Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 18 of 19 →
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successful issue on the Grand Lodge by the aid of his powerful interest . Brother Johnson then closed an address , ivhich was received with the most flattering marks of ajiprobation by the Brethren . The R . W . P . G . M ., in rising to-jmt the question , said he did so with much jileasure , as he greatly approved of the principles of the Institution , and had ever done so , although a report had gone abroad that he was an enemy to the Asylum . He was happy to have an
opportunity of contradicting such report , and to assure the Brethren that he should most cordially promote the interests of the intended Asylum , either here or elsewhere . This most gratifying declaration was received by the Brethren with the most livel y demonstrations of pleasure . The motion was then jmt , and unanimously carried .
After the accounts had heen audited , and other routine business gone through , Bro . Johnson proposed , and Bro . Parsons , G . C , seconded , that a vote of thanks be entered on the minute-book to the R . AV . P . G . M . for his truly Masonic , kind and courteous conduct in the Chair on this and every other occasion . This motion was received with every mark of respect , and carried by acclamation . Colonel Tynte having acknowledged the well deserved compliment ,
the P . G . L . was closed in amjile form . The R . AV . P . G . M . and Brethren then proceeded , in full clothing , from the Guildhall ( where the meeting was held ) to the Swan Hotel , and at half-past four o ' clock about eighty of the Brethren sat down to a dinner , provided by Brother Rolle in his very best style . After the cloth had been withdrawn , " Non Nobis Domine" was most effectively sung by the musical Brethren of Wells . The P . G . M . then proceeded
to give the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were well received . After many excellent glees and songs had been sung , particularly the " Old Grey Head , " by Brother Burr , and " Ye Sons of Philanthropy , " by Brother Wooderspoon , and many most excellent speeches had been delivered by the R . W . P . G . M . and other Brethren , the meeting at an earl y hour separated , highly gratified with the proceedings of the ( . lay .
Brother Lax has proved indefatigable in adding to the numbers and respectability of his Lodge . SWINDON , Oct . 6 . —A Provincial Grand Lodge for the province of Wilts was held at the Goddard Arms Inn . The Lodge was opened by the AV . JIaster and officers of the Royal Sussex Lodge of Emulation . The Right AVorshipful AV . R . Browne , Esq . D . P . G . Master . —Br . S . M . LazarusP . G . Registrar as P . S . G . Warden ; Br . M . Crowdy ,
, P . J . G . AVarden ; and other P . G . Officers were introduced and received with the usual honours . The It . AV . Deputy Prov . Grand Master addressed the Brethren on the subject of their assembling that day—he regretted exceedingly to see so few of his P . G . Officers ( present and past ) as well as the Brethren of the Craft in general ; he , the D . P . M . adverted to the several circumstances that bad occurred whereby the Lodges had discontinued their meetings ; indeed he had been
called on by the Grand Lodge of England to return some of the warrants , and which was totally out of his jiower to avert , he , liowever , still entertained hope that the time was not far distant when the zeal of the Brethren would be aroused , and that the Prov . G . Lodge of Wilts ivould vor ,. iv . 3 x
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successful issue on the Grand Lodge by the aid of his powerful interest . Brother Johnson then closed an address , ivhich was received with the most flattering marks of ajiprobation by the Brethren . The R . W . P . G . M ., in rising to-jmt the question , said he did so with much jileasure , as he greatly approved of the principles of the Institution , and had ever done so , although a report had gone abroad that he was an enemy to the Asylum . He was happy to have an
opportunity of contradicting such report , and to assure the Brethren that he should most cordially promote the interests of the intended Asylum , either here or elsewhere . This most gratifying declaration was received by the Brethren with the most livel y demonstrations of pleasure . The motion was then jmt , and unanimously carried .
After the accounts had heen audited , and other routine business gone through , Bro . Johnson proposed , and Bro . Parsons , G . C , seconded , that a vote of thanks be entered on the minute-book to the R . AV . P . G . M . for his truly Masonic , kind and courteous conduct in the Chair on this and every other occasion . This motion was received with every mark of respect , and carried by acclamation . Colonel Tynte having acknowledged the well deserved compliment ,
the P . G . L . was closed in amjile form . The R . AV . P . G . M . and Brethren then proceeded , in full clothing , from the Guildhall ( where the meeting was held ) to the Swan Hotel , and at half-past four o ' clock about eighty of the Brethren sat down to a dinner , provided by Brother Rolle in his very best style . After the cloth had been withdrawn , " Non Nobis Domine" was most effectively sung by the musical Brethren of Wells . The P . G . M . then proceeded
to give the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were well received . After many excellent glees and songs had been sung , particularly the " Old Grey Head , " by Brother Burr , and " Ye Sons of Philanthropy , " by Brother Wooderspoon , and many most excellent speeches had been delivered by the R . W . P . G . M . and other Brethren , the meeting at an earl y hour separated , highly gratified with the proceedings of the ( . lay .
Brother Lax has proved indefatigable in adding to the numbers and respectability of his Lodge . SWINDON , Oct . 6 . —A Provincial Grand Lodge for the province of Wilts was held at the Goddard Arms Inn . The Lodge was opened by the AV . JIaster and officers of the Royal Sussex Lodge of Emulation . The Right AVorshipful AV . R . Browne , Esq . D . P . G . Master . —Br . S . M . LazarusP . G . Registrar as P . S . G . Warden ; Br . M . Crowdy ,
, P . J . G . AVarden ; and other P . G . Officers were introduced and received with the usual honours . The It . AV . Deputy Prov . Grand Master addressed the Brethren on the subject of their assembling that day—he regretted exceedingly to see so few of his P . G . Officers ( present and past ) as well as the Brethren of the Craft in general ; he , the D . P . M . adverted to the several circumstances that bad occurred whereby the Lodges had discontinued their meetings ; indeed he had been
called on by the Grand Lodge of England to return some of the warrants , and which was totally out of his jiower to avert , he , liowever , still entertained hope that the time was not far distant when the zeal of the Brethren would be aroused , and that the Prov . G . Lodge of Wilts ivould vor ,. iv . 3 x