Article FREEMASONRY. ASYLUM for AGED and DECAYED... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY. ST. ALBAN'S, HERTS.—THE REV... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY T P. ACKLAM, MASONIC JEWEL i... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY. TAUNTON ALE liltKWKllY. BRO... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY. In the Press, and shortly w... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY. DR. OLIVER'S LECTURES. Near... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY. TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. -... Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry. Asylum For Aged And Decayed...
FREEMASONRY . ASYLUM for AGED and DECAYED FREEMASONS . § J 5 " The Sub-Committee meet regularly on the Second 'Wednesday in each Month , at Seven o ' clock precisely , at Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge Street , Blackfriars . The Support of the Fraternity is most
earnestly solicited in aid of this Institution , the object of which , it is believed , is too impressively felt to require any lengthened appeal . Subscriptions will be thankfully received by the Treasurer , Secretaries , and Collector ; also by the Bankers , Messrs . Prescott , Grote , and Co ., 62 , Threadneedle Street .
Freemasonry. St. Alban's, Herts.—The Rev...
FREEMASONRY . ST . ALBAN'S , HERTS . —THE REV . A . DONALD , A . M ., begs respectfully to acquaint his Brethren that , owing to the alterations he has made in his Establishment , a greater number of Pupils than usual can be accommodated . They are well grounded
in their studies , expeditiously prepared either for the Universities , Professions , or Commercial Pursuits . Every attention is paid to their morals and comforts , and the Terms do not exceed 25 Gumeas per Annum , inclusive of the extra charges generally attending other Schools ; and where there are four or more Pupils from the same place , they are conveyed to and from school free of expense .
Freemasonry T P. Acklam, Masonic Jewel I...
FREEMASONRY T P . ACKLAM , MASONIC JEWEL i > and Clothing Manufacturer , respectfully solicits the orders and patronage of the Craft . He has always ready on sale a collection of Jewels and Clothing , for Craft , Royal Arch Masonry , and Knight
Templars , & c . As he is the real maker , and every article is manufactured on his premises , and under his personal inspection , the Fra ternity may rely on being furnished in pre cise conformity with the authorized Constitutions of the different Orders . —13 S , Strand , opposite Catharine Street .
Freemasonry. Taunton Ale Liltkwklly. Bro...
FREEMASONRY . TAUNTON ALE liltKWKllY . BRO . EALES WHITE respectfully announces that his admired XX . TAUNTON ALE is now in perfect order for removal , and that from October to March is the bes 1 . period for bottling it . He continues to send
( chiefly by water ) to London and all parts of the Kingdom ( in Casks from 36 gallons upwards ) on receiving a remittance . Price . XX . 2 years old 2 s-. per gallon . X . — \ s . 9 d . — Delivered at the wharf at Taunton . Cask , 36 gallons , 20 . ? ., to be repaid if the cask is received , in condition , within six months . Brewery , Taunton , Nov . 1 , 1836 .
Freemasonry. In The Press, And Shortly W...
FREEMASONRY . In the Press , and shortly will be published , DOCTRINES AND DUTIES . By F . B . RIBIJANS . Conditions . The Price to Subscribers will be 7 * . 6 d . The Work will form one thick volume ,
and will be neatly bound . No money is to be paid until the Book is delivered . " My motive in publishing it is to contribute my mite , in that which appears to me the best and mose effectual way , to the intended ASYLU . 1 I FOR THE AGED AND DECAYED FREEMASON ; and that it is my intention to devote the profits arising from the Work to that Institution ; and that it is
therefore my desire to make them as large as possible , and to dispose of them in a manner so suitable to the character , and so gratifying to the heart of a Mason , I hope and think that I shall not ask in vain . It would be presumption in me to attempt to expatiate upon the beneficial and
unexceptionable nature of the charity for which I may be considered as now pleading . "—Extract from the Author ' s Circular . As it is desirable to obtain as many Subscribers as possible , it is hoped there can be no impropriety in applying for names , not only to friends who are , but also to those who are not . Freemasons . 36 , Stamford-street ..
Freemasonry. Dr. Oliver's Lectures. Near...
FREEMASONRY . DR . OLIVER'S LECTURES . Nearly ready . A New Edition , considerably enlarged , with many additional Notes . QIGNS AND SYMBOLS , illustrated * -J and explained in a course of TWELVE LECTURKS on FREEMASONRY . By
the Rev . G . OLIVER , D . D ., Vicar of Scopwick , Perpetual ( . ' urate of Wolverhampton , Deputy Prov . G . M . for Lincolnshire , Domestic Chaplain to the Right Hon . Lord Kensington . Sherwood , Gilbert , & Piper , Paternoster-row .
Freemasonry. To Parents And Guardians. -...
FREEMASONRY . TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS . - THE Translator of Plato ' s Defence of Socrates , being a married Clergyman with no family , nor any parochial charge to occupy his week-day hours , would be glad to undertake the entire education and sole chargeof
^ an amiable youth , or two , if brothers . The abode of the Advertiser is situated in a most healthy and pleasant village , within fifteen miles of the Metropolis . Terms and address to be had ( if by letter , post paid ) at Messrs . Sherwood and Co ' s ., Publishers , 23 , Paternoster Row .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry. Asylum For Aged And Decayed...
FREEMASONRY . ASYLUM for AGED and DECAYED FREEMASONS . § J 5 " The Sub-Committee meet regularly on the Second 'Wednesday in each Month , at Seven o ' clock precisely , at Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge Street , Blackfriars . The Support of the Fraternity is most
earnestly solicited in aid of this Institution , the object of which , it is believed , is too impressively felt to require any lengthened appeal . Subscriptions will be thankfully received by the Treasurer , Secretaries , and Collector ; also by the Bankers , Messrs . Prescott , Grote , and Co ., 62 , Threadneedle Street .
Freemasonry. St. Alban's, Herts.—The Rev...
FREEMASONRY . ST . ALBAN'S , HERTS . —THE REV . A . DONALD , A . M ., begs respectfully to acquaint his Brethren that , owing to the alterations he has made in his Establishment , a greater number of Pupils than usual can be accommodated . They are well grounded
in their studies , expeditiously prepared either for the Universities , Professions , or Commercial Pursuits . Every attention is paid to their morals and comforts , and the Terms do not exceed 25 Gumeas per Annum , inclusive of the extra charges generally attending other Schools ; and where there are four or more Pupils from the same place , they are conveyed to and from school free of expense .
Freemasonry T P. Acklam, Masonic Jewel I...
FREEMASONRY T P . ACKLAM , MASONIC JEWEL i > and Clothing Manufacturer , respectfully solicits the orders and patronage of the Craft . He has always ready on sale a collection of Jewels and Clothing , for Craft , Royal Arch Masonry , and Knight
Templars , & c . As he is the real maker , and every article is manufactured on his premises , and under his personal inspection , the Fra ternity may rely on being furnished in pre cise conformity with the authorized Constitutions of the different Orders . —13 S , Strand , opposite Catharine Street .
Freemasonry. Taunton Ale Liltkwklly. Bro...
FREEMASONRY . TAUNTON ALE liltKWKllY . BRO . EALES WHITE respectfully announces that his admired XX . TAUNTON ALE is now in perfect order for removal , and that from October to March is the bes 1 . period for bottling it . He continues to send
( chiefly by water ) to London and all parts of the Kingdom ( in Casks from 36 gallons upwards ) on receiving a remittance . Price . XX . 2 years old 2 s-. per gallon . X . — \ s . 9 d . — Delivered at the wharf at Taunton . Cask , 36 gallons , 20 . ? ., to be repaid if the cask is received , in condition , within six months . Brewery , Taunton , Nov . 1 , 1836 .
Freemasonry. In The Press, And Shortly W...
FREEMASONRY . In the Press , and shortly will be published , DOCTRINES AND DUTIES . By F . B . RIBIJANS . Conditions . The Price to Subscribers will be 7 * . 6 d . The Work will form one thick volume ,
and will be neatly bound . No money is to be paid until the Book is delivered . " My motive in publishing it is to contribute my mite , in that which appears to me the best and mose effectual way , to the intended ASYLU . 1 I FOR THE AGED AND DECAYED FREEMASON ; and that it is my intention to devote the profits arising from the Work to that Institution ; and that it is
therefore my desire to make them as large as possible , and to dispose of them in a manner so suitable to the character , and so gratifying to the heart of a Mason , I hope and think that I shall not ask in vain . It would be presumption in me to attempt to expatiate upon the beneficial and
unexceptionable nature of the charity for which I may be considered as now pleading . "—Extract from the Author ' s Circular . As it is desirable to obtain as many Subscribers as possible , it is hoped there can be no impropriety in applying for names , not only to friends who are , but also to those who are not . Freemasons . 36 , Stamford-street ..
Freemasonry. Dr. Oliver's Lectures. Near...
FREEMASONRY . DR . OLIVER'S LECTURES . Nearly ready . A New Edition , considerably enlarged , with many additional Notes . QIGNS AND SYMBOLS , illustrated * -J and explained in a course of TWELVE LECTURKS on FREEMASONRY . By
the Rev . G . OLIVER , D . D ., Vicar of Scopwick , Perpetual ( . ' urate of Wolverhampton , Deputy Prov . G . M . for Lincolnshire , Domestic Chaplain to the Right Hon . Lord Kensington . Sherwood , Gilbert , & Piper , Paternoster-row .
Freemasonry. To Parents And Guardians. -...
FREEMASONRY . TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS . - THE Translator of Plato ' s Defence of Socrates , being a married Clergyman with no family , nor any parochial charge to occupy his week-day hours , would be glad to undertake the entire education and sole chargeof
^ an amiable youth , or two , if brothers . The abode of the Advertiser is situated in a most healthy and pleasant village , within fifteen miles of the Metropolis . Terms and address to be had ( if by letter , post paid ) at Messrs . Sherwood and Co ' s ., Publishers , 23 , Paternoster Row .