Article SARSAPARILLA. —Mr. WRAY, of Holborn-hill... ← Page 2 of 2 Article Magna est Veritas et prxvalebit. GALL'S ... Page 1 of 1 Article Magna est Veritas et prxvalebit. GALL'S ... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASON'S SAUCE—WILLIAM BACHIIOFFNEH ,... Page 1 of 1 Article TO SPORTSMEN, TRAVELLERS* CAPTAINS of SH... Page 1 of 1
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Sarsaparilla. —Mr. Wray, Of Holborn-Hill...
its properties ; the result of which proves th : it true Sarsaparilla , carefully selected and separated from all impurities , is in substance most effectual , and that the various preparations under the denomination of decoctions , extracts , essences , syrups , & c , hitherto used , can never be depended upon for producing any real or permanent benefit . But , though Sarsaparilla
in substance only is to be preferred , yet the action may be materially assisted when combined with auxiliaries . Bv a trial of many years' continuance he has found that the Alterative-tonic Powders he now offers to the public , have justified his most sanguine expectations , and therefore feels himself bound , by motives of humanityto confine it no longer
, to private practice , but to allow the public the full advantage of so valuable a medicine . — Persons in the habit of taking quinine will find his powders by far the most efficacious tonic— " Morning Advertiser . *'
Magna Est Veritas Et Prxvalebit. Gall's ...
Magna est Veritas et prxvalebit . GALL'S ANTI-BILIOUS PlLLS , so highly recommended for removing BILIOUS COMPLAINTS—The daily increasing demand for the above invaluable medicine is the surest proof of their general utility as a sovereign purgative medicine . The proprietors cenfidently recommend them for
most diseases incidental to the human frame , whether natural or induced by irregular modes of living . Bile , Indigestion , Costiveness during pregnancy , Habitual Costiveness , Flatulency , Asthma , Gout , effects of intemperance , & e , & c . all-yield to their sovereign power ; their salutary effects have been fully authenticated by the experience of forty years .
They contain neither mercury or any deleterious drug , and may be taken by the most delicate constitution without restraint or confinement . —sold in boxes at Is . lyd . and 2 s . 2 d . each .
HILL'S LI ETH ON TRIP TIC PILLS , for the gravel , pain in the back and loins , and all affections in the uninary passages . Prepared from the original recipe of the late Mr . Thomas Hill , of Hateheston . The salutary effects of this admirable medicine are too generally known to need any recommendation . In boxes Is . ljd . and 2 s . 9 d . each .
GALL'S NIPPLE LINIMENT , an effectual cure for that painful disorder , Sore Nipples . In bottles Is . ljd . each . FENN'S EMBROCATION , for Rheu . matism , rheumatic gout , sciatica , lumbago , chilblains , & c * In bottles 2 s 9 d , 4 s Gd , and 8 s each—Sold wholesale by the proprietorsat
. , Wbodbridge and Bury , Suffolk ; and by their appointment , by Messrs Sutton and Co . Bow Churchyard ; Newberry and Sons , 45 , St . Paul's Churchyard ; Edwards , 6 G , St . Paul ' s Churchyard ; Barclay and Sons , 95 , Fleet Market ; Butler and Co . 4 , Cheapside ; Evans 42 , Long Lane , West Smitlifield ; Johnston ,
Magna Est Veritas Et Prxvalebit. Gall's ...
Greek Street , Soho ; and retail by most venders of Medicines in the United Kingdom . To prevent imposition , the public are requested to observe , these Medicines cannot be genuine unless the name of BENJAMIN and ABRAHAM GALL are engraved in the Government Stamp , by permission of his Majesty's Honourable Commissioners of stamp Duties , to counterfeit which is felony .
Freemason's Sauce—William Bachiioffneh ,...
FREEMASON'S SAUCE—WILLIAM BACHIIOFFNEH , for many years the sole accredited Agent of Mr . Cuff , for the sale of his celebrated Sauce , now offers to the Public his improved and delicious Freemason ' s Sauce , which has received the unqualified approbation of the Nobility and Gentry for its piquancy , and the peculiar delicate flavour it imparts to
Gravies , Steaks , Hashes , Poultry , Game , and Cold Meats . It embraces every quality of the original , with a further combination of richness and superiority that cannot be excelled . It will be found to form a superb adjunt to gastronomic refinement , comprising a gofit which can only be appreciated by its use . This elegant addition to the table is
manufactured and sold , wholesale and retail , by Win . Bachhoffner , 37 , Museum-street , ( without whose signature none can be genuine ) , and may be had at most of the Italian warehouses in the United Kingdom .
To Sportsmen, Travellers* Captains Of Sh...
TO SPORTSMEN , TRAVELLERS * CAPTAINS of SHIPS . —THORN'S POTTED YARMOUTH BLOATERS . Now in high perfection . —The incre ;; . ^ ng demand for this most delicious preparation proves , beyond all doubt , it is far superior to anything of the kind ever yet offered to the Public for
Sandwiches , Toast , Biscuits , & c , mid is an excellent relish for Wine . In pots , Is , and 2 s each . Warranted in all climates . " They are full of fine flavour and free from all rancidity , and no bad companion tc a sportsman or pedestrian who may want a pleasing qualification to his biscuit or bread , which cannot always be found at a road side house or on the borders of
a bog . "—Bell's Life in London . THORN'S TALLY-HO SAUCE , for Fish , Game , Steaks , Chops , Cutlets , made Dishes , and all general purposes , is the richest and most economical Sauce now in use , imparting a zest not otherwise acquired . In bottles , 2 s and 4 s ; Warranted in all climates . " We have tried ( crede experto ) Thorn ' s
Tally-ho Sauce , and can pronounce it exquisite . . We know nothing of the ingredients ; that we leave to such as are more ' curious in fish sauce ' than we are , but we can speak to the richness of its flavour , which to our thinking , would create an appetite under the ribs of death . " —Satirist . Wholesale at the Warehouse , 223 , High Hoiborn ; of all wholesale Oilmen and Druggists in London ; and retail by all respectable Oilmen , Grocers , and Fishmongers in the United Kingdom . i
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Sarsaparilla. —Mr. Wray, Of Holborn-Hill...
its properties ; the result of which proves th : it true Sarsaparilla , carefully selected and separated from all impurities , is in substance most effectual , and that the various preparations under the denomination of decoctions , extracts , essences , syrups , & c , hitherto used , can never be depended upon for producing any real or permanent benefit . But , though Sarsaparilla
in substance only is to be preferred , yet the action may be materially assisted when combined with auxiliaries . Bv a trial of many years' continuance he has found that the Alterative-tonic Powders he now offers to the public , have justified his most sanguine expectations , and therefore feels himself bound , by motives of humanityto confine it no longer
, to private practice , but to allow the public the full advantage of so valuable a medicine . — Persons in the habit of taking quinine will find his powders by far the most efficacious tonic— " Morning Advertiser . *'
Magna Est Veritas Et Prxvalebit. Gall's ...
Magna est Veritas et prxvalebit . GALL'S ANTI-BILIOUS PlLLS , so highly recommended for removing BILIOUS COMPLAINTS—The daily increasing demand for the above invaluable medicine is the surest proof of their general utility as a sovereign purgative medicine . The proprietors cenfidently recommend them for
most diseases incidental to the human frame , whether natural or induced by irregular modes of living . Bile , Indigestion , Costiveness during pregnancy , Habitual Costiveness , Flatulency , Asthma , Gout , effects of intemperance , & e , & c . all-yield to their sovereign power ; their salutary effects have been fully authenticated by the experience of forty years .
They contain neither mercury or any deleterious drug , and may be taken by the most delicate constitution without restraint or confinement . —sold in boxes at Is . lyd . and 2 s . 2 d . each .
HILL'S LI ETH ON TRIP TIC PILLS , for the gravel , pain in the back and loins , and all affections in the uninary passages . Prepared from the original recipe of the late Mr . Thomas Hill , of Hateheston . The salutary effects of this admirable medicine are too generally known to need any recommendation . In boxes Is . ljd . and 2 s . 9 d . each .
GALL'S NIPPLE LINIMENT , an effectual cure for that painful disorder , Sore Nipples . In bottles Is . ljd . each . FENN'S EMBROCATION , for Rheu . matism , rheumatic gout , sciatica , lumbago , chilblains , & c * In bottles 2 s 9 d , 4 s Gd , and 8 s each—Sold wholesale by the proprietorsat
. , Wbodbridge and Bury , Suffolk ; and by their appointment , by Messrs Sutton and Co . Bow Churchyard ; Newberry and Sons , 45 , St . Paul's Churchyard ; Edwards , 6 G , St . Paul ' s Churchyard ; Barclay and Sons , 95 , Fleet Market ; Butler and Co . 4 , Cheapside ; Evans 42 , Long Lane , West Smitlifield ; Johnston ,
Magna Est Veritas Et Prxvalebit. Gall's ...
Greek Street , Soho ; and retail by most venders of Medicines in the United Kingdom . To prevent imposition , the public are requested to observe , these Medicines cannot be genuine unless the name of BENJAMIN and ABRAHAM GALL are engraved in the Government Stamp , by permission of his Majesty's Honourable Commissioners of stamp Duties , to counterfeit which is felony .
Freemason's Sauce—William Bachiioffneh ,...
FREEMASON'S SAUCE—WILLIAM BACHIIOFFNEH , for many years the sole accredited Agent of Mr . Cuff , for the sale of his celebrated Sauce , now offers to the Public his improved and delicious Freemason ' s Sauce , which has received the unqualified approbation of the Nobility and Gentry for its piquancy , and the peculiar delicate flavour it imparts to
Gravies , Steaks , Hashes , Poultry , Game , and Cold Meats . It embraces every quality of the original , with a further combination of richness and superiority that cannot be excelled . It will be found to form a superb adjunt to gastronomic refinement , comprising a gofit which can only be appreciated by its use . This elegant addition to the table is
manufactured and sold , wholesale and retail , by Win . Bachhoffner , 37 , Museum-street , ( without whose signature none can be genuine ) , and may be had at most of the Italian warehouses in the United Kingdom .
To Sportsmen, Travellers* Captains Of Sh...
TO SPORTSMEN , TRAVELLERS * CAPTAINS of SHIPS . —THORN'S POTTED YARMOUTH BLOATERS . Now in high perfection . —The incre ;; . ^ ng demand for this most delicious preparation proves , beyond all doubt , it is far superior to anything of the kind ever yet offered to the Public for
Sandwiches , Toast , Biscuits , & c , mid is an excellent relish for Wine . In pots , Is , and 2 s each . Warranted in all climates . " They are full of fine flavour and free from all rancidity , and no bad companion tc a sportsman or pedestrian who may want a pleasing qualification to his biscuit or bread , which cannot always be found at a road side house or on the borders of
a bog . "—Bell's Life in London . THORN'S TALLY-HO SAUCE , for Fish , Game , Steaks , Chops , Cutlets , made Dishes , and all general purposes , is the richest and most economical Sauce now in use , imparting a zest not otherwise acquired . In bottles , 2 s and 4 s ; Warranted in all climates . " We have tried ( crede experto ) Thorn ' s
Tally-ho Sauce , and can pronounce it exquisite . . We know nothing of the ingredients ; that we leave to such as are more ' curious in fish sauce ' than we are , but we can speak to the richness of its flavour , which to our thinking , would create an appetite under the ribs of death . " —Satirist . Wholesale at the Warehouse , 223 , High Hoiborn ; of all wholesale Oilmen and Druggists in London ; and retail by all respectable Oilmen , Grocers , and Fishmongers in the United Kingdom . i