Article GRAND MASONIC MEETING. ← Page 7 of 7 Article THE PARLIAMENTARY ANALYSIS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Grand Masonic Meeting.
Past Grand Treasurer . —V . W .: Clarksont . Grand Chaplain . —V . W .: W . Fallowfield . Grand Secretaries . —V . W .: W . IT . White , E . Harper . Grand Deacons , Present and Past . —W . A . Keightley , B . Laurencef , T . F . Savory , — Hamilton , T . R . Smitht , T . Moore . Grand Director of Ceremonies . —W . Sir W . Woods . Grand Organist . —W .: Sir Geo . Smart .
Grand Sword Bearer W . —John Masson . Several Grand Stewards , and many Masters of Red Apron Lodges , with other Worshipful Masters , and other visiting brethren . The Chaplain to the Speaker of House of Commons , Rev . Brother J . Vane , A . M . Alderman Thomas Wood , T . Bish , M . P . t Brother Richard Herve Giraud , W . M . —The Officers and Brethren of the Lodge . Tylers , Robert Miller , William Dawes .
The Parliamentary Analysis.
( EDITORIAL FACILITIES . ) We found it necessary in our last to ask advice of our friends , as to the propriety of discontinuing this article ; and we submit some passages from a pretty large correspondence on the subject , —still soliciting the opinions of others . Extracted from Correspondence .
CLASS I . — " TO THE EDITOR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I am induced to think that the readers generally of the Freemasons' Quarterly , " support it upon its Masonic claims alone , and not for the sake of its general information ; and therefore may perhaps be allowed to offer my opinion , that the discontinuance of the " Parliamentary Analysis" would not be felt , and the Craft generally would be benefited , by , if possible , a still greater share of Masonic matter . In throwing out these suggestions , I am induced by the warmest wishes for the prosperity of your arduous and praiseworthv
undertaking . Ji . IV We are the more obliged by the answer of E . P . as it is confined to the point : many others coincide with him . CLASS II . — " TO THE EDITOR . SIR AND BROTHER , —I am requested by the Lodge of Integrity 529 , to state to you that the members unanimously disapprove of
Parliamentary proceedings being inserted in the Masonic Review . They think also that the notices of the London theatres mi ght with propriety be omitted . These , to a large proportion of subscribers , are totally useless ; and those who wish for information of this sort , have many other ready ways of obtaining it . Our Lodge wishes the Review to be as much as possible purely a Masonic publication ; assured that as long as this its legitimate object is kept in view , it will flourish . Articles of science , literature , antiquarian researches , and the like , reports of the proceedings of the London Philosophical and other learned societies , & c , are considered to form appropriate matter for occupying
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Grand Masonic Meeting.
Past Grand Treasurer . —V . W .: Clarksont . Grand Chaplain . —V . W .: W . Fallowfield . Grand Secretaries . —V . W .: W . IT . White , E . Harper . Grand Deacons , Present and Past . —W . A . Keightley , B . Laurencef , T . F . Savory , — Hamilton , T . R . Smitht , T . Moore . Grand Director of Ceremonies . —W . Sir W . Woods . Grand Organist . —W .: Sir Geo . Smart .
Grand Sword Bearer W . —John Masson . Several Grand Stewards , and many Masters of Red Apron Lodges , with other Worshipful Masters , and other visiting brethren . The Chaplain to the Speaker of House of Commons , Rev . Brother J . Vane , A . M . Alderman Thomas Wood , T . Bish , M . P . t Brother Richard Herve Giraud , W . M . —The Officers and Brethren of the Lodge . Tylers , Robert Miller , William Dawes .
The Parliamentary Analysis.
( EDITORIAL FACILITIES . ) We found it necessary in our last to ask advice of our friends , as to the propriety of discontinuing this article ; and we submit some passages from a pretty large correspondence on the subject , —still soliciting the opinions of others . Extracted from Correspondence .
CLASS I . — " TO THE EDITOR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I am induced to think that the readers generally of the Freemasons' Quarterly , " support it upon its Masonic claims alone , and not for the sake of its general information ; and therefore may perhaps be allowed to offer my opinion , that the discontinuance of the " Parliamentary Analysis" would not be felt , and the Craft generally would be benefited , by , if possible , a still greater share of Masonic matter . In throwing out these suggestions , I am induced by the warmest wishes for the prosperity of your arduous and praiseworthv
undertaking . Ji . IV We are the more obliged by the answer of E . P . as it is confined to the point : many others coincide with him . CLASS II . — " TO THE EDITOR . SIR AND BROTHER , —I am requested by the Lodge of Integrity 529 , to state to you that the members unanimously disapprove of
Parliamentary proceedings being inserted in the Masonic Review . They think also that the notices of the London theatres mi ght with propriety be omitted . These , to a large proportion of subscribers , are totally useless ; and those who wish for information of this sort , have many other ready ways of obtaining it . Our Lodge wishes the Review to be as much as possible purely a Masonic publication ; assured that as long as this its legitimate object is kept in view , it will flourish . Articles of science , literature , antiquarian researches , and the like , reports of the proceedings of the London Philosophical and other learned societies , & c , are considered to form appropriate matter for occupying