Article BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES ← Page 5 of 13 →
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Biographical Sketches
day many charitable institutions , which owe their origin to his solicitations and zeal . After having * collected these particulars of the life of so great a man , and of so excellent a Christian , AVC now come to the question ivhich brings him more especially under the notice of
the readers of the Freemasons' Quarterly Magazine . *—Was he the founder or first promulgator of the Rosicrucian doctrines ? After the vagaries of the Illuminati had thrown a veil of obloquy and ill-fame on everything Avhich they had associated with them , the doctrines aucl principles of Rosicrucian philosophy got into such bad odour with every writer not acquainted with
them , that everything which might appear to have been in unison ivith Rosicrucianism was considered tainted , and the connection of any otherwise virtuous and worthy character Avith it Avas resolutely denied . Thus it fared Avith Andre * . Pahl , from Ai'hose notices the preceding particulars have beeu principally collected , seeks to free him from what he considers this evil report . He says : " His zeal for infusing a new life into
the religious feelings of his age , hacl induced him to entertain the idea of a society which should form itself for such a purpose , —an idea toAvhich he often recurs in his Avritings , ancl for whose realization he formed various projects . But as , at the same time , the Brethren of the Rosy Cross made a great stir in Germany , and much ivas written concerning them , ancl their
purpose Avas declared to be the moral improA'ement of the Church , and the fuz'thering of the general good of society , the opinion Avas bruited about that Andre * Avas the founder , or that , at least , he Avas the propagator of the first notice of their existence and belief . Still Andre * 's portion in this matter is much a matter . of doubt . The sensation created by the
knoAvledge of Rosicrucianism gradually died away , ancl it became a question if any society under this name hacl really ever any existence . " In the following purely historical relation of the controversy , Ave give the facts and reasonings which a someivhat long and diligent search amongst books and MSS . little knoAvn in
England has enabled us to collect , without wishing to bias the initiated or the reader to either side of the question . In Arnold ' s " History of the Church and of Schism " ( Ketzergesehichte , vol . ii . p . 245 ) , we meet principally with the following facts : — -
We have already noted that Andre * was filled with the laudable zeal of working a reformation in the manners and teaching of the ecclesiastics of his native country . When lie ivas of the ripe but ardent age of tweuty-cight vcars , a book ,
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Biographical Sketches
day many charitable institutions , which owe their origin to his solicitations and zeal . After having * collected these particulars of the life of so great a man , and of so excellent a Christian , AVC now come to the question ivhich brings him more especially under the notice of
the readers of the Freemasons' Quarterly Magazine . *—Was he the founder or first promulgator of the Rosicrucian doctrines ? After the vagaries of the Illuminati had thrown a veil of obloquy and ill-fame on everything Avhich they had associated with them , the doctrines aucl principles of Rosicrucian philosophy got into such bad odour with every writer not acquainted with
them , that everything which might appear to have been in unison ivith Rosicrucianism was considered tainted , and the connection of any otherwise virtuous and worthy character Avith it Avas resolutely denied . Thus it fared Avith Andre * . Pahl , from Ai'hose notices the preceding particulars have beeu principally collected , seeks to free him from what he considers this evil report . He says : " His zeal for infusing a new life into
the religious feelings of his age , hacl induced him to entertain the idea of a society which should form itself for such a purpose , —an idea toAvhich he often recurs in his Avritings , ancl for whose realization he formed various projects . But as , at the same time , the Brethren of the Rosy Cross made a great stir in Germany , and much ivas written concerning them , ancl their
purpose Avas declared to be the moral improA'ement of the Church , and the fuz'thering of the general good of society , the opinion Avas bruited about that Andre * Avas the founder , or that , at least , he Avas the propagator of the first notice of their existence and belief . Still Andre * 's portion in this matter is much a matter . of doubt . The sensation created by the
knoAvledge of Rosicrucianism gradually died away , ancl it became a question if any society under this name hacl really ever any existence . " In the following purely historical relation of the controversy , Ave give the facts and reasonings which a someivhat long and diligent search amongst books and MSS . little knoAvn in
England has enabled us to collect , without wishing to bias the initiated or the reader to either side of the question . In Arnold ' s " History of the Church and of Schism " ( Ketzergesehichte , vol . ii . p . 245 ) , we meet principally with the following facts : — -
We have already noted that Andre * was filled with the laudable zeal of working a reformation in the manners and teaching of the ecclesiastics of his native country . When lie ivas of the ripe but ardent age of tweuty-cight vcars , a book ,