Article NEW EVENING NEWSPAPER. f\N MONDAY, the 4... Page 1 of 1 Article In the Press, npiIE PYRAMIDS OF EGYPT. B... Page 1 of 1 Article To the Brethren of the Ancient Fraternit... Page 1 of 1 Article SOFT AND WHITE HANDS.— BENTLEY'S EMOLLIE... Page 1 of 1 Article Under the Especial Patronage of His Most... Page 1 of 1 Article SARSAPARILLA. —Mr. WRAY, of Holborn-hill... Page 1 of 2 →
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New Evening Newspaper. F\N Monday, The 4...
NEW EVENING NEWSPAPER . f \ N MONDAY , the 4 th of JANUARY , * - ' will be published , the First Number of the SHIPPING GAZETTE ; an Evening Journal , to be exclusivel y devoted to the Maritime Interests of Great Britain , and to contain all COASTWISE and FOREIGN- arrivals and
departures , as well as every essential feature of a Newspaper . Orders received by all News Agents in Town and Country . Communications to be addressed to the Editor , at the Office , 162 , Fleet-street , London . Price Sevenpence .
In The Press, Npiie Pyramids Of Egypt. B...
In the Press , npiIE PYRAMIDS OF EGYPT . By - " - the latrj BROTHER HENRY O'BRIEN . Edited by his Brother , James O'Brien .
To The Brethren Of The Ancient Fraternit...
To the Brethren of the Ancient Fraternity of the Free and Accepted Masons , fi CLARET , LETTER-PRESS , * - " Copperplate , and Lithographic Printer , and general Engraver , 12 , Edmund-street , King ' s Cross , London , returns his grateful acknowledgments to the many Brethren who
have patronised his Series of Illustrations , and reip-ectfully notifies , that from ~ them alone they are enabled to derive that Masonic information so desirable to be . obtained b y every practical Freemason . G . C . has also engraved a beautiful design for Lodge circulars , fly-leaf , post , 250 for 20 s .
Books neatly and elegantl y bound ; Pictures , Addresses , & c . framed and glazed .
Soft And White Hands.— Bentley's Emollie...
SOFT AND WHITE HANDS . — BENTLEY'S EMOLLIENT BROWN WINDSOR SOAP , a certain preventative to chapped hands or roughness of skin . —There never was , and perhaps never will be , introduced to the notice of the public an article trul
so y valuable . The proprietor guarantees that if this soap is constantly used that there will be no complaint of smarting pains , or the skin cracking , however severe the weather may be ; on the contrary , the skin will become soft , white , and even—In packets , at Is . and upwards . —Also for the Hair , BENTLEY'S celebrated EXTRACT OF HONEY , in Toilet Jars at 3 s . Gd . each . Sold by most hair dressers , and at the PnorniE TOR ' German Eau-de-Cologne Warehouse , 220 , High Ilolborn .
Under The Especial Patronage Of His Most...
Under the Especial Patronage of His Most Gracious Majesty . WOODHOUSE'S Ethereal Essence of Jamaca GINGER has been patronized in the most flattering manner by His Most Gracious Majesty . It is particularly recommended to all cold , phlegmatic , weak , and nervous constitutions . It is certain in
affording instant relief in cholera morbus , spasms , cramps , flatulence , langour , hysterics , heartburn , loss of appetite , sensation of fulness , pain and oppression after meals ; also those pains of the stomach and bowels which arise
from gouty flatulencies ; digestion , however much , impaired , is restored to its pristine state , by the use of this Essence for a short time ; if taken in tea , coffee , ale , beer , porter , cider , or wine , it corrects their flatulent tendency . This Essence is most earnestly recommended to be kept by all families , particularly at this season of the year , on account of the frequent
occurence of spasms , cholics , pains in the stomach and bowels , occasioned by the sudden changes of the weather and partaking of fruit . To say more on its virtues would be superfluous , when 208 of the most eminent of the Faculty have given certificates of its many virtues and superiority over all others in the cases for which it is recommended . All the asks is trial
proprietor a , when he has no doubt it will be appreciated . The undersigned are some few of the faculty that the Essence has been submitted to : —James Johnston , Physician Extraordinary to his Majesty ; Arthur T . Holroyd , Physician to the Marylebone Dispensary ; S . Ashwell , Physician Accoucher to Guy's Hospital ; R . Rowley , M . D ., Ph to the
ysician Aldersgate-street Dispensary A . Middleton , M . D ., Senior Physician to the Leamington General Hospital ; Charles Loudon , M . D ., Physician to the Leamington Bathing Institution ; Jonathan Pereira , F . L . S . Lecturer on Materia Medica ; George Pilcher , M . R . C . S . L ., Lecturer on Anatomy ; Frederick Salmon 12 Old Bondstreet
, , - , Consulting Surgeon to St . John ' s Hospital . F . Tyrrell , 17 , New Bridge-street , Surgeon to St . Thomas ' s Hospital ; J . H . Curtis , M . R . SAunst to his Majesty ; C . Millard , Demonstrator of Anatomy at the School in "Webbstreet .
This Essence is prepared only by Derimus Woodhouse , Operative Chemist , 18 , King "William-street , New London-bridge ; and sold by him , wholesale and retail , in bottles , 2 s . 6 d ., -is . 6 d ., 10 s . Gd . and 21 s . each : and may be had of all Medicine Venders .
Sarsaparilla. —Mr. Wray, Of Holborn-Hill...
SARSAPARILLA . —Mr . WRAY , of Holborn-hill . the Proprietor of the ALTERATIVE-TONIC POWDERS , having observed constant disappointment attending the exhibition of the pharmaceutical and other preparations of Sarsaparilla , induced him to set on foot , with the assistance of the ablest experimental chemists , an analysis of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Evening Newspaper. F\N Monday, The 4...
NEW EVENING NEWSPAPER . f \ N MONDAY , the 4 th of JANUARY , * - ' will be published , the First Number of the SHIPPING GAZETTE ; an Evening Journal , to be exclusivel y devoted to the Maritime Interests of Great Britain , and to contain all COASTWISE and FOREIGN- arrivals and
departures , as well as every essential feature of a Newspaper . Orders received by all News Agents in Town and Country . Communications to be addressed to the Editor , at the Office , 162 , Fleet-street , London . Price Sevenpence .
In The Press, Npiie Pyramids Of Egypt. B...
In the Press , npiIE PYRAMIDS OF EGYPT . By - " - the latrj BROTHER HENRY O'BRIEN . Edited by his Brother , James O'Brien .
To The Brethren Of The Ancient Fraternit...
To the Brethren of the Ancient Fraternity of the Free and Accepted Masons , fi CLARET , LETTER-PRESS , * - " Copperplate , and Lithographic Printer , and general Engraver , 12 , Edmund-street , King ' s Cross , London , returns his grateful acknowledgments to the many Brethren who
have patronised his Series of Illustrations , and reip-ectfully notifies , that from ~ them alone they are enabled to derive that Masonic information so desirable to be . obtained b y every practical Freemason . G . C . has also engraved a beautiful design for Lodge circulars , fly-leaf , post , 250 for 20 s .
Books neatly and elegantl y bound ; Pictures , Addresses , & c . framed and glazed .
Soft And White Hands.— Bentley's Emollie...
SOFT AND WHITE HANDS . — BENTLEY'S EMOLLIENT BROWN WINDSOR SOAP , a certain preventative to chapped hands or roughness of skin . —There never was , and perhaps never will be , introduced to the notice of the public an article trul
so y valuable . The proprietor guarantees that if this soap is constantly used that there will be no complaint of smarting pains , or the skin cracking , however severe the weather may be ; on the contrary , the skin will become soft , white , and even—In packets , at Is . and upwards . —Also for the Hair , BENTLEY'S celebrated EXTRACT OF HONEY , in Toilet Jars at 3 s . Gd . each . Sold by most hair dressers , and at the PnorniE TOR ' German Eau-de-Cologne Warehouse , 220 , High Ilolborn .
Under The Especial Patronage Of His Most...
Under the Especial Patronage of His Most Gracious Majesty . WOODHOUSE'S Ethereal Essence of Jamaca GINGER has been patronized in the most flattering manner by His Most Gracious Majesty . It is particularly recommended to all cold , phlegmatic , weak , and nervous constitutions . It is certain in
affording instant relief in cholera morbus , spasms , cramps , flatulence , langour , hysterics , heartburn , loss of appetite , sensation of fulness , pain and oppression after meals ; also those pains of the stomach and bowels which arise
from gouty flatulencies ; digestion , however much , impaired , is restored to its pristine state , by the use of this Essence for a short time ; if taken in tea , coffee , ale , beer , porter , cider , or wine , it corrects their flatulent tendency . This Essence is most earnestly recommended to be kept by all families , particularly at this season of the year , on account of the frequent
occurence of spasms , cholics , pains in the stomach and bowels , occasioned by the sudden changes of the weather and partaking of fruit . To say more on its virtues would be superfluous , when 208 of the most eminent of the Faculty have given certificates of its many virtues and superiority over all others in the cases for which it is recommended . All the asks is trial
proprietor a , when he has no doubt it will be appreciated . The undersigned are some few of the faculty that the Essence has been submitted to : —James Johnston , Physician Extraordinary to his Majesty ; Arthur T . Holroyd , Physician to the Marylebone Dispensary ; S . Ashwell , Physician Accoucher to Guy's Hospital ; R . Rowley , M . D ., Ph to the
ysician Aldersgate-street Dispensary A . Middleton , M . D ., Senior Physician to the Leamington General Hospital ; Charles Loudon , M . D ., Physician to the Leamington Bathing Institution ; Jonathan Pereira , F . L . S . Lecturer on Materia Medica ; George Pilcher , M . R . C . S . L ., Lecturer on Anatomy ; Frederick Salmon 12 Old Bondstreet
, , - , Consulting Surgeon to St . John ' s Hospital . F . Tyrrell , 17 , New Bridge-street , Surgeon to St . Thomas ' s Hospital ; J . H . Curtis , M . R . SAunst to his Majesty ; C . Millard , Demonstrator of Anatomy at the School in "Webbstreet .
This Essence is prepared only by Derimus Woodhouse , Operative Chemist , 18 , King "William-street , New London-bridge ; and sold by him , wholesale and retail , in bottles , 2 s . 6 d ., -is . 6 d ., 10 s . Gd . and 21 s . each : and may be had of all Medicine Venders .
Sarsaparilla. —Mr. Wray, Of Holborn-Hill...
SARSAPARILLA . —Mr . WRAY , of Holborn-hill . the Proprietor of the ALTERATIVE-TONIC POWDERS , having observed constant disappointment attending the exhibition of the pharmaceutical and other preparations of Sarsaparilla , induced him to set on foot , with the assistance of the ablest experimental chemists , an analysis of