Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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Let us inquire of those who say the " Valley of Bephidim ; " and here I would respectfully suggest to Bro . A ., that there does not seem to be anything dependent upon the Law having been given from Mount Sinai , or upon the Israelites having begun their forty years ' probation . I think it quite sufficient to have it granted , that Israel bad commenced their wonderful progression from the bondage in
Egypt toAvards that Land of Promise which they afterwards settled in , and in whieh Shiloh was to come . This was undoubtedly the case ; and , irrespective of the miracles wrought in Egypt to convince Pharaoh that Israel was indeed God ' s chosen people , the regurgitating billows of the Bed Sea ( which had divided to permit the safe passage of Israel ) had overwhelmed the pursuing host of the king of Egyptin a way to point out to all
peo-, ple , cognizant of the miracle , that the Lord of all things Avas indeed the God of Israel , and still the same who had " stretched forth his hand upon Egypt . " Israel was UOAV in Arabia Petrea , the Land of Amalek . The glory of the Lord had appeared in a cloud to the congregation of the children of Israel . The miraculous supply of quails and mannaand the
, sweetening of the waters of Marah , had taken place ; and the children of Israel had journeyed from the wilderness of Sin , " after their journeys according to the commandment ofthe Lord" and pitched in Bephidim . Here the smitten rock of Horeb had attested , in the sight of Israel , that the Lord was amongst them . And " then came Amalek , and fought with Israel in Bephidim . Ajid Moses said to
Joshua ( the son of Nun , Moses' minister ) , ' Choose us out men , and go out , fight with Amalek ; to-morrow I will stand on . the top ofthe hill , with the rod of God in my hand . ' So Joshua did as Moses had said to him , and fought Avith Amalek . And it came to pass , when Moses held up his hand , that Israel prevailed ; and when he let down his hand , Amalek prevailed . And his hands toere steady until the going down of the sun . And Joshua discomfited Amalek with the edge of the sword . " " Because the Lord hath sworn that the Lord will have ivar with Amalek from generation to generation . " *
Now let the E . C . keep his eye upon the scene on the top ofthe hill , where Moses , supported by Aaron and Hur , persevered in holding up his hand steady until the going doAvn of the sun , when Joshua discomfited Amalek Avith the edge of the sword in a war which the Lord had declared with an oath , and I think he cannot fail to see a connection Avith the second sign , which it is vain to seek in the battle on . Gibeon besideshe will see in the language of
, , very hol y writ almost the ipsissima verba of our ceremony on this point , a circumstance in itself almost sufficient to determine the point in dispute . In conclusion , I cordially join with Bro . A . in the desire to see unanimity of working in our Lodges , which can only be obtained b y unanimity of fact , in the first place , and ri gid adherence to Scripture
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Let us inquire of those who say the " Valley of Bephidim ; " and here I would respectfully suggest to Bro . A ., that there does not seem to be anything dependent upon the Law having been given from Mount Sinai , or upon the Israelites having begun their forty years ' probation . I think it quite sufficient to have it granted , that Israel bad commenced their wonderful progression from the bondage in
Egypt toAvards that Land of Promise which they afterwards settled in , and in whieh Shiloh was to come . This was undoubtedly the case ; and , irrespective of the miracles wrought in Egypt to convince Pharaoh that Israel was indeed God ' s chosen people , the regurgitating billows of the Bed Sea ( which had divided to permit the safe passage of Israel ) had overwhelmed the pursuing host of the king of Egyptin a way to point out to all
peo-, ple , cognizant of the miracle , that the Lord of all things Avas indeed the God of Israel , and still the same who had " stretched forth his hand upon Egypt . " Israel was UOAV in Arabia Petrea , the Land of Amalek . The glory of the Lord had appeared in a cloud to the congregation of the children of Israel . The miraculous supply of quails and mannaand the
, sweetening of the waters of Marah , had taken place ; and the children of Israel had journeyed from the wilderness of Sin , " after their journeys according to the commandment ofthe Lord" and pitched in Bephidim . Here the smitten rock of Horeb had attested , in the sight of Israel , that the Lord was amongst them . And " then came Amalek , and fought with Israel in Bephidim . Ajid Moses said to
Joshua ( the son of Nun , Moses' minister ) , ' Choose us out men , and go out , fight with Amalek ; to-morrow I will stand on . the top ofthe hill , with the rod of God in my hand . ' So Joshua did as Moses had said to him , and fought Avith Amalek . And it came to pass , when Moses held up his hand , that Israel prevailed ; and when he let down his hand , Amalek prevailed . And his hands toere steady until the going down of the sun . And Joshua discomfited Amalek with the edge of the sword . " " Because the Lord hath sworn that the Lord will have ivar with Amalek from generation to generation . " *
Now let the E . C . keep his eye upon the scene on the top ofthe hill , where Moses , supported by Aaron and Hur , persevered in holding up his hand steady until the going doAvn of the sun , when Joshua discomfited Amalek Avith the edge of the sword in a war which the Lord had declared with an oath , and I think he cannot fail to see a connection Avith the second sign , which it is vain to seek in the battle on . Gibeon besideshe will see in the language of
, , very hol y writ almost the ipsissima verba of our ceremony on this point , a circumstance in itself almost sufficient to determine the point in dispute . In conclusion , I cordially join with Bro . A . in the desire to see unanimity of working in our Lodges , which can only be obtained b y unanimity of fact , in the first place , and ri gid adherence to Scripture