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of Cork ; Mr . Tracey , J . P . Sligo ; and the Hon . Mr . Butler . The routine toasts called forth the warm plaudits of the assemblage . It is but justice to the individuals composing the band to say that they afforded a delightful musical treat , the several solos , duets , glees , and recitations , being given in a superior style of excellence by P . M . Deane , Bros . Brough , Herbert , Green , llaynes , and J . Russell , the celebrated mimic and comedian of the London and Dublin Theatres . We have seldom witnessed a meeting where more Masonic harmony and kind feeling prevailed , to promote which the W . M . Mr . Ellis exerted Ms usual talent and ability . The admission fee into Lodge 50 is now 8 / . 8 s .
KNIGHTS TEMPLARS AND KNIGHTS OF MALTA . —The faithful soldiers of St . John of Jerusalem , enrolled in Encampment No . 1 , assembled on Wednesday , 23 rd November , for the purpose of installing , as M . E . G . C ., Brother Brown , W . M . of Lodge 100 . His conduct and costume ( including a beautiful collar furnished by Brother Acklam ) were the theme of universal approval and admiration ; and the ceremonies were conducted with much effect under the direction of this ardent Mason , who by precept and example has zealously wrought to excite the right feelings , and to stimulate the salutary sympathies of those portions of our Order with which he is connected .
Dec . 1 . —On this evening the monthly meeting of the Grand Lodge of Ireland was held at eight o ' clock , William White , Esq ., on the Throne . The assemblage was numerous and respectable , and several Master Masons availed themselves of the privilege of visiting . After the disposal of some important business connected with the interests of the " Female Orphan School , " the Brethren proceeded to take into consideration the recommendation of the Grand Master ' s Lodge , as to
filling the Senior Grand Warden ' s stall , vacant by the death of Lord Viscount Forbes , when Sir J . C . Coghill , Bart ., R . N ., was selected as an intimation of the Grand Lodge ' s approval of his attendance and attention to the interests of Masonry ; and the Hon . Richard Westenra , son of Brother Lord Rosmore , elected J . G . Warden , vice Coghill , promoted . Previous to the separation of the Body , the Rev . Thomas Flynn invoked a parting benediction .
LODGE NO . 4 , NOW THE " VICTORIA . "—Broiher T . Wright having , at the desire of the Lodge , written to Sir J . Conroy to know if the Princess Victoria would allow Lodge 4 to be called the " Victoria Lodge , " received the following reply . Kensinqton Palace .
Sir , —I have laid before the Duchess of Kent your letter of the 9 th instant . H . R . U . has every disposition to consider favourably the request therein made , but H . R . H . observed , that it should be laid before her by the Grand Master for Ireland . I have the honour to be , & c . & c . Tho . Wright , Esq . JOHN CONROY . 26 , Great Ship Street .
Resolved that the foregoing most desirable measure be carried into effect , and that the Secretary do take the necessary steps to forward it . In consequence of which the following memorial was forwarded under cover to the Duke of Leinster . The Memorial of the W . Master , Wardens , ami Brethren of Lodge No- 4 , on the Registry of Ireland , of Free and Accepted Masons , to Her Itoyal Hig hness the Princess Victoria .
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of Cork ; Mr . Tracey , J . P . Sligo ; and the Hon . Mr . Butler . The routine toasts called forth the warm plaudits of the assemblage . It is but justice to the individuals composing the band to say that they afforded a delightful musical treat , the several solos , duets , glees , and recitations , being given in a superior style of excellence by P . M . Deane , Bros . Brough , Herbert , Green , llaynes , and J . Russell , the celebrated mimic and comedian of the London and Dublin Theatres . We have seldom witnessed a meeting where more Masonic harmony and kind feeling prevailed , to promote which the W . M . Mr . Ellis exerted Ms usual talent and ability . The admission fee into Lodge 50 is now 8 / . 8 s .
KNIGHTS TEMPLARS AND KNIGHTS OF MALTA . —The faithful soldiers of St . John of Jerusalem , enrolled in Encampment No . 1 , assembled on Wednesday , 23 rd November , for the purpose of installing , as M . E . G . C ., Brother Brown , W . M . of Lodge 100 . His conduct and costume ( including a beautiful collar furnished by Brother Acklam ) were the theme of universal approval and admiration ; and the ceremonies were conducted with much effect under the direction of this ardent Mason , who by precept and example has zealously wrought to excite the right feelings , and to stimulate the salutary sympathies of those portions of our Order with which he is connected .
Dec . 1 . —On this evening the monthly meeting of the Grand Lodge of Ireland was held at eight o ' clock , William White , Esq ., on the Throne . The assemblage was numerous and respectable , and several Master Masons availed themselves of the privilege of visiting . After the disposal of some important business connected with the interests of the " Female Orphan School , " the Brethren proceeded to take into consideration the recommendation of the Grand Master ' s Lodge , as to
filling the Senior Grand Warden ' s stall , vacant by the death of Lord Viscount Forbes , when Sir J . C . Coghill , Bart ., R . N ., was selected as an intimation of the Grand Lodge ' s approval of his attendance and attention to the interests of Masonry ; and the Hon . Richard Westenra , son of Brother Lord Rosmore , elected J . G . Warden , vice Coghill , promoted . Previous to the separation of the Body , the Rev . Thomas Flynn invoked a parting benediction .
LODGE NO . 4 , NOW THE " VICTORIA . "—Broiher T . Wright having , at the desire of the Lodge , written to Sir J . Conroy to know if the Princess Victoria would allow Lodge 4 to be called the " Victoria Lodge , " received the following reply . Kensinqton Palace .
Sir , —I have laid before the Duchess of Kent your letter of the 9 th instant . H . R . U . has every disposition to consider favourably the request therein made , but H . R . H . observed , that it should be laid before her by the Grand Master for Ireland . I have the honour to be , & c . & c . Tho . Wright , Esq . JOHN CONROY . 26 , Great Ship Street .
Resolved that the foregoing most desirable measure be carried into effect , and that the Secretary do take the necessary steps to forward it . In consequence of which the following memorial was forwarded under cover to the Duke of Leinster . The Memorial of the W . Master , Wardens , ami Brethren of Lodge No- 4 , on the Registry of Ireland , of Free and Accepted Masons , to Her Itoyal Hig hness the Princess Victoria .