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Biographical Sketches
OE THE LIVES OF PEESONS AVHO HAVE MADE THEMSELVES REMARK ABLE IN TUB ESTABLISHMENT OE CONDUCT OE SEOEET SOCIETIES . " Qujsqms de Kosea dubitas Crucis ordine fratrum Hoc lego : perlecto carmine oertus eris . "
HAYDEN ' MOTTO . I . ANMB * ( Johann Valentin ) , by many supposed to have been the first founder of the Rosa Crucian Order , was a German writer and teacher of the seventeenth
century , AVIIO , both for , the independence of his mental powers , as well as for his noble exertions to forward the highest interests of humanity , deserves to be placed side by side Avith the most distinguished men of his times . He was born the 17 th August , 1586 , at Herrenberg a small market-town of the kingdom of
now Wiirtemberg , in Avhich place Ins father ( a son of the more famous theologian Jacob Andre *) exercised clerical functions somewhat analogous to those of our archdeacons . After he had visited the best schools ot his native province , he travpilWl Hn ™^« , „ - ; + ™ ., i „„ ,-i
,, Italy , France , ancl the Austrian territories , and on his return in 1614 was appointed deacon at Vaihingen , Avhich town suffered from two dreadful fires , in 1617 , October 30 th , for ten hours and again , somewhat less dreadful , October 9 th , in 1618 , both of which Avere described by Andreae in two small treatises— " IneU 11 i ngensiS prioris et P osterioris BrevisRecitatio 12
r . " mo i ^ n ? i Was P romoted to the superintendence at Kalw 1639 , he became court chaplain , spiritual privy councillor ; and 16 o 4 , was made Protestant prelate of the abbey of Bebenhausen Augustus , Duke of Brunswick , appointed him a spiritual councillor for his duchy ; ancl a long correspondence was preserved m the university of Helmstadt , which Andreae had kept wnh this patronancl removed with
up , the library , on the formation of the kingdom of Westphalia , to G 6 tting 4 n , where it still may be studied . This active and influential course of life was put a stop to by the inexorable hand of death , the 27 th June 1654 , at the ripe age of 68 years . ' Andreae was a man of great learning and of a comprehensive mind and raised above the spirit of his age by a clear and undisturbed perception of the moral wants of our nature an
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Biographical Sketches
OE THE LIVES OF PEESONS AVHO HAVE MADE THEMSELVES REMARK ABLE IN TUB ESTABLISHMENT OE CONDUCT OE SEOEET SOCIETIES . " Qujsqms de Kosea dubitas Crucis ordine fratrum Hoc lego : perlecto carmine oertus eris . "
HAYDEN ' MOTTO . I . ANMB * ( Johann Valentin ) , by many supposed to have been the first founder of the Rosa Crucian Order , was a German writer and teacher of the seventeenth
century , AVIIO , both for , the independence of his mental powers , as well as for his noble exertions to forward the highest interests of humanity , deserves to be placed side by side Avith the most distinguished men of his times . He was born the 17 th August , 1586 , at Herrenberg a small market-town of the kingdom of
now Wiirtemberg , in Avhich place Ins father ( a son of the more famous theologian Jacob Andre *) exercised clerical functions somewhat analogous to those of our archdeacons . After he had visited the best schools ot his native province , he travpilWl Hn ™^« , „ - ; + ™ ., i „„ ,-i
,, Italy , France , ancl the Austrian territories , and on his return in 1614 was appointed deacon at Vaihingen , Avhich town suffered from two dreadful fires , in 1617 , October 30 th , for ten hours and again , somewhat less dreadful , October 9 th , in 1618 , both of which Avere described by Andreae in two small treatises— " IneU 11 i ngensiS prioris et P osterioris BrevisRecitatio 12
r . " mo i ^ n ? i Was P romoted to the superintendence at Kalw 1639 , he became court chaplain , spiritual privy councillor ; and 16 o 4 , was made Protestant prelate of the abbey of Bebenhausen Augustus , Duke of Brunswick , appointed him a spiritual councillor for his duchy ; ancl a long correspondence was preserved m the university of Helmstadt , which Andreae had kept wnh this patronancl removed with
up , the library , on the formation of the kingdom of Westphalia , to G 6 tting 4 n , where it still may be studied . This active and influential course of life was put a stop to by the inexorable hand of death , the 27 th June 1654 , at the ripe age of 68 years . ' Andreae was a man of great learning and of a comprehensive mind and raised above the spirit of his age by a clear and undisturbed perception of the moral wants of our nature an