Article Just published, neatly bound, price 4s.,... Page 1 of 1 Article Fifth Edition, Price Ss. TJILES and PROL... Page 1 of 1 Article Just Published, cloth, price 6s. rpHE PH... Page 1 of 1 Article ECCLES ON ULCERS, Third Edition, nearly ... Page 1 of 1 Article BLACKWOOD'S LADY'S MAGAZINE FOB JANUARY,... Page 1 of 1
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Just Published, Neatly Bound, Price 4s.,...
Just published , neatly bound , price 4 s ., A COMPANION to the MEDICINE CHEST ; or , Plain Directions for the Em-¦ £ *¦ p ' oyment of the various Medicines used in Domestic Medicine . To which are added , a brief Description of the Symptoms and Treatment of Diseases , Directions for Restoring suspended Animation , and for Counteracting the Effects of Poisons ; a Selection of Prescriptions of established efficacy , & c . Intended as a source of easy reference for Clergymen , Master Mariners , and Passengers ; and for families residing at a distance
from professional assistance . By JOHN SAVORY , Member of the Society of Apothecaries . " This is a very excellent and most useful little work , from a highly respectable quarter . It will be found extremely useful in families . "—Literary Gazette . London : JOHN CHURCHILL , 16 , Princes Street , Soho .
Fifth Edition, Price Ss. Tjiles And Prol...
Fifth Edition , Price Ss . TJILES and PROLAPSUS ; PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS , with additional Cases , - * illustrating the important discovery of a safe and efficient mode of cure , avoiding the dangerous operation by excision or ligature . By A . PAUL , Surgeon , 44 , Doughty Street . A Clergyman , whose case and address appear at page 78 , has , from motives of benevolenceinserted this advertisement .
, Also , by the same , price 5 s . PRACTICAL REMAKS on COSTIVENESS , illustrated with a Variety of Cases , showing the importance of a strict attention to the regulation of the bowels during early life , thereby avoiding the too frequent consequences , Piles , Hoemorrhages , and Prolapsus . Sold by J . Churchill , 16 , Princes Street , Soho , and by Booksellers in most of the provincial towns .
Just Published, Cloth, Price 6s. Rphe Ph...
Just Published , cloth , price 6 s . rpHE PHILOSOPHY of MARRIAGE ; in its SOCIAL , MORAL , PHYSICAL , and ME-•* - DICAL RELATIONS . By MICHAEL RYAN , M . D ., Member of the Royal College of Physicians . London : John Churchill , Princes Street , Soho .
Eccles On Ulcers, Third Edition, Nearly ...
ECCLES ON ULCERS , Third Edition , nearly ready . fXN the NATURE and TREATMENT of ULCERS , particularly ULCERS of the ^ - LEG . By WILLIAM ECOLES , Surgeon , Union Court , Old Broad Street . Price 2 s . Published by Effingham Wilson , Royal Exchange .
Blackwood's Lady's Magazine Fob January,...
BLACKWOOD'S LADY'S MAGAZINE FOB JANUARY , Price only Two Shillings , TXTILL Contain a Splendid Full Length Portrait , said to be a most Striking Likeness ; * ' also Portraits of Distinguished Females ; with 100 pages of Original Literature , Fashions of the Month , & c . Be particularand ask for Blackwood ' s Lad ' s Magazineat 2 . J .
, y , By an arrangement entered into with the Parisian artists , subscribers to this work will be in possession of the newest Parisian costumes of the day , at about the same time as they appear in that capital . The Literary Department of this Work is distinguished from all others , and consists of Tales , Sketches , Curious Events , Poetry , & c . of the most amusing character , by the first authors of the present day .
Reviews of New Works , Prints , & c . ; the Court News ; Paris Intelligence and Court News ; Chit Chat of the day ; Fine Arts , Music , Drama , Fashions , Miscellany , Births , Marriages , and Deaths ( so arranged as to form a Quarterly Register ) . Also , to embrace every kind of fashionable and necessary information calculated to amuse and delight the Ladies of Great Britain . Published monthly , by A . II . Blackwood , Geo . Simpkin , and Jas . Page , at their Office of Publication , 154 , Strand , near Somerset House , where alone communications from
Agents , and others post paid , are to be forwarded , and Advertisements , Books for Review , Music , & c . to be sent ; and can be ordered of every Bookseller throughout the Kingdom . * . * Ladies should see a Number , to become at once Subscribers . THE CHEAPEST WORK EXTANT .
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Just Published, Neatly Bound, Price 4s.,...
Just published , neatly bound , price 4 s ., A COMPANION to the MEDICINE CHEST ; or , Plain Directions for the Em-¦ £ *¦ p ' oyment of the various Medicines used in Domestic Medicine . To which are added , a brief Description of the Symptoms and Treatment of Diseases , Directions for Restoring suspended Animation , and for Counteracting the Effects of Poisons ; a Selection of Prescriptions of established efficacy , & c . Intended as a source of easy reference for Clergymen , Master Mariners , and Passengers ; and for families residing at a distance
from professional assistance . By JOHN SAVORY , Member of the Society of Apothecaries . " This is a very excellent and most useful little work , from a highly respectable quarter . It will be found extremely useful in families . "—Literary Gazette . London : JOHN CHURCHILL , 16 , Princes Street , Soho .
Fifth Edition, Price Ss. Tjiles And Prol...
Fifth Edition , Price Ss . TJILES and PROLAPSUS ; PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS , with additional Cases , - * illustrating the important discovery of a safe and efficient mode of cure , avoiding the dangerous operation by excision or ligature . By A . PAUL , Surgeon , 44 , Doughty Street . A Clergyman , whose case and address appear at page 78 , has , from motives of benevolenceinserted this advertisement .
, Also , by the same , price 5 s . PRACTICAL REMAKS on COSTIVENESS , illustrated with a Variety of Cases , showing the importance of a strict attention to the regulation of the bowels during early life , thereby avoiding the too frequent consequences , Piles , Hoemorrhages , and Prolapsus . Sold by J . Churchill , 16 , Princes Street , Soho , and by Booksellers in most of the provincial towns .
Just Published, Cloth, Price 6s. Rphe Ph...
Just Published , cloth , price 6 s . rpHE PHILOSOPHY of MARRIAGE ; in its SOCIAL , MORAL , PHYSICAL , and ME-•* - DICAL RELATIONS . By MICHAEL RYAN , M . D ., Member of the Royal College of Physicians . London : John Churchill , Princes Street , Soho .
Eccles On Ulcers, Third Edition, Nearly ...
ECCLES ON ULCERS , Third Edition , nearly ready . fXN the NATURE and TREATMENT of ULCERS , particularly ULCERS of the ^ - LEG . By WILLIAM ECOLES , Surgeon , Union Court , Old Broad Street . Price 2 s . Published by Effingham Wilson , Royal Exchange .
Blackwood's Lady's Magazine Fob January,...
BLACKWOOD'S LADY'S MAGAZINE FOB JANUARY , Price only Two Shillings , TXTILL Contain a Splendid Full Length Portrait , said to be a most Striking Likeness ; * ' also Portraits of Distinguished Females ; with 100 pages of Original Literature , Fashions of the Month , & c . Be particularand ask for Blackwood ' s Lad ' s Magazineat 2 . J .
, y , By an arrangement entered into with the Parisian artists , subscribers to this work will be in possession of the newest Parisian costumes of the day , at about the same time as they appear in that capital . The Literary Department of this Work is distinguished from all others , and consists of Tales , Sketches , Curious Events , Poetry , & c . of the most amusing character , by the first authors of the present day .
Reviews of New Works , Prints , & c . ; the Court News ; Paris Intelligence and Court News ; Chit Chat of the day ; Fine Arts , Music , Drama , Fashions , Miscellany , Births , Marriages , and Deaths ( so arranged as to form a Quarterly Register ) . Also , to embrace every kind of fashionable and necessary information calculated to amuse and delight the Ladies of Great Britain . Published monthly , by A . II . Blackwood , Geo . Simpkin , and Jas . Page , at their Office of Publication , 154 , Strand , near Somerset House , where alone communications from
Agents , and others post paid , are to be forwarded , and Advertisements , Books for Review , Music , & c . to be sent ; and can be ordered of every Bookseller throughout the Kingdom . * . * Ladies should see a Number , to become at once Subscribers . THE CHEAPEST WORK EXTANT .