Article T 1FE ANNUITIES, TO INCREASE THE PRESENT... Page 1 of 1 Article rpi-IE Proprietors ofthe HORTICULTURAL J... Page 1 of 1 Article 'T'HE NOBILITY, GENTRY, AMATEURS, and GA... Page 1 of 1 Article DR. OLIVER'S LECTURES ON FREEMASONRY. A ... Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC LIBRARY, 814, HIGH HOLBORN. BROT... Page 1 of 1
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T 1fe Annuities, To Increase The Present...
T 1 FE ANNUITIES , TO INCREASE THE PRESENT INCOME . The Tables , - * - "* of Rates may be had on application by letter , post-paid , at the Office , 5 , Lancaster Place , Strand .
Rpi-Ie Proprietors Ofthe Horticultural J...
rpi-IE Proprietors ofthe HORTICULTURAL JOURNAL have by repurchasing Back - * - Numbers , at an advanced price , been enabled to complete a few more sets , tip to DISCUMBER , and these will be delivered to purchasers in the order of application . The next Monthly Number will be most important . Office , corner of Catherine Street , Strand . Advertisements received till the 28 th . Monthl y Numbers , Price Is . " It is the best of the floral works , and the plates are inimitable . "—Country Paper .
'T'He Nobility, Gentry, Amateurs, And Ga...
'T'HE NOBILITY , GENTRY , AMATEURS , and GARDENERS , are strongly x recommended to order the GARDENER'S GAZETTE , a First-rate Family Newspaper , free from Political bias , and devoted to Horticulture and General Science , and full of information trul y valuable to every body who has a Garden . , Published by T . Hayman , 343 , Strand , Price Sd . ; Sold by all Newsmen . —Advertisements may be sent by Post and Paid for Quarterly .
Dr. Oliver's Lectures On Freemasonry. A ...
DR . OLIVER'S LECTURES ON FREEMASONRY . A New Edition , considerably enlarged , with many additional Notes . Printed in Octavo . Price 9 s . Cloth . CIGNS AND SYMBOLS , illustrated and explained in a Course of TWELVE ° LECTURES on FREEMASONRY . By the Rev . G . OLIVER , D . D ., Vicar of Scopwick , Deputy Prov . G . M . for Lincolnshire . London : Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , Paternoster Row .
Masonic Library, 814, High Holborn. Brot...
( For former list , see Advertisements , No . IS Freemasons' Quarterly Review , of which only a few remain unsold . )
Anderson ' s History and Constitutions , revised by Entick , small 4 to ., 5 s . 6 d . 17 S 6 new edition , revised by the Grand Lodge , and brought down to 1767 fine copy , 4 to ., 10 s . Gd . 1767
Ashe ( Rev . J . ) Masonic Manual , Gs . 1825 Candid Disquisition on the Principles and Practice of Freemasonry , by W . Calicott , P . M ., 6 s . 6 d . 1769 another , Large Paper , fine copy , Ss . 6 d 1769 Freemasons' Pocket Companionto which
, is added fifty-five Masonic Songs , 4 * Ed . 1765 History of the Kni ghts of Malta , from the earliest period to the present time , by A . Sutherland , Esq . Plates , Ss . Ed . 1831
another copy , neatly bound , 6 s . LTnfluence attribute aux Francs-Masons , & c . sur la Revolution de France , par J . J . Mourier , is . 1801 Preston ' s Illustrations of Masonry , tenth edition , 3 * . Gd . 1801
another copy , thirteenth edition , with additions , by Stephen Jones , Ss . 6 d . 1821 Sandoval ; or the Freemason , a Spanish Tale , three vols ., 12 s . 1826 Scott ' s ( J . ) Freemasons' Pocket Companion , to which is added an Apology for their
Persecution in the Pope ' s Dominions , & c . & c , 3 * . Gd . 1754 Smith ' s Use and Abuse of Freemasonry , 7 * . Gd . 1783
Freemason ' s Calendar and Pocket Book for 1838 , 3 * . R . S . begs to inform his Patrons , he has on sale all the Annual Publications for 183 S ; also a great variety of Works for Presents , in plain and elegant bindings . The Freemasons' Quarterly and all other Periodical Works supplied as soon as published . Orders thankfully received for Stationery , Bookbinding , & c , and faithfully attended to . January 1 st , 1838 .
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T 1fe Annuities, To Increase The Present...
T 1 FE ANNUITIES , TO INCREASE THE PRESENT INCOME . The Tables , - * - "* of Rates may be had on application by letter , post-paid , at the Office , 5 , Lancaster Place , Strand .
Rpi-Ie Proprietors Ofthe Horticultural J...
rpi-IE Proprietors ofthe HORTICULTURAL JOURNAL have by repurchasing Back - * - Numbers , at an advanced price , been enabled to complete a few more sets , tip to DISCUMBER , and these will be delivered to purchasers in the order of application . The next Monthly Number will be most important . Office , corner of Catherine Street , Strand . Advertisements received till the 28 th . Monthl y Numbers , Price Is . " It is the best of the floral works , and the plates are inimitable . "—Country Paper .
'T'He Nobility, Gentry, Amateurs, And Ga...
'T'HE NOBILITY , GENTRY , AMATEURS , and GARDENERS , are strongly x recommended to order the GARDENER'S GAZETTE , a First-rate Family Newspaper , free from Political bias , and devoted to Horticulture and General Science , and full of information trul y valuable to every body who has a Garden . , Published by T . Hayman , 343 , Strand , Price Sd . ; Sold by all Newsmen . —Advertisements may be sent by Post and Paid for Quarterly .
Dr. Oliver's Lectures On Freemasonry. A ...
DR . OLIVER'S LECTURES ON FREEMASONRY . A New Edition , considerably enlarged , with many additional Notes . Printed in Octavo . Price 9 s . Cloth . CIGNS AND SYMBOLS , illustrated and explained in a Course of TWELVE ° LECTURES on FREEMASONRY . By the Rev . G . OLIVER , D . D ., Vicar of Scopwick , Deputy Prov . G . M . for Lincolnshire . London : Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , Paternoster Row .
Masonic Library, 814, High Holborn. Brot...
( For former list , see Advertisements , No . IS Freemasons' Quarterly Review , of which only a few remain unsold . )
Anderson ' s History and Constitutions , revised by Entick , small 4 to ., 5 s . 6 d . 17 S 6 new edition , revised by the Grand Lodge , and brought down to 1767 fine copy , 4 to ., 10 s . Gd . 1767
Ashe ( Rev . J . ) Masonic Manual , Gs . 1825 Candid Disquisition on the Principles and Practice of Freemasonry , by W . Calicott , P . M ., 6 s . 6 d . 1769 another , Large Paper , fine copy , Ss . 6 d 1769 Freemasons' Pocket Companionto which
, is added fifty-five Masonic Songs , 4 * Ed . 1765 History of the Kni ghts of Malta , from the earliest period to the present time , by A . Sutherland , Esq . Plates , Ss . Ed . 1831
another copy , neatly bound , 6 s . LTnfluence attribute aux Francs-Masons , & c . sur la Revolution de France , par J . J . Mourier , is . 1801 Preston ' s Illustrations of Masonry , tenth edition , 3 * . Gd . 1801
another copy , thirteenth edition , with additions , by Stephen Jones , Ss . 6 d . 1821 Sandoval ; or the Freemason , a Spanish Tale , three vols ., 12 s . 1826 Scott ' s ( J . ) Freemasons' Pocket Companion , to which is added an Apology for their
Persecution in the Pope ' s Dominions , & c . & c , 3 * . Gd . 1754 Smith ' s Use and Abuse of Freemasonry , 7 * . Gd . 1783
Freemason ' s Calendar and Pocket Book for 1838 , 3 * . R . S . begs to inform his Patrons , he has on sale all the Annual Publications for 183 S ; also a great variety of Works for Presents , in plain and elegant bindings . The Freemasons' Quarterly and all other Periodical Works supplied as soon as published . Orders thankfully received for Stationery , Bookbinding , & c , and faithfully attended to . January 1 st , 1838 .