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May it please ycur Royal Highness , we the Master , Wardens , ' anil Brethren of Freemason Lodge No . 4 , with all becoming respect and due deference , do approach your Royal Highness to solicit as a mark of special favor , that you would be graciously pleased to permit Lodge No . 4 to be styled and titled the" Victoria" or "Princess Victoria Lodge , " in compliment to your Royal Highness as Heiress presumptive to the Throne of these Realmsas inheritrix of the integrity and worth of our
, late Brother of the Craft , your Royal Highness ' s illustrious and much lamented Father , and as co-heiress of the many virtues which adorn your Royal Highness ' s benevolent and amiable Mother ; for which favour should your Royal Highness be pleased to grant , They , as in duty bound , will pray . To which Her Royal Highness sent the following reply , through the Duke of Leinster .
Kensington Palace , Aug . 5 th , 1 S 36 . My dear Lord Duke , —I have had the honour to lay before the Duchess of Kent your Grace ' s letter of yesterday ' s date , and its accompanying Memorial from the Lodge of Freemasons No . 4 , Dublin . Her Royal Highness requests your Grace will , as Grand Master in Ireland , signify to this Lodge , her ready acquiescence in their request , that it be called the " Victoria Lodge ; " and the Duchess of Kent wishes the Lod
ge to be assured , that it is most gratifying to her and the Princess Victoria to receive the expressions conveyed to them , of the attachment of this Lodge to the memory of their late Brother , H . R . H . the Duke of Kent . I have the honour to be , & c . JOHN CONROY .
It being a law of the Grand Lodge that no private Lodge shall take a name without permission of the G . L ., a memorial was accordingly forwarded to the G . L ., praying permission to take the name of " The Victoria Lodge , " which was at once acceded to them . Aug . 23 rd . —An address of congratulation to H . R . I-I . Augustus Frederick Duke of Sussex , M . W . G . M . of Masons of England , was unanimously agreed to .
It was then agreed that the Officers and such others of the Lodge as wished it , should present the Address in propria persona to H . R . PL , as they were informed that he was to be immediately at Kinmel Park , so near us . In consequence the Secretary wrote to Lord Dinorben to know if he would have any objection to allow the Lodge to meet H . R . II . at Kinmel Park , in case H . R . H . agreed to receive them and their address . Lord Dinorben replied by return of post , saying he had forwarded the application to Lord John Churchill , D . G . M ., who next clay sent the following reply .
Enthwistle Park , Aug . 30 th , 1836 . Sir and Brother , —I am commanded b y II . R . II . the M . W . G . M . to request you to send ycur proposed address of congratulation . on the recovery of his sight , to Freemasons' Tavern , and II . R . II . will reply to it from thence . H . R . IT . has received and is still receiving so many similar addresses from private Lodges , that he is obliged to receive them in that way , and to decline receiving deputations excepting from the
Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of England . H . R . H . commands me , however , to state that he nevertheless duly appreciates the kind intentions of the W . Master , Wardens , and Brethren of Lodge No . 4 , of Dublin , but he never could consent to their putting themselves to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
May it please ycur Royal Highness , we the Master , Wardens , ' anil Brethren of Freemason Lodge No . 4 , with all becoming respect and due deference , do approach your Royal Highness to solicit as a mark of special favor , that you would be graciously pleased to permit Lodge No . 4 to be styled and titled the" Victoria" or "Princess Victoria Lodge , " in compliment to your Royal Highness as Heiress presumptive to the Throne of these Realmsas inheritrix of the integrity and worth of our
, late Brother of the Craft , your Royal Highness ' s illustrious and much lamented Father , and as co-heiress of the many virtues which adorn your Royal Highness ' s benevolent and amiable Mother ; for which favour should your Royal Highness be pleased to grant , They , as in duty bound , will pray . To which Her Royal Highness sent the following reply , through the Duke of Leinster .
Kensington Palace , Aug . 5 th , 1 S 36 . My dear Lord Duke , —I have had the honour to lay before the Duchess of Kent your Grace ' s letter of yesterday ' s date , and its accompanying Memorial from the Lodge of Freemasons No . 4 , Dublin . Her Royal Highness requests your Grace will , as Grand Master in Ireland , signify to this Lodge , her ready acquiescence in their request , that it be called the " Victoria Lodge ; " and the Duchess of Kent wishes the Lod
ge to be assured , that it is most gratifying to her and the Princess Victoria to receive the expressions conveyed to them , of the attachment of this Lodge to the memory of their late Brother , H . R . H . the Duke of Kent . I have the honour to be , & c . JOHN CONROY .
It being a law of the Grand Lodge that no private Lodge shall take a name without permission of the G . L ., a memorial was accordingly forwarded to the G . L ., praying permission to take the name of " The Victoria Lodge , " which was at once acceded to them . Aug . 23 rd . —An address of congratulation to H . R . I-I . Augustus Frederick Duke of Sussex , M . W . G . M . of Masons of England , was unanimously agreed to .
It was then agreed that the Officers and such others of the Lodge as wished it , should present the Address in propria persona to H . R . PL , as they were informed that he was to be immediately at Kinmel Park , so near us . In consequence the Secretary wrote to Lord Dinorben to know if he would have any objection to allow the Lodge to meet H . R . II . at Kinmel Park , in case H . R . H . agreed to receive them and their address . Lord Dinorben replied by return of post , saying he had forwarded the application to Lord John Churchill , D . G . M ., who next clay sent the following reply .
Enthwistle Park , Aug . 30 th , 1836 . Sir and Brother , —I am commanded b y II . R . II . the M . W . G . M . to request you to send ycur proposed address of congratulation . on the recovery of his sight , to Freemasons' Tavern , and II . R . II . will reply to it from thence . H . R . IT . has received and is still receiving so many similar addresses from private Lodges , that he is obliged to receive them in that way , and to decline receiving deputations excepting from the
Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of England . H . R . H . commands me , however , to state that he nevertheless duly appreciates the kind intentions of the W . Master , Wardens , and Brethren of Lodge No . 4 , of Dublin , but he never could consent to their putting themselves to