Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 21 of 36 →
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without expressing bis approbation of the admirable way in which everything had been conducted on the present occasion . It had been a most agreeable meeting , and distinguished for excellent order ; and a more beautiful room for such a purpose , or better accommodation in every way , he had never witnessed . He appreciated the great exertions of the Stewards , and the excellent conduct of the Brethren , and felt that , as their representative , it was but due that he should bear his testimony to it , and express his approbation of the whole proceedings . The Prov . G . M . then leftamid the cheers and plaudits of the Brethren .
, The toasts which followed were : "The Officers ofthe Apollo Lodge , " acknowledged by the Sen . Warden , Bro . Malcolm ; and " Success to the Masonic Charities . " The proceedings terminated at a seasonable hour with the National Anthem . On Thursday following , the anniversary festival of the Cceur de Lion encampment of Knights Templar was held , and another day was spent most delightfully by those of the visitors and Brethren who had attained to this eminent Degree . Sir Knight W . AV . B . Beachwho had been unanimously elected as Eminent
, Commander for the ensuing year , was inducted to the chair by the retiring Commander , Sir Knight the Rev . C . Pettat . The officers for the year were then installed as follows : —Sir Knight T . Best , First Captain ; H . H . Still , Second Captain ; Capt . Bowyer , Standard Bearer ; Rev . J . G . Wood , Prelate ; R . J . Spiers , Treasurer ; Martin Atkins , Expert ; W . W . Harrison , Registrar ; G . E . Biber , Aide de Camp ; Malcolm and MacLaren , Heralds ; and J . S . Sidebotham , Captain of the Lines . AAThen the business of the day had been concluded , the Knightsattired in the very imposing robes of the Degreesat down to a
, , recherche banquet , under the able presidency of their Eminent Commander . This meeting concluded the proceedings , and brought to a happy issue a series of ceremonies and festivities such as perhaps no other Provincial could have carried out . The result has been productive of the highest gratification and social enjoyment both to guests and entertainers , and whilst insuring the certainty of pleasant recollections to the individuals engaged in them , cannot fail of producing most beneficial results to the Order at large .
MASONIC PROCEEDINGS IN BANBTTET . —The unprecedented success which has attended the establishment of the Cherwell Masonic Lodge , at Banbury , has invested the proceedings of the annual festival with peculiar interest , and caused this celebration to be looked forward to Avith much pleasure , not only by the resident members of the Lodge , but by the Eraternity generally throughout the Province . On Tuesdaythe 21 st Eebruarythe anniversary AA'as heldand the
, , , AV . M . elect , Bro . Eev . Vernon Blake , was installed . The Brethren assembled in Lodge at twelve o ' clock , when the retiring AV . M . ( Bro . Capt . BoAvyer ) , Dep . Prov . G . M . of Oxfordshire , initiated Mr . J . G . Busher , and Mr . Winchester Henry Jones was elected .
The AV . M ., who was suifering from severe ill-health , then left the chair , which was afterwards filled by Bro . E . Thomas , P . M . of the Alfred Lodge , Oxford , who acted as installing master . The next business being the installation of the W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . Vernon Blake , Prov . G . C , who had been unanimously elected at the previous Lodge , Avas duly inducted to the chairand greeted bthe assembled brethren in the three Degrees
, y according to the ancient custom of the Craft . The UOAV Master then appointed and invested his officers for the year as follows : — Bro . Aplin , Prov . G . Steward , S . W . ; Bro . Churchill , of Deddington , J . W . ; Bro . Bolls , Treas . ; Bro . Looker , Sec . ; Bro . Bireh ^ S . D . ; VOL . II . L
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without expressing bis approbation of the admirable way in which everything had been conducted on the present occasion . It had been a most agreeable meeting , and distinguished for excellent order ; and a more beautiful room for such a purpose , or better accommodation in every way , he had never witnessed . He appreciated the great exertions of the Stewards , and the excellent conduct of the Brethren , and felt that , as their representative , it was but due that he should bear his testimony to it , and express his approbation of the whole proceedings . The Prov . G . M . then leftamid the cheers and plaudits of the Brethren .
, The toasts which followed were : "The Officers ofthe Apollo Lodge , " acknowledged by the Sen . Warden , Bro . Malcolm ; and " Success to the Masonic Charities . " The proceedings terminated at a seasonable hour with the National Anthem . On Thursday following , the anniversary festival of the Cceur de Lion encampment of Knights Templar was held , and another day was spent most delightfully by those of the visitors and Brethren who had attained to this eminent Degree . Sir Knight W . AV . B . Beachwho had been unanimously elected as Eminent
, Commander for the ensuing year , was inducted to the chair by the retiring Commander , Sir Knight the Rev . C . Pettat . The officers for the year were then installed as follows : —Sir Knight T . Best , First Captain ; H . H . Still , Second Captain ; Capt . Bowyer , Standard Bearer ; Rev . J . G . Wood , Prelate ; R . J . Spiers , Treasurer ; Martin Atkins , Expert ; W . W . Harrison , Registrar ; G . E . Biber , Aide de Camp ; Malcolm and MacLaren , Heralds ; and J . S . Sidebotham , Captain of the Lines . AAThen the business of the day had been concluded , the Knightsattired in the very imposing robes of the Degreesat down to a
, , recherche banquet , under the able presidency of their Eminent Commander . This meeting concluded the proceedings , and brought to a happy issue a series of ceremonies and festivities such as perhaps no other Provincial could have carried out . The result has been productive of the highest gratification and social enjoyment both to guests and entertainers , and whilst insuring the certainty of pleasant recollections to the individuals engaged in them , cannot fail of producing most beneficial results to the Order at large .
MASONIC PROCEEDINGS IN BANBTTET . —The unprecedented success which has attended the establishment of the Cherwell Masonic Lodge , at Banbury , has invested the proceedings of the annual festival with peculiar interest , and caused this celebration to be looked forward to Avith much pleasure , not only by the resident members of the Lodge , but by the Eraternity generally throughout the Province . On Tuesdaythe 21 st Eebruarythe anniversary AA'as heldand the
, , , AV . M . elect , Bro . Eev . Vernon Blake , was installed . The Brethren assembled in Lodge at twelve o ' clock , when the retiring AV . M . ( Bro . Capt . BoAvyer ) , Dep . Prov . G . M . of Oxfordshire , initiated Mr . J . G . Busher , and Mr . Winchester Henry Jones was elected .
The AV . M ., who was suifering from severe ill-health , then left the chair , which was afterwards filled by Bro . E . Thomas , P . M . of the Alfred Lodge , Oxford , who acted as installing master . The next business being the installation of the W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . Vernon Blake , Prov . G . C , who had been unanimously elected at the previous Lodge , Avas duly inducted to the chairand greeted bthe assembled brethren in the three Degrees
, y according to the ancient custom of the Craft . The UOAV Master then appointed and invested his officers for the year as follows : — Bro . Aplin , Prov . G . Steward , S . W . ; Bro . Churchill , of Deddington , J . W . ; Bro . Bolls , Treas . ; Bro . Looker , Sec . ; Bro . Bireh ^ S . D . ; VOL . II . L