Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 11 of 38 →
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the authority of His Royal Highness , the Duke of Sussex , M . W . G . M . of England , upon the necessary dispensation being forwarded to him , Brother Preston , D . P . G . M ., appointed the Provincial Grand Lodge for E . D . L ., to be held at the Swan Hotel , Bolton , Lancashire , the 9 th of November , 1836 ; and the necessary notices were accordingl y issued to the several Lodges in the division . Early on the morning of the appointed dayalthough the weather was itioussuch
, very unprop , was the zeal of the Brethren to do honor to the Craft , that scarcely fewer than 400 had assembled in the large room at the Swan , which had been prepared with the select furniture of the several Lodges in Bolton . The hour of meeting was 9 , about 10 the Throne was occupied by Brother R . Burton , Esq ., W . M . of Lodge 44 , as the senior one in the E . D . L . who appointed , as his Senior Warden for the day , Brother Smith , "W . M . of Lodge 50 , Bury ; and the other Masters of Lodges present , according to the of their Lod called
seniority ges , were upon to fill the other offices . After the Brethren present had been vouched for , the Lodge was opened with solemn prayer , in due form , in the three degrees . Shortly after , intimation was given to the R . W . D . P . G . M ., that the Brethren waited his presence , and he shortly entered the Lodge in procession , attended by a numerous body of P . and P . P . G . Officers , in their splendid costumesto the solemn accompaniment of the exquisitelplayed b
, organ , y y the P . G . O ., Brother Harrison , of Manchester . Brother Burton then gave place to the R . W . D . P . G . M ., who appointed Brother Stephen Blair , Esq ., of Mill Hill , Bolton , P . M . of 44 , and P . G . J . W ., P . S . W . for the day , and Brother Dunberry , P . J . W . The P . G . Lodge was then opened in due form . At the desire of the R . W . P . G . M ., the P . G . S .
Brother Threlfall , of Manchester , then read the dispensation of His R . H . the Duke of Sussex , M . W . G . M . of England , authorising Brother Preston to hold the said P . G . L . Amongst the earliest business then gone into by the R . W . P . G . M ., was the proposing an Address to His Royal Highness , the M . W . G . M . of England , upon his happy recovery of Ms sight , which passed by the Brethren with an acclamation of unanimity . An Address of condolance to the widow and familof the late lamented for
y P . G . M . E . D . L ., having been voted at a previous P . G . L ., the widow and family ' s reply was now read and unanimously ordered to be entered on the minutes of the proceedings . Other business connected with the division was then transacted , and votes of thanks unanimously passed to the several P . G . Officers . Those to Brothers Threlfall , P . G . S ., and Richard Daly , Esq ., P . G . Treasurer , and S . W . of 44 were received with marked approbation account of
, , on the zeal they had shown for the interest of the Royal Order , in the discharge of their important duties . Both Brothers were unanimously reelected , as was the P . G . Tyler , an old esteemed Mason , whose name we regret we do not recollect . It is sufficient to add , that the R . W . D . P . G . M . passed a high encomium upon him . Other P . G . Officers were installed ; and the R . W . D P . G . M . subsequently , upon the minutes of the proceedings of the former P . GLbeing readbrought forward the subject
.. , of the propriety of establishing a Provincial Fund of Benevolence , for the relief of indigent Masons , their Orphans , & c . The rules to regulate which had been already sent to the Masters of all the Lodges in the Division . It had been previously dissented from by several Lodges , on the ground , that they already had sufficient funds of their own to meet any emergency . Amongst the opponents who respectfully now stated his objection to it , on the same grounds , was Brother Walker , W . M . of
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the authority of His Royal Highness , the Duke of Sussex , M . W . G . M . of England , upon the necessary dispensation being forwarded to him , Brother Preston , D . P . G . M ., appointed the Provincial Grand Lodge for E . D . L ., to be held at the Swan Hotel , Bolton , Lancashire , the 9 th of November , 1836 ; and the necessary notices were accordingl y issued to the several Lodges in the division . Early on the morning of the appointed dayalthough the weather was itioussuch
, very unprop , was the zeal of the Brethren to do honor to the Craft , that scarcely fewer than 400 had assembled in the large room at the Swan , which had been prepared with the select furniture of the several Lodges in Bolton . The hour of meeting was 9 , about 10 the Throne was occupied by Brother R . Burton , Esq ., W . M . of Lodge 44 , as the senior one in the E . D . L . who appointed , as his Senior Warden for the day , Brother Smith , "W . M . of Lodge 50 , Bury ; and the other Masters of Lodges present , according to the of their Lod called
seniority ges , were upon to fill the other offices . After the Brethren present had been vouched for , the Lodge was opened with solemn prayer , in due form , in the three degrees . Shortly after , intimation was given to the R . W . D . P . G . M ., that the Brethren waited his presence , and he shortly entered the Lodge in procession , attended by a numerous body of P . and P . P . G . Officers , in their splendid costumesto the solemn accompaniment of the exquisitelplayed b
, organ , y y the P . G . O ., Brother Harrison , of Manchester . Brother Burton then gave place to the R . W . D . P . G . M ., who appointed Brother Stephen Blair , Esq ., of Mill Hill , Bolton , P . M . of 44 , and P . G . J . W ., P . S . W . for the day , and Brother Dunberry , P . J . W . The P . G . Lodge was then opened in due form . At the desire of the R . W . P . G . M ., the P . G . S .
Brother Threlfall , of Manchester , then read the dispensation of His R . H . the Duke of Sussex , M . W . G . M . of England , authorising Brother Preston to hold the said P . G . L . Amongst the earliest business then gone into by the R . W . P . G . M ., was the proposing an Address to His Royal Highness , the M . W . G . M . of England , upon his happy recovery of Ms sight , which passed by the Brethren with an acclamation of unanimity . An Address of condolance to the widow and familof the late lamented for
y P . G . M . E . D . L ., having been voted at a previous P . G . L ., the widow and family ' s reply was now read and unanimously ordered to be entered on the minutes of the proceedings . Other business connected with the division was then transacted , and votes of thanks unanimously passed to the several P . G . Officers . Those to Brothers Threlfall , P . G . S ., and Richard Daly , Esq ., P . G . Treasurer , and S . W . of 44 were received with marked approbation account of
, , on the zeal they had shown for the interest of the Royal Order , in the discharge of their important duties . Both Brothers were unanimously reelected , as was the P . G . Tyler , an old esteemed Mason , whose name we regret we do not recollect . It is sufficient to add , that the R . W . D . P . G . M . passed a high encomium upon him . Other P . G . Officers were installed ; and the R . W . D P . G . M . subsequently , upon the minutes of the proceedings of the former P . GLbeing readbrought forward the subject
.. , of the propriety of establishing a Provincial Fund of Benevolence , for the relief of indigent Masons , their Orphans , & c . The rules to regulate which had been already sent to the Masters of all the Lodges in the Division . It had been previously dissented from by several Lodges , on the ground , that they already had sufficient funds of their own to meet any emergency . Amongst the opponents who respectfully now stated his objection to it , on the same grounds , was Brother Walker , W . M . of