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Church Of England Quarterly Review, And Ecclesiastical Record.
Early in January , 1837 , will be Published b y W . Pickering , Chancery Lane , the first number of "The Church of England Quarterl y Review , and Ecclesiastical Record ; " under the Conduct of a Beneficed Clergyman , assisted by Eminent Literary Men , both Lay and Clerical .
THE motives which have led to the announcement of a Journal of this description must he sufficiently obvious to all who take a lively interest in the welfare of the establishment . The main department is intended to consist of original treatises , from the pens of those who are most competent from their Theological and Literary attainments to do justice to its importance . The Critical office will be committed into the hands of an able and
experienced writer , who will exercise his judgment in the reviewing of recent publications with impartiality , and speak the truth fearlessly , and willi sincerity . The Notices will not wholl y be confined to Theological works , but will embrace any description of Literary performance ; an account of which may be thought likely to interest and benefit the reader . The extent of erudition , the information and research which will be brought to bear upon this department , will be acknowledged on perusal .
It will suffice to mention they could not have been obtained without considerable expence . —The object of the work is not political , except in as much as any allusion to the Church , now-a-days must involve something to that effect , and such subject matter cannot be dismissed with a slight and rapid touch .
The remaining contents will consist of documents connected with the Church , Sacred Poetry , & c . Under the head of "The Ecclesiastical Record , " will be found a summary of Metropolitan and Provincial occurrences relating to the Church , or affecting her interests , with critical remarks thereon . — lixtvacts from the labours of Societies , and occasionally from Theological works of eminence , recent and retrospective . —University and Clerical intelligence , Quarterl y Publications &&
list of New , c , c . No expence will be spared to render the Journal efficient in every department . In order that the whole be more available for reference , and to collect under their proper beads the various remarks scattered in different articles , a general annual Index will be annexed . The Proprietor is inclined to believe , t , liat every individual whose means
will allow him , and who estimates at its worth , a National Establishment , will immediately volunteer that patronage and support to " The Church of ' England Quarterly , " which , a periodical of such pretension and character would seem entitled to claim ; and which he flatters himself , when the nature of its plan , its Independent character , and the spirit and talent it will exhibit come to be generally known , it will inevitably command .
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Church Of England Quarterly Review, And Ecclesiastical Record.
Early in January , 1837 , will be Published b y W . Pickering , Chancery Lane , the first number of "The Church of England Quarterl y Review , and Ecclesiastical Record ; " under the Conduct of a Beneficed Clergyman , assisted by Eminent Literary Men , both Lay and Clerical .
THE motives which have led to the announcement of a Journal of this description must he sufficiently obvious to all who take a lively interest in the welfare of the establishment . The main department is intended to consist of original treatises , from the pens of those who are most competent from their Theological and Literary attainments to do justice to its importance . The Critical office will be committed into the hands of an able and
experienced writer , who will exercise his judgment in the reviewing of recent publications with impartiality , and speak the truth fearlessly , and willi sincerity . The Notices will not wholl y be confined to Theological works , but will embrace any description of Literary performance ; an account of which may be thought likely to interest and benefit the reader . The extent of erudition , the information and research which will be brought to bear upon this department , will be acknowledged on perusal .
It will suffice to mention they could not have been obtained without considerable expence . —The object of the work is not political , except in as much as any allusion to the Church , now-a-days must involve something to that effect , and such subject matter cannot be dismissed with a slight and rapid touch .
The remaining contents will consist of documents connected with the Church , Sacred Poetry , & c . Under the head of "The Ecclesiastical Record , " will be found a summary of Metropolitan and Provincial occurrences relating to the Church , or affecting her interests , with critical remarks thereon . — lixtvacts from the labours of Societies , and occasionally from Theological works of eminence , recent and retrospective . —University and Clerical intelligence , Quarterl y Publications &&
list of New , c , c . No expence will be spared to render the Journal efficient in every department . In order that the whole be more available for reference , and to collect under their proper beads the various remarks scattered in different articles , a general annual Index will be annexed . The Proprietor is inclined to believe , t , liat every individual whose means
will allow him , and who estimates at its worth , a National Establishment , will immediately volunteer that patronage and support to " The Church of ' England Quarterly , " which , a periodical of such pretension and character would seem entitled to claim ; and which he flatters himself , when the nature of its plan , its Independent character , and the spirit and talent it will exhibit come to be generally known , it will inevitably command .