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PRINCE MASONS . —We subjoin a list of the members of the Original Chapter of Prince Masons in Ireland , which is limited to the number of thirty-three . When one of this respectable body dies , the survivors associate to themselves , to fill his stall , an individual judged , from his long standing in Masonry , his zeal for the maintenance of its benevolent principles , and his influence amongst the Craft , deserving of this , the highest ( except the Cross of the College of Philosophical Masons ) and most
distinguished dignity connected with the Order . —We have heard , but do not vouch it on positive authority , that there are about twenty members of this Order scattered through the north of Ireland , hut who are unconnected with the "Original Chapter" in Dublin . The Duke of Leinster is Grand Sovereign , and always presides at the installation of officers at Easter , when lie invests the Sovereign for the year—which office is now held by Brother JobnVeevers ; Brother W . R-igby , S . W . ;
Brother Sir J . C . Coghill , Bart ., J . W . ; and Brother Doctor T . Wright , Secretary , —Those marked with an asterisk have passed the Chair . K . H . intimates Knight of Heredon , or a Member of the College of Philosophical Masons .
" 1 . DUKE OF LEINSTER , K . H . 2 . DUKE OP SUSSEX , K . PI . 3 . Sir W . Hort , Bart . 19 . W . White , D . G . M . ) K . II . 4 . Sir W . Grace , Bart ., - K . H . 20 . George Allen . * 5 . John Fowler , - - K . If . 21 . Michael M'Donnell - K . H . ' " ' 6 . John Norman , - - K . H . 22 . Edward Moone , - - K . H . 7 . George Darling , - K . PI . " ' 23 . JobnVeevers , - - K . IT .
* 8 . Richard Wright , - K . H . 24 . Thomas Murphy , - K . H . 9 . Richard Pirn , - -K . H . 25 . John Phelps , - -KIT . * 10 . Sam . Warren ( Alder . ) K . H . 26 . George J . Baldwin , -K . H . 11 . Lewis Saurin . 27 . Sir J . P . Cayhill , Bart ., K . H . * 12 . Geo . Hoyte , ( Alder . ) - K . H . 28 . Alexander Dudgeon , - K . H . 13 . Rev . T . Plynn , ( Chap . ) K . H . 29 . John Hughes . * 14 . I . D'Estenne Tyndall , K . IT . 30 . John Sharkey .
15 . William Righy , - - K . H . 31 . John Elliott Hyndman . 16 . George Brown Grant , K . H . 32 . Ven . and Rev . Walter G . Mant , 17 . "William Conolly , - K . IT . Archdeacon of Down , & c . * 18 . T . Wright ( Secretary ) K . H . 33 . R . G . Ogle .
Nov . 11 . —The Royal Arch Chapter attached to that respectable Lodge , No . 4 . assembled on this evening and raised several Master Masons . The D . G . S ., Brother Fowler , officiated , going through the ceremonials with great accuracy and effect . The Quarterly Convocation of the "Supreme Grand Chapter of Ireland , " was held at Radley ' s , at 7 o ' clock on Wednesday evening , the 18 th inst . Amongst other matters promulgated it was ordered , That in future ,
Companions who have not served as Principals , or passed the Chair of a Chapter , shall wear the R . A . medals attached to a white ribbon . Nov . 19 . —Lodge No . 50 commenced the " winter season" on this day . At four o ' clock the W . M ,. John Uazlett , Esq ., solicitor , opened in due form , and immediately afterwards four Apprentices were entered , and the election of the following officers for the ensuing six months , commencing on next St . John ' s day , was confirmed . Michael O'Shaughnessy , L ' arrister-at-law , W . M . ; Hercules Ellis , Barrister-at-law , and P . M . of G 81 , S . W . ; Thomas Forest O'Connor , Esq ., J . W . ; Captain Stritch , S . D .: John M'Nallv , Esq ., Solicitor , J . D . ; G . J . Baldwin ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
PRINCE MASONS . —We subjoin a list of the members of the Original Chapter of Prince Masons in Ireland , which is limited to the number of thirty-three . When one of this respectable body dies , the survivors associate to themselves , to fill his stall , an individual judged , from his long standing in Masonry , his zeal for the maintenance of its benevolent principles , and his influence amongst the Craft , deserving of this , the highest ( except the Cross of the College of Philosophical Masons ) and most
distinguished dignity connected with the Order . —We have heard , but do not vouch it on positive authority , that there are about twenty members of this Order scattered through the north of Ireland , hut who are unconnected with the "Original Chapter" in Dublin . The Duke of Leinster is Grand Sovereign , and always presides at the installation of officers at Easter , when lie invests the Sovereign for the year—which office is now held by Brother JobnVeevers ; Brother W . R-igby , S . W . ;
Brother Sir J . C . Coghill , Bart ., J . W . ; and Brother Doctor T . Wright , Secretary , —Those marked with an asterisk have passed the Chair . K . H . intimates Knight of Heredon , or a Member of the College of Philosophical Masons .
" 1 . DUKE OF LEINSTER , K . H . 2 . DUKE OP SUSSEX , K . PI . 3 . Sir W . Hort , Bart . 19 . W . White , D . G . M . ) K . II . 4 . Sir W . Grace , Bart ., - K . H . 20 . George Allen . * 5 . John Fowler , - - K . If . 21 . Michael M'Donnell - K . H . ' " ' 6 . John Norman , - - K . H . 22 . Edward Moone , - - K . H . 7 . George Darling , - K . PI . " ' 23 . JobnVeevers , - - K . IT .
* 8 . Richard Wright , - K . H . 24 . Thomas Murphy , - K . H . 9 . Richard Pirn , - -K . H . 25 . John Phelps , - -KIT . * 10 . Sam . Warren ( Alder . ) K . H . 26 . George J . Baldwin , -K . H . 11 . Lewis Saurin . 27 . Sir J . P . Cayhill , Bart ., K . H . * 12 . Geo . Hoyte , ( Alder . ) - K . H . 28 . Alexander Dudgeon , - K . H . 13 . Rev . T . Plynn , ( Chap . ) K . H . 29 . John Hughes . * 14 . I . D'Estenne Tyndall , K . IT . 30 . John Sharkey .
15 . William Righy , - - K . H . 31 . John Elliott Hyndman . 16 . George Brown Grant , K . H . 32 . Ven . and Rev . Walter G . Mant , 17 . "William Conolly , - K . IT . Archdeacon of Down , & c . * 18 . T . Wright ( Secretary ) K . H . 33 . R . G . Ogle .
Nov . 11 . —The Royal Arch Chapter attached to that respectable Lodge , No . 4 . assembled on this evening and raised several Master Masons . The D . G . S ., Brother Fowler , officiated , going through the ceremonials with great accuracy and effect . The Quarterly Convocation of the "Supreme Grand Chapter of Ireland , " was held at Radley ' s , at 7 o ' clock on Wednesday evening , the 18 th inst . Amongst other matters promulgated it was ordered , That in future ,
Companions who have not served as Principals , or passed the Chair of a Chapter , shall wear the R . A . medals attached to a white ribbon . Nov . 19 . —Lodge No . 50 commenced the " winter season" on this day . At four o ' clock the W . M ,. John Uazlett , Esq ., solicitor , opened in due form , and immediately afterwards four Apprentices were entered , and the election of the following officers for the ensuing six months , commencing on next St . John ' s day , was confirmed . Michael O'Shaughnessy , L ' arrister-at-law , W . M . ; Hercules Ellis , Barrister-at-law , and P . M . of G 81 , S . W . ; Thomas Forest O'Connor , Esq ., J . W . ; Captain Stritch , S . D .: John M'Nallv , Esq ., Solicitor , J . D . ; G . J . Baldwin ,