Article FREEMASONRY. ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION, ... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRYASYLUM for the AGED and DECAY... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY. C~1 REID, Manufacturing Jew... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY. T P. ACKLAM, MASONIC JEWEL ... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY. T OHN CANHAM, SEX., DEALER ... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY. QARAII GODFREY, (WIDOW OF £... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY. "O ROTHER JOHN HARRIS, 13, ... Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry. Royal Masonic Institution, ...
FREEMASONRY . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION , for Educating , Clothing , and Apprenticing the Sons of Indigent and Deceased Freemasons . A Quarterly General Meeting of the Governors and Subscribers of this , Institution will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , on
Monday , the J 1 th clay of January , 1 S 36 , for the purpose of electing six children , and transacting the usual business . By order , AUGUSTUS U . THISELTON , Sec . 3 T , Goodge Street , Fitzroy Square . The Anniversary Festival will take place on Wednesday , the 9 th of March next .
Freemasonryasylum For The Aged And Decay...
FREEMASONRYASYLUM for the AGED and DECAYED FREEMASON . —The Support of the Masonic Fraternity is earnestly solicited in behalf of this Institution . Subscriptions will be thankfully received and acknowledged by the Editor , or by the Publishers of the Freemasons' Quarterly Review .
Freemasonry. C~1 Reid, Manufacturing Jew...
FREEMASONRY . C ~ 1 REID , Manufacturing Jeweller , 18 , ^ ~ » Cross Street , Hatton Garden , returns his sincere thanks to the Craft at large for the flattering support and patronage he has received for upwards of twenty years , and respectfully solicits a continuance of the same ; having always on Sale a variety of
Jewels and Clothing for the Craft and Royal Arch Masonry , also for the Degrees of Knight Templars . Manufactured of the best materials , and in strict conformity with the Constitution of the Order . Honorary Medals , & c . made to order . N . B . — -Cases containing the Working Tools of Three Degrees , in a very neat and portable form .
Freemasonry. T P. Acklam, Masonic Jewel ...
FREEMASONRY . T P . ACKLAM , MASONIC JEWEL ** and Clothing Manufacturer , respectfully solicits the orders and patronage of the Craft . He has always ready on sale a collection of Jewels and Clothing , for Craft ,
Royal Arch Masonry , and Knight Templars , & c . As he is the real maker , and every article is manufactured on his premises , and under his personal inspection , the Fraternity may rely on being furnished in precise conformity with the authorized Constitutions of the different Orders . —138 , Strand , opposite Catharine Street .
Freemasonry. T Ohn Canham, Sex., Dealer ...
FREEMASONRY . T OHN CANHAM , SEX ., DEALER in Masonic Aprons , Sashes , Collars , Ribbons , Jewels , Books , & c . & c . & c , No . 7 , Bennett ' s Hill , Doctors' Commons , respectfully solicits the patronage of the Craft . Country orders punctually attended to .
J , C , has under his care some excellent Lotlge Furniture , consisting of a Throne , Chairs , Pedestals , Candlesticks , Tracingboards , & c , which are for disposal on very reasonable terms , either together or separately , and are well worthy the attention of Brethren who may be anxious to refurnish
their Lodge . N . B , The Brethren in Edinburgh and Dublin will find this advirtisement deserving their attention , ' " ' . £ . '" ' A cash remittance , or a reference for payment to a London house , is requested to accompany all orders from the country .
Freemasonry. Qaraii Godfrey, (Widow Of £...
FREEMASONRY . QARAII GODFREY , ( WIDOW OF £ 5 the late Brother L , GODFREY , P . M . ) 103 , Strand , Masonic Embroidress , Every description of Masonic Clothing and Embroidery on reasonable terms .
Freemasonry. "O Rother John Harris, 13, ...
FREEMASONRY . "O ROTHER JOHN HARRIS , 13 , Bel-- * - * voir Terrace , Vauxhall Bridge Road , Pimlico , takes this opportunity to return his sincere thanks to the Fraternity at large for the liberal support he has met with in the sale of the Portrait of H . R . H . the DUKE OP
SUSSEX , in the full costume as M . W , GRAND MASTER of the Order , J , Ii , begs to state that he has prepared some coloured plates , which he can supply as low as 1 / . Is . each . A few proof impressions still remain , at 11 , Is , Highly illuminated plates , in appearance like drawings , may be had to order , at 2 / , 2 s .
In consequence of the demand for the Portrait of the late Brother Peter Gilkes , J , II , can supply proofs at 7 s , and prints at 2 . ? , 6 d < each , Lotlge Tracing-boards , of all dimensions , executed iu the most splendid style , on the most reasonable terms , Pocket Tracingboards of the three Degreeshandsomel
, y coloured , at 106 ' , ; illuminated ditto , 18 s . ; ditto in cases , 1 / , 1 * . All orders immediately attended to , 13 , Belvoir Terrace , Vauxhall . Bridge Road , Pimlico .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry. Royal Masonic Institution, ...
FREEMASONRY . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION , for Educating , Clothing , and Apprenticing the Sons of Indigent and Deceased Freemasons . A Quarterly General Meeting of the Governors and Subscribers of this , Institution will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , on
Monday , the J 1 th clay of January , 1 S 36 , for the purpose of electing six children , and transacting the usual business . By order , AUGUSTUS U . THISELTON , Sec . 3 T , Goodge Street , Fitzroy Square . The Anniversary Festival will take place on Wednesday , the 9 th of March next .
Freemasonryasylum For The Aged And Decay...
FREEMASONRYASYLUM for the AGED and DECAYED FREEMASON . —The Support of the Masonic Fraternity is earnestly solicited in behalf of this Institution . Subscriptions will be thankfully received and acknowledged by the Editor , or by the Publishers of the Freemasons' Quarterly Review .
Freemasonry. C~1 Reid, Manufacturing Jew...
FREEMASONRY . C ~ 1 REID , Manufacturing Jeweller , 18 , ^ ~ » Cross Street , Hatton Garden , returns his sincere thanks to the Craft at large for the flattering support and patronage he has received for upwards of twenty years , and respectfully solicits a continuance of the same ; having always on Sale a variety of
Jewels and Clothing for the Craft and Royal Arch Masonry , also for the Degrees of Knight Templars . Manufactured of the best materials , and in strict conformity with the Constitution of the Order . Honorary Medals , & c . made to order . N . B . — -Cases containing the Working Tools of Three Degrees , in a very neat and portable form .
Freemasonry. T P. Acklam, Masonic Jewel ...
FREEMASONRY . T P . ACKLAM , MASONIC JEWEL ** and Clothing Manufacturer , respectfully solicits the orders and patronage of the Craft . He has always ready on sale a collection of Jewels and Clothing , for Craft ,
Royal Arch Masonry , and Knight Templars , & c . As he is the real maker , and every article is manufactured on his premises , and under his personal inspection , the Fraternity may rely on being furnished in precise conformity with the authorized Constitutions of the different Orders . —138 , Strand , opposite Catharine Street .
Freemasonry. T Ohn Canham, Sex., Dealer ...
FREEMASONRY . T OHN CANHAM , SEX ., DEALER in Masonic Aprons , Sashes , Collars , Ribbons , Jewels , Books , & c . & c . & c , No . 7 , Bennett ' s Hill , Doctors' Commons , respectfully solicits the patronage of the Craft . Country orders punctually attended to .
J , C , has under his care some excellent Lotlge Furniture , consisting of a Throne , Chairs , Pedestals , Candlesticks , Tracingboards , & c , which are for disposal on very reasonable terms , either together or separately , and are well worthy the attention of Brethren who may be anxious to refurnish
their Lodge . N . B , The Brethren in Edinburgh and Dublin will find this advirtisement deserving their attention , ' " ' . £ . '" ' A cash remittance , or a reference for payment to a London house , is requested to accompany all orders from the country .
Freemasonry. Qaraii Godfrey, (Widow Of £...
FREEMASONRY . QARAII GODFREY , ( WIDOW OF £ 5 the late Brother L , GODFREY , P . M . ) 103 , Strand , Masonic Embroidress , Every description of Masonic Clothing and Embroidery on reasonable terms .
Freemasonry. "O Rother John Harris, 13, ...
FREEMASONRY . "O ROTHER JOHN HARRIS , 13 , Bel-- * - * voir Terrace , Vauxhall Bridge Road , Pimlico , takes this opportunity to return his sincere thanks to the Fraternity at large for the liberal support he has met with in the sale of the Portrait of H . R . H . the DUKE OP
SUSSEX , in the full costume as M . W , GRAND MASTER of the Order , J , Ii , begs to state that he has prepared some coloured plates , which he can supply as low as 1 / . Is . each . A few proof impressions still remain , at 11 , Is , Highly illuminated plates , in appearance like drawings , may be had to order , at 2 / , 2 s .
In consequence of the demand for the Portrait of the late Brother Peter Gilkes , J , II , can supply proofs at 7 s , and prints at 2 . ? , 6 d < each , Lotlge Tracing-boards , of all dimensions , executed iu the most splendid style , on the most reasonable terms , Pocket Tracingboards of the three Degreeshandsomel
, y coloured , at 106 ' , ; illuminated ditto , 18 s . ; ditto in cases , 1 / , 1 * . All orders immediately attended to , 13 , Belvoir Terrace , Vauxhall . Bridge Road , Pimlico .