance of Bro . W . Saunders , P . S . G . W . P . G . T . and P . M , and Bro . C . Isaacs , who so ably presided at the installation of the W . M . MAIDSTONE . —The Belvidere LodgeNo . 741 met on January 10 th
, , to receive the visit of the Prov . G . M . Bro . C . P . Cooper ; an unusuall y large number of Brethren attended . The P . G . M . addressed them at considerable length , both in Lod ge and at the banquet Avhich folloAved it , on the Masonic duties .