Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 10 of 49 →
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a disregard to this important point had been the principal reason why one Lodge in the Province had ceased to exist . Thanks were then proposed to the Mayor and Town Council , for the use of the Guildhall ; to theVicar for the use ofthe Ghurch ; and to the Curate for reading prayers ; to Brother Crucefix , M . D ., P . G . D ., for the honour of his attendance ; to the W . M . Officers and Brethren ofthe Doric Lodge ; and to the Rev . Dr . Oliver , for the sermon , which he was
requested to print . We understand he has declined doing so ; but in- ? tends to embody the substance of it in the last Lecture of his forthcoming work on the " Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry . " The subject of the Asylum for Worthy Aged and DecayeJ Ereemasons , was then brought forward by the D . P . G . M ., who stated that the Witham Lodge , at Lincoln ; the Doric Lodge , at Grantham ; and the Shakspeare Lodgeat Silsby ; had each laced 51 . at his disposal for
, p p , this Benevolent Institution ; and that by private subscription amongst the Brethren , he had made up 201 ., which he paid into the hands of Dr , Crucefix , the Treasurer , as a donation from the Province of Lincolnshire . Dr . Crucefix then entered upon a copious explanation of the objects and designs of the Society , & c . ; and several questions proposed by Sir E . F . Bromhead , were promptly , and satisfactorily answered . Sir E . BROMHEAD then proposed , that as soon as the Provincial
Funds should permit , " THAT THE DONATION FOB THE ASYLUM SHOULD BE INCREASED TO FlFTY GUINEAS , —IN ORDER THAT THE PROVINCE SHOULD BE ENTITLED TO VOTE IN PERPETUITY . " The Lodge being duly closed , the Brethren proceeded in Masonic costume to the Town Hall , where a sumptuous dinner was . provided : the Chair was taken by the D . P . G . M ., supported on his right by Dr . Crucefix , and on his left by Sir E . F . Bromhead , Bart . ; the S . W . ' s Chair
was filled b y Brother Turner , whose researches into the ancient history of the Craft are well known to and highly appreciated by every worthy Mason . The cloth being drawn , the W . M . gave the health of the Queen , who was the daughter of a Mason , and who , as Sovereign of this kingdom , was entitled to the respect and supportof all good Masons . —( Loud applause . ) Brother Sir E . F . BROMHEAD , being anxious that the health of the Queen should be drunk with Masonic honours , begged to give , as a toast , "The Queen and the Craft , " which was drunk with full Masonic honours .
The next toast was " His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , Grand Master of the Order , who , it was for some time hoped , would have been enabled to attend this festival . " It is almost unnecessary to add that this toast was received with applause and drunk with the honours . The W . M . then gave the health of the Right Hon . C . T . D'Eyncourt , D . P . G . M ., who had expressed much regret at being unavoidably absent on that occasion . —( Drunk with the usual honours . ) Brother Sir E . F . BROMHEAD next proposed the health of Brother
Oliver , the D . P . G . M ., of whom he spoke in terms of well-deserved eulogy , the justice of which was proved by the enthusiastic applause with which the toast was received , and the energy with which the honours were given . Although his own Masonic experience hardly justified him in proposing so important a subject , yet he would plead his zeal as a passport to the attention ofthe meeting , —every one of whom must have profited by the example—and have been improved by the mental labours of their venerated friend and Brother , Dr . Oliver , who had done that for
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a disregard to this important point had been the principal reason why one Lodge in the Province had ceased to exist . Thanks were then proposed to the Mayor and Town Council , for the use of the Guildhall ; to theVicar for the use ofthe Ghurch ; and to the Curate for reading prayers ; to Brother Crucefix , M . D ., P . G . D ., for the honour of his attendance ; to the W . M . Officers and Brethren ofthe Doric Lodge ; and to the Rev . Dr . Oliver , for the sermon , which he was
requested to print . We understand he has declined doing so ; but in- ? tends to embody the substance of it in the last Lecture of his forthcoming work on the " Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry . " The subject of the Asylum for Worthy Aged and DecayeJ Ereemasons , was then brought forward by the D . P . G . M ., who stated that the Witham Lodge , at Lincoln ; the Doric Lodge , at Grantham ; and the Shakspeare Lodgeat Silsby ; had each laced 51 . at his disposal for
, p p , this Benevolent Institution ; and that by private subscription amongst the Brethren , he had made up 201 ., which he paid into the hands of Dr , Crucefix , the Treasurer , as a donation from the Province of Lincolnshire . Dr . Crucefix then entered upon a copious explanation of the objects and designs of the Society , & c . ; and several questions proposed by Sir E . F . Bromhead , were promptly , and satisfactorily answered . Sir E . BROMHEAD then proposed , that as soon as the Provincial
Funds should permit , " THAT THE DONATION FOB THE ASYLUM SHOULD BE INCREASED TO FlFTY GUINEAS , —IN ORDER THAT THE PROVINCE SHOULD BE ENTITLED TO VOTE IN PERPETUITY . " The Lodge being duly closed , the Brethren proceeded in Masonic costume to the Town Hall , where a sumptuous dinner was . provided : the Chair was taken by the D . P . G . M ., supported on his right by Dr . Crucefix , and on his left by Sir E . F . Bromhead , Bart . ; the S . W . ' s Chair
was filled b y Brother Turner , whose researches into the ancient history of the Craft are well known to and highly appreciated by every worthy Mason . The cloth being drawn , the W . M . gave the health of the Queen , who was the daughter of a Mason , and who , as Sovereign of this kingdom , was entitled to the respect and supportof all good Masons . —( Loud applause . ) Brother Sir E . F . BROMHEAD , being anxious that the health of the Queen should be drunk with Masonic honours , begged to give , as a toast , "The Queen and the Craft , " which was drunk with full Masonic honours .
The next toast was " His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , Grand Master of the Order , who , it was for some time hoped , would have been enabled to attend this festival . " It is almost unnecessary to add that this toast was received with applause and drunk with the honours . The W . M . then gave the health of the Right Hon . C . T . D'Eyncourt , D . P . G . M ., who had expressed much regret at being unavoidably absent on that occasion . —( Drunk with the usual honours . ) Brother Sir E . F . BROMHEAD next proposed the health of Brother
Oliver , the D . P . G . M ., of whom he spoke in terms of well-deserved eulogy , the justice of which was proved by the enthusiastic applause with which the toast was received , and the energy with which the honours were given . Although his own Masonic experience hardly justified him in proposing so important a subject , yet he would plead his zeal as a passport to the attention ofthe meeting , —every one of whom must have profited by the example—and have been improved by the mental labours of their venerated friend and Brother , Dr . Oliver , who had done that for