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Masonic Intelligence.
taken up generally by the press , that a certain LADY of RANK would get collected a given sum in a stated time , which she accomplished , with the assistance of her friends , by a Penny Subscription only , and the sum received was given to a public hospital , amounting to upwards of A THOUSAND POUNDS ; now , sir , as the Bank of England Lodge is a strong advocate for establishing a fund for the erection and endowment of 'An ASYLUM FOR THE AGED FREEMASON' I thinkif
, , a subscription , confined to the above amount , was taken in hand by the members generally , the example thus set , would be followed by the London and Provincial Brethren , many of whom are warm in the cause of so charitable an institution , and I have no doubt a sufficient sum would be collected , with the assistance of donations and general subscriptions , to accomplish our much desired object . " ' Should you think my view at all practicableI shaE forward a
, number of pass books , and suggest that a short statement of the plan should be printed and put on the inside of the cover of each book . The amount may be reported monthly , and paid over to the ' Provisional Treasurer of the Fund , ' who , I am certain , will not disdain to accept also our Penny Subscriptions . '"
_ [ The Editor of the Freemason ' s Quarterly Review will also contribute his aid , and most cheerfully supply pass books in any number on application b y letter—each of which shall have a number affixed , with date of registry—and he will feel a grateful pleasure in forwarding the suggestions of any kind friends . 23 , Paternoster Row . ] Dec . ith . —A meeting of the subscribers to the " Asylum , " regularly convened in consequence of a requisition to the treasurer , was held at '
Radley ' s Hotel , when a very interesting examination was made into various subjects connected with this Grand Masonic measure , and a sub-committee named to report thereon at an early opportunity . The meeting was numerously attended .
Supreme Royal Arch Chapter.
[ The annua ] circular , from May , 1834 , to May G , 1835 , was delivered on the 4 th Nov . 1835 . ] QUARTERLY CONVOCATION , NOV . 4 . Present . —M . E . C . Lord IT . John S . Churchill H . as M . E . Z . E . C . John Ramsbottom , Esq . M . P . J . as . IT . E . C . Simon McGillivray , Esq J . with several present and past principals of the Order . A report of the Committe of General Purposes was read ; containing
a report upon the Finance , on general subjects , with a communication from the principals of a London Chapter , which reported , that a first principal-elect , had intimated his intention to work the Chapter according to an old and not according to the recently promulgated system ; and that , under these circumstances , the said principals prayed for advice and direction . This announcement naturally gave rise to many observations ; after which it was declared , that the ceremonies recently adopted by the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Intelligence.
taken up generally by the press , that a certain LADY of RANK would get collected a given sum in a stated time , which she accomplished , with the assistance of her friends , by a Penny Subscription only , and the sum received was given to a public hospital , amounting to upwards of A THOUSAND POUNDS ; now , sir , as the Bank of England Lodge is a strong advocate for establishing a fund for the erection and endowment of 'An ASYLUM FOR THE AGED FREEMASON' I thinkif
, , a subscription , confined to the above amount , was taken in hand by the members generally , the example thus set , would be followed by the London and Provincial Brethren , many of whom are warm in the cause of so charitable an institution , and I have no doubt a sufficient sum would be collected , with the assistance of donations and general subscriptions , to accomplish our much desired object . " ' Should you think my view at all practicableI shaE forward a
, number of pass books , and suggest that a short statement of the plan should be printed and put on the inside of the cover of each book . The amount may be reported monthly , and paid over to the ' Provisional Treasurer of the Fund , ' who , I am certain , will not disdain to accept also our Penny Subscriptions . '"
_ [ The Editor of the Freemason ' s Quarterly Review will also contribute his aid , and most cheerfully supply pass books in any number on application b y letter—each of which shall have a number affixed , with date of registry—and he will feel a grateful pleasure in forwarding the suggestions of any kind friends . 23 , Paternoster Row . ] Dec . ith . —A meeting of the subscribers to the " Asylum , " regularly convened in consequence of a requisition to the treasurer , was held at '
Radley ' s Hotel , when a very interesting examination was made into various subjects connected with this Grand Masonic measure , and a sub-committee named to report thereon at an early opportunity . The meeting was numerously attended .
Supreme Royal Arch Chapter.
[ The annua ] circular , from May , 1834 , to May G , 1835 , was delivered on the 4 th Nov . 1835 . ] QUARTERLY CONVOCATION , NOV . 4 . Present . —M . E . C . Lord IT . John S . Churchill H . as M . E . Z . E . C . John Ramsbottom , Esq . M . P . J . as . IT . E . C . Simon McGillivray , Esq J . with several present and past principals of the Order . A report of the Committe of General Purposes was read ; containing
a report upon the Finance , on general subjects , with a communication from the principals of a London Chapter , which reported , that a first principal-elect , had intimated his intention to work the Chapter according to an old and not according to the recently promulgated system ; and that , under these circumstances , the said principals prayed for advice and direction . This announcement naturally gave rise to many observations ; after which it was declared , that the ceremonies recently adopted by the