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therefore propose " the Queen and the Craft , " which was received with all honour and loyalty . The late lamented Lord Ramsay was initiated in this respectable Lodge . A number of Lodges in arrears were decreed to be finally struck off the roll , unless they paid up before next Quarterly Communication . The chief of such defalcations we believe to lie in the neglect of Provincial Grand officers to convene the country Lodges , and thereby
keep up their interest in the Grand Lodge , of which they hear almost nothing . It is for the legislature to consider this great evil . Alasonic Institution . —The Committee of the contemplated Orphan Charity School have held several consultations in furtherance of their objects ; but until a sufficient fund shall be collected , so as to place the jiroposed institution upon a permanent foundation , it is deemed inadvisable yet to begin operations . The Committee are sensible that they must look chiefly to their own Brethren for support , and not rely upon
any public aid ; for we suspect the statement to be correct which was given in evidence before the House of Commons , that only twelve or thirteen hundred persons out of the whole pojiulation of Edinburgh contributed regularly to any jiublic charity , nearly the same names ajijiearing as subscribers to the several jirincipal institutions , educational or others . Their hands therefore may be supposed employed . Still we are sanguine of not remote success , and can boast of a right good beginning to the
collection . A festival , play , and sermon are jirospective resources . This is not the moment , perhajis , to press upon the Brethren the expediency and practicability of establishing a Masonic Dispensary ; but in every great town there must be destitute individuals to whom , or to whose famfhes , fraternal medical assistance would be a blessing . Such institutions also are , perhaps , the easiest sujijiorted . AVe throw this hint out for considerationespecially to the liberal and enterprising
, medical practitioners of the Craft . A communication has been received here from the Grand Secretary of Freemasons at New York , stating the expulsion from jirivileges of certain recreant members , whose names we may yet exjiose .
November G . — The Sujireme Royal Grand Conclave ofthe Soldiery of the Temjile convened , whereat many distinguished Knights were present , and sundry grave and important topics discussed and settled . November 8 . —On AVednesday tbe Lodge Canongate Kilwinning opened its sittings for the season , in St . John ' s Chapel , St . John-street . It is unnecessary to specify that the usual routine of formalities prescribed by the laws , was strictly observed by the Brethren , ' ! he banquet crowned the business , and the Brethren parted in the jileasing jirospect of many hebdomedal opportunities of associating together in the Craft ,
Previous to the above meeting , the Committee of the Lodge were convened , to take into consideration certain accounts , which had been referred to arbitration , connected with the erection of an additional accommodation to the Lodge , ivhich was felt to be necessary from the pressure arising on extreme occasions , The Brethren agreed that the imjirovement would he a great convenience , but regretted that au estimate had not first been taken of the expenses , GLASGOW .- —SIR AVALTER SCOTT ' MONUMENT . —LAYING THE F OUNDATION STONE . —Monday , Oct , 2 , 1 S 37 , the foundation stone ofa monu-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
therefore propose " the Queen and the Craft , " which was received with all honour and loyalty . The late lamented Lord Ramsay was initiated in this respectable Lodge . A number of Lodges in arrears were decreed to be finally struck off the roll , unless they paid up before next Quarterly Communication . The chief of such defalcations we believe to lie in the neglect of Provincial Grand officers to convene the country Lodges , and thereby
keep up their interest in the Grand Lodge , of which they hear almost nothing . It is for the legislature to consider this great evil . Alasonic Institution . —The Committee of the contemplated Orphan Charity School have held several consultations in furtherance of their objects ; but until a sufficient fund shall be collected , so as to place the jiroposed institution upon a permanent foundation , it is deemed inadvisable yet to begin operations . The Committee are sensible that they must look chiefly to their own Brethren for support , and not rely upon
any public aid ; for we suspect the statement to be correct which was given in evidence before the House of Commons , that only twelve or thirteen hundred persons out of the whole pojiulation of Edinburgh contributed regularly to any jiublic charity , nearly the same names ajijiearing as subscribers to the several jirincipal institutions , educational or others . Their hands therefore may be supposed employed . Still we are sanguine of not remote success , and can boast of a right good beginning to the
collection . A festival , play , and sermon are jirospective resources . This is not the moment , perhajis , to press upon the Brethren the expediency and practicability of establishing a Masonic Dispensary ; but in every great town there must be destitute individuals to whom , or to whose famfhes , fraternal medical assistance would be a blessing . Such institutions also are , perhaps , the easiest sujijiorted . AVe throw this hint out for considerationespecially to the liberal and enterprising
, medical practitioners of the Craft . A communication has been received here from the Grand Secretary of Freemasons at New York , stating the expulsion from jirivileges of certain recreant members , whose names we may yet exjiose .
November G . — The Sujireme Royal Grand Conclave ofthe Soldiery of the Temjile convened , whereat many distinguished Knights were present , and sundry grave and important topics discussed and settled . November 8 . —On AVednesday tbe Lodge Canongate Kilwinning opened its sittings for the season , in St . John ' s Chapel , St . John-street . It is unnecessary to specify that the usual routine of formalities prescribed by the laws , was strictly observed by the Brethren , ' ! he banquet crowned the business , and the Brethren parted in the jileasing jirospect of many hebdomedal opportunities of associating together in the Craft ,
Previous to the above meeting , the Committee of the Lodge were convened , to take into consideration certain accounts , which had been referred to arbitration , connected with the erection of an additional accommodation to the Lodge , ivhich was felt to be necessary from the pressure arising on extreme occasions , The Brethren agreed that the imjirovement would he a great convenience , but regretted that au estimate had not first been taken of the expenses , GLASGOW .- —SIR AVALTER SCOTT ' MONUMENT . —LAYING THE F OUNDATION STONE . —Monday , Oct , 2 , 1 S 37 , the foundation stone ofa monu-