Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 6 of 19 →
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influence , and example , and thus afford to religion , liberty , and learning , the sure and steady jiatronage which they have invariably received at your Royal Hi ghness ' s hands . " AVith these sentiments , we beg to assure your Royal Highness that we are , with jirofound respect , " Your Royal Highness ' s most obedient , faithful , and devoted servants .
" Signed on the behalf of the Lodge by C . T . DARBY , P . M . and P . J . G . 1 V . GEORGE HILTON , P . M . and P . S . G . VV . " The following gracious rejily has been since received : " AUGUSTUS , G . M . " AVorshi pful Master , Past Masters , AVardens , other Officers and
Brethren of St . Peter ' s Lodge , No . 607 , at Wolverhampton . " I received , with every reciprocal feeling of attachment to the Order , your affectionate and fraternal address on occasion of my passing through your town . " It has ever been my object to manifest to the world at large the purity of our society , by a strict observance of our moral duties , a willing obedience to the laws of our countryand a uniform exertion to promote
, the interest , the welfare , and the hajipiness of our fellow-mortals . "Accept , then , Brethren , my sincere thanks for your kind expressions towards my person , while I sujijilicate the GREAT ARCHITECT of the universe to bestow upon our labours the reward of His blessing . " Kensington Palace , the 9 th of December . A . L . 5837 . A . D . 1837 . "
SPILSBY PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE , October I 9 th , 1837 . —The Lodges met in the Sessions House , from whence they formed a Masonic procession to the church , where a very impressive discourse was preached by the Chaplain of the P . G . Lodge , the Rev . Bro . Coltman . Text—1 John iv . 7 and 8 . — " Beloved , let us love one another , for love is of God ; and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God . Pic that loveth not , knoweth not God , for God is love . " The church was
crowded with attentive hearers ; and seldom have we heard the vocal performances in a country choir so truly chaste and tasteful as in the curious old fabric of Spilsby . On returning from Divine service , the members proceeded in Masonic order to the P . G . Lodge . At three o ' clock , an excellent repast was disjilayed at the Town-hall , provided by Bro . Marshall , of the White Hart Inn . The Rig ht AVorshijiful Provincial Grand Master presidedsupported on his riht by Bro . Dr .
, g < ( liver , his Deputy , and on his left by Bro . Sir Edward Brakenbury , the Senior Warden of the Provincial Lodge . After grace , the Right Hon . P . G . M . gave a toast , to which he was sure the distinguished loyalty of the fraternity would respond with the heartiest acclamations . " Our illustrious Sovereign , Queen Victoria ; " and when she is instructed by her Royal Uncle , the Most AVorshipful Grand Master , in the object of our benevolent Institutionshe had no doubt she would indulge those
, feelings most dear to her sex , aiding in good objects , and gracing the Institutions of Masonry , by placing herself at their head as the patroness —( Three times three cheers . ) " The National Air . " The next toast was that of " The Queen Dowager , " who had kindly
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influence , and example , and thus afford to religion , liberty , and learning , the sure and steady jiatronage which they have invariably received at your Royal Hi ghness ' s hands . " AVith these sentiments , we beg to assure your Royal Highness that we are , with jirofound respect , " Your Royal Highness ' s most obedient , faithful , and devoted servants .
" Signed on the behalf of the Lodge by C . T . DARBY , P . M . and P . J . G . 1 V . GEORGE HILTON , P . M . and P . S . G . VV . " The following gracious rejily has been since received : " AUGUSTUS , G . M . " AVorshi pful Master , Past Masters , AVardens , other Officers and
Brethren of St . Peter ' s Lodge , No . 607 , at Wolverhampton . " I received , with every reciprocal feeling of attachment to the Order , your affectionate and fraternal address on occasion of my passing through your town . " It has ever been my object to manifest to the world at large the purity of our society , by a strict observance of our moral duties , a willing obedience to the laws of our countryand a uniform exertion to promote
, the interest , the welfare , and the hajipiness of our fellow-mortals . "Accept , then , Brethren , my sincere thanks for your kind expressions towards my person , while I sujijilicate the GREAT ARCHITECT of the universe to bestow upon our labours the reward of His blessing . " Kensington Palace , the 9 th of December . A . L . 5837 . A . D . 1837 . "
SPILSBY PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE , October I 9 th , 1837 . —The Lodges met in the Sessions House , from whence they formed a Masonic procession to the church , where a very impressive discourse was preached by the Chaplain of the P . G . Lodge , the Rev . Bro . Coltman . Text—1 John iv . 7 and 8 . — " Beloved , let us love one another , for love is of God ; and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God . Pic that loveth not , knoweth not God , for God is love . " The church was
crowded with attentive hearers ; and seldom have we heard the vocal performances in a country choir so truly chaste and tasteful as in the curious old fabric of Spilsby . On returning from Divine service , the members proceeded in Masonic order to the P . G . Lodge . At three o ' clock , an excellent repast was disjilayed at the Town-hall , provided by Bro . Marshall , of the White Hart Inn . The Rig ht AVorshijiful Provincial Grand Master presidedsupported on his riht by Bro . Dr .
, g < ( liver , his Deputy , and on his left by Bro . Sir Edward Brakenbury , the Senior Warden of the Provincial Lodge . After grace , the Right Hon . P . G . M . gave a toast , to which he was sure the distinguished loyalty of the fraternity would respond with the heartiest acclamations . " Our illustrious Sovereign , Queen Victoria ; " and when she is instructed by her Royal Uncle , the Most AVorshipful Grand Master , in the object of our benevolent Institutionshe had no doubt she would indulge those
, feelings most dear to her sex , aiding in good objects , and gracing the Institutions of Masonry , by placing herself at their head as the patroness —( Three times three cheers . ) " The National Air . " The next toast was that of " The Queen Dowager , " who had kindly