Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 20 of 36 →
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and that of the Alfred Lodge , a readiness to reciprocate a fraternal feeling , and to co-operate in every good work ( much cheering ) . The AV . M . proposed "The health of Bro . de Bernardi , Dep . Prov . G . M , " who he said they had had the pleasure of seeing at their last festival . He had much gratification in welcoming him at this Board , and could assure him that he would always find a cordial reception in this Province ( cheers ) . Bro . DE BERNARDI said he could only echo the sentiments which had fallen so ably and eloquently from the lips of Bro . Col . Vernon and the W . M . of the
Alfred , and should therefore content himself by simply thanking them very sincerely for the kind manner in which they had received him on this and former occasions . On his last visit he had told them that , so long as they invited him , he would be their guest , and he always looked forward to this anniversary as a great anniversary , and one which was delightful to take part in . He came to them with peculiar pleasure , well knowing that he should be received with true fraternal feeling , and in a truthful and correct spirit ; and it was this which led him to indulge the hope that he might have the opportunity of renewing this
pleasure at a future time ( much cheering ) . The AV . M . then read a portion of a letter received from the late Dep . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Burstall , who was abroad , and who had expressed , in very earnest terms , his regard for his Masonic Brethren , and his desire for their prosperity , and concluded by proposing "Health and success to Bro . Burstall ; " which was responded to in a manner that told how indelibly the amiable qualities of that Brother were imprinted on the memories of the Brethren , and how affectionately his name was cherished .
The AV . M . then proposed "The health of Brt ) . Rev . C . Pettat and the Officers and Brethren of the Churchill Lodge " ( cheers ) . Bro . PETTAT responded to the toast , and expressed the gratification which it afforded him and his Brethren to hear the Prov . G . M . speak in the Prov . Lodge in such favourable terms of the Churchill Lodge . He assured them that it was a great pride and satisfaction to him , having been admitted into Masonry twenty years ago , to preside over a Lodge in this Province , and to have been appointed on this occasion one of the Chaplains of the Prov . Grand Lodge .
The W . M . proposed "Bro . Rev . Vernon Blake , and the Officers and Brethren of the Cherwell Lodge , " and adverted to its increasing prosperity , and to the progress which it had made under its W . M . ' s Bros . Paul and Capt . Bowyer ; and congratulated the Brethren on having selected for this year Bro . Vernon Blake , who had been initiated in that Lodge over which he was about to preside ( cheers ) . Bro . V . BLAKE returned thanks , and said that when he called to mind the very able manner in which the Masters who had preceded him had presided over the Cherwell Lodge , he could not but feel that in accepting that office he had a
difficult part to play . He could not hel p feeling pleasure in being elected to that post , and seeing around him so many Brethren and joining members ; he would assure them that their strenuous exertions would be employed to maintain , not only the credit of the Cherwell Lodge , but of the mother-Lodge , to which they were all so attached , and to which it owed its origin . As the Cherwell Festival would take place on Tuesday next , he hoped that many would be induced to come to witness their working , to share their hospitality , to encourage them now they were left to themselves , and to cheer them on in their future course ( cheers ) .
There would be a special train provided for their accommodation , and he hoped that that would be an additional inducement for many of the Brethren to be present at their festival ( much cheering ) . The W . M . then proposed "The healths of the Initiated Brethren , " after which Bro . Bossom sang the Entered Apprentices' Song , the chorus of which was taken up with excellent effect by the Brethren . Bro . Capt . DASHWOOD responded to tbe toast , and remarked that , having visited the four quarters of the globe , he found , wherever he went , such a regard for
Masonry , that he had resolved to enlist himself under its banners ; and , hearing of the celebrity of the Apollo Lodge , he had come expressly to be initiated in it' ( cheers ) . The Prov . GRAND MASTER said , it would be painful to him to quit the room
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and that of the Alfred Lodge , a readiness to reciprocate a fraternal feeling , and to co-operate in every good work ( much cheering ) . The AV . M . proposed "The health of Bro . de Bernardi , Dep . Prov . G . M , " who he said they had had the pleasure of seeing at their last festival . He had much gratification in welcoming him at this Board , and could assure him that he would always find a cordial reception in this Province ( cheers ) . Bro . DE BERNARDI said he could only echo the sentiments which had fallen so ably and eloquently from the lips of Bro . Col . Vernon and the W . M . of the
Alfred , and should therefore content himself by simply thanking them very sincerely for the kind manner in which they had received him on this and former occasions . On his last visit he had told them that , so long as they invited him , he would be their guest , and he always looked forward to this anniversary as a great anniversary , and one which was delightful to take part in . He came to them with peculiar pleasure , well knowing that he should be received with true fraternal feeling , and in a truthful and correct spirit ; and it was this which led him to indulge the hope that he might have the opportunity of renewing this
pleasure at a future time ( much cheering ) . The AV . M . then read a portion of a letter received from the late Dep . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Burstall , who was abroad , and who had expressed , in very earnest terms , his regard for his Masonic Brethren , and his desire for their prosperity , and concluded by proposing "Health and success to Bro . Burstall ; " which was responded to in a manner that told how indelibly the amiable qualities of that Brother were imprinted on the memories of the Brethren , and how affectionately his name was cherished .
The AV . M . then proposed "The health of Brt ) . Rev . C . Pettat and the Officers and Brethren of the Churchill Lodge " ( cheers ) . Bro . PETTAT responded to the toast , and expressed the gratification which it afforded him and his Brethren to hear the Prov . G . M . speak in the Prov . Lodge in such favourable terms of the Churchill Lodge . He assured them that it was a great pride and satisfaction to him , having been admitted into Masonry twenty years ago , to preside over a Lodge in this Province , and to have been appointed on this occasion one of the Chaplains of the Prov . Grand Lodge .
The W . M . proposed "Bro . Rev . Vernon Blake , and the Officers and Brethren of the Cherwell Lodge , " and adverted to its increasing prosperity , and to the progress which it had made under its W . M . ' s Bros . Paul and Capt . Bowyer ; and congratulated the Brethren on having selected for this year Bro . Vernon Blake , who had been initiated in that Lodge over which he was about to preside ( cheers ) . Bro . V . BLAKE returned thanks , and said that when he called to mind the very able manner in which the Masters who had preceded him had presided over the Cherwell Lodge , he could not but feel that in accepting that office he had a
difficult part to play . He could not hel p feeling pleasure in being elected to that post , and seeing around him so many Brethren and joining members ; he would assure them that their strenuous exertions would be employed to maintain , not only the credit of the Cherwell Lodge , but of the mother-Lodge , to which they were all so attached , and to which it owed its origin . As the Cherwell Festival would take place on Tuesday next , he hoped that many would be induced to come to witness their working , to share their hospitality , to encourage them now they were left to themselves , and to cheer them on in their future course ( cheers ) .
There would be a special train provided for their accommodation , and he hoped that that would be an additional inducement for many of the Brethren to be present at their festival ( much cheering ) . The W . M . then proposed "The healths of the Initiated Brethren , " after which Bro . Bossom sang the Entered Apprentices' Song , the chorus of which was taken up with excellent effect by the Brethren . Bro . Capt . DASHWOOD responded to tbe toast , and remarked that , having visited the four quarters of the globe , he found , wherever he went , such a regard for
Masonry , that he had resolved to enlist himself under its banners ; and , hearing of the celebrity of the Apollo Lodge , he had come expressly to be initiated in it' ( cheers ) . The Prov . GRAND MASTER said , it would be painful to him to quit the room