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talent and ability to make it known , will , if we mistake not , soon rank among our most intelligent as well as most interesting correspondents . BOMBAY . —Coluba . —Thornton Lodge , No . 281 , held in IT . M . ' s 40 th . Regiment , June 17 , 1835 . At the last Lodge it was resolved unanimously , " That a Jewel or Medalwith the Royal Arch Insignia thereon designatedshall be
-, , pre sented to Brother George Hibbert . " It is pleasing to know , that in the remotest parts of the world not only is Masonry exercising its usefulness , but that there exists a noble spirit among the fraternity to rival those courtesies which are among the most graceful features of the Order .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF BENGAL . Prov . Grand Master ( in England ) , J . P . Larkins , Esq . „ Dep . Grand Master „ W . C . Blaquiere , Esq . „ Grand Wardens * „ Treasurer * „ Registrar * „ Grand Secretary * .
CALCUTTA LODGES . 1 " Star in the East" ( Hare Street ) 93 , Master , W . C . Blaquiere ; Wardens , C . G . Shettel , F . P . Strong ; Treasurer , Wm . Anley ; Secretary ; Wm . Anley . 2 " Industry and Perseverance" ( Chowringhee ) 174 , Master , A . Lindsay ; Wardens , A . Porteus , J . Brightman ; Treasurer , R . Frith ; Secretary , It . Frith . 3 "True Friendshi" ( Durrumtollah ) 383 MasterSam . Smith
p , , ; "Wardens , W . Turner , W . Twentyman ; Treasurer , Thos . Elliott ; Secretary , IT . G . Gowland . 4 " Humility with Fortitude" ( Fort William ) 402 , Master , IT . Wartindell ; Wardens , IT . G . Gowland , T . Gleeson ; Treasurer , D . B . M'Ritchie ; Secretaty , E . Hyland . 5 " Marine Lodge" ( Durrumtollah ) 410 , Master , J . P . De Vine ; WardensG . ChieneJas- Grimsdick ; TreasurerP . De Mello ;
Secre-, , , tary , Allan Cameron . 6 " Courage with Humanity" ( Dum Dum ) 823 , Master , J . Watson ; Wardens , John Lindsay , It . B , M'Donald ; Treasurer , J . Kidd ; Secretary , J . Kidd . 7 " Kilwinning in the East" ( Wellington Square ) 84-5 , Master , Geo . Potter ; Wardens , PL J- Stagg , Rob . Oakshall ; Treasurer , T . Ledlie , Secretary , IT . T . Stagg .
COUNTRY LODGES-1 " Sincere Friendship" ( Chunar ) 567 , Master , Thomas Beckett ; Wardens , Thos . Jones , Chas . Cant ; Secretary , J . Fruin . 2 " Independence and Philanthropy" ( Allahabad ) 822 , Master , A . J- Colvin ; Wardens , T . Marshall , L . Burroughs ; Treasurer , R . Birrel ; Secretary , T . Marshall . 3 "Sincerity" ( Cawnpore ) 824 , Master , W . Burl ton ; Wardens , IT . Delafosse , L . IT . Smith ; Treasurer , J . H . Macinlay ; Secretary , J . L . Jones .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
talent and ability to make it known , will , if we mistake not , soon rank among our most intelligent as well as most interesting correspondents . BOMBAY . —Coluba . —Thornton Lodge , No . 281 , held in IT . M . ' s 40 th . Regiment , June 17 , 1835 . At the last Lodge it was resolved unanimously , " That a Jewel or Medalwith the Royal Arch Insignia thereon designatedshall be
-, , pre sented to Brother George Hibbert . " It is pleasing to know , that in the remotest parts of the world not only is Masonry exercising its usefulness , but that there exists a noble spirit among the fraternity to rival those courtesies which are among the most graceful features of the Order .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF BENGAL . Prov . Grand Master ( in England ) , J . P . Larkins , Esq . „ Dep . Grand Master „ W . C . Blaquiere , Esq . „ Grand Wardens * „ Treasurer * „ Registrar * „ Grand Secretary * .
CALCUTTA LODGES . 1 " Star in the East" ( Hare Street ) 93 , Master , W . C . Blaquiere ; Wardens , C . G . Shettel , F . P . Strong ; Treasurer , Wm . Anley ; Secretary ; Wm . Anley . 2 " Industry and Perseverance" ( Chowringhee ) 174 , Master , A . Lindsay ; Wardens , A . Porteus , J . Brightman ; Treasurer , R . Frith ; Secretary , It . Frith . 3 "True Friendshi" ( Durrumtollah ) 383 MasterSam . Smith
p , , ; "Wardens , W . Turner , W . Twentyman ; Treasurer , Thos . Elliott ; Secretary , IT . G . Gowland . 4 " Humility with Fortitude" ( Fort William ) 402 , Master , IT . Wartindell ; Wardens , IT . G . Gowland , T . Gleeson ; Treasurer , D . B . M'Ritchie ; Secretaty , E . Hyland . 5 " Marine Lodge" ( Durrumtollah ) 410 , Master , J . P . De Vine ; WardensG . ChieneJas- Grimsdick ; TreasurerP . De Mello ;
Secre-, , , tary , Allan Cameron . 6 " Courage with Humanity" ( Dum Dum ) 823 , Master , J . Watson ; Wardens , John Lindsay , It . B , M'Donald ; Treasurer , J . Kidd ; Secretary , J . Kidd . 7 " Kilwinning in the East" ( Wellington Square ) 84-5 , Master , Geo . Potter ; Wardens , PL J- Stagg , Rob . Oakshall ; Treasurer , T . Ledlie , Secretary , IT . T . Stagg .
COUNTRY LODGES-1 " Sincere Friendship" ( Chunar ) 567 , Master , Thomas Beckett ; Wardens , Thos . Jones , Chas . Cant ; Secretary , J . Fruin . 2 " Independence and Philanthropy" ( Allahabad ) 822 , Master , A . J- Colvin ; Wardens , T . Marshall , L . Burroughs ; Treasurer , R . Birrel ; Secretary , T . Marshall . 3 "Sincerity" ( Cawnpore ) 824 , Master , W . Burl ton ; Wardens , IT . Delafosse , L . IT . Smith ; Treasurer , J . H . Macinlay ; Secretary , J . L . Jones .