Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 30 of 49 →
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have not greatly increased in numbers , we have increased in the fervour of our zeal for the Craft , and in affection for our Most Worshipful Grand Master . We can assure your Royal Highness , that our humble and fervent prayers shall be offered up to the Grand Architect of the Universe , that your Royal Highness may be permitted long to preside over and govern the interests of the Craft ; and that your Royal Highness may be blessed with a long lifein the enjoyment of true health and
, happiness , and ivith a knowledge that your Royal Highness possesses the devoted attachment of the Craft , and the affectionate regard of the people . " Signed and sealed in open Lodge , at Newcastle-upon-Tyne , this 7 th day of November , 1839 . "
WIGTON . —We understand it is the intention of the Brethren of the Wigton St . John ' s Lodge of Freemasons , to hold their anniversary on the 27 th December , 1839 , when a Royal Arch Chapter will be opened in the afternoon . Supper will be prepared in the evening , as on former occasions .
BURNLEY , Sept . 19 . —The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Freemasons , for the Eastern Division of Lancaster , was held at the Bull Inn , Burnley , on Thursday last . Before ten o ' clock the large room was completely filled with the Brethren . The business of the day commenced with the opening of the Craft Lodge . The R . W . Deputy Prov . G . M ., Thomas Preston , Esq ., soon after entered the room , attended by all the Provincial Grand Officers , and the Provincial Grand Lodge was then opened in ample formand with solemn prayer .
, After transacting the business of the province , the D . P . G . M . delivered a charge to the Brethren , replete ivith most important counsel and advice , and breathing the very spirit of Masonry . About one o ' clock , the Brethren , amounting to upwards of two hundred , formed themselves in procession , and , escorted by two bands of music , proceeded to the church , where an excellent sermon was preached by the V . W . Rev . Birkett DawsonB . D . Provincial Grand
, , Chaplain , from the third chapter of Colossians , the 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd verses ; and a collection made on behalf of the charities in Burnley , amounting to upivards of £ 13 . Soon after four o ' clock , the Brethren sat down to dinner at the Bull Inn . Thomas Preston , D . P . G . M ., was in the Chair . The Chairman was supported , on his right hand , by Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie , Esq ., P . G . M . for the Western Diiision of this county , Richard Daly , Esq .,
& c . & c . ; and , on his left , by the Rev . Birkett Dawson , B . D ., the Rev . W . Hartley , the Officers of the 10 th , & c . & c . After the cloth was withdrawn , the Chairman , in a neat speech , gave as the first toast , " Our Young and Virtuous Queen . "— " The Queen Dowager . "— " The Duke of Sussex , Grand Master of England . " This toast was followed by Masonic firing . The Chairman availed himself of the absence of L . G . N . Starkie
, Esq ., to propose that gentleman ' s health . He complimented him on his attention to the duties of Provincial Grand Master for the other division of the county . His affability and kindness , the goodness of his heart , and his Masonic benevolence , were knoivn to all the Brethren . — ( Great applause . )
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have not greatly increased in numbers , we have increased in the fervour of our zeal for the Craft , and in affection for our Most Worshipful Grand Master . We can assure your Royal Highness , that our humble and fervent prayers shall be offered up to the Grand Architect of the Universe , that your Royal Highness may be permitted long to preside over and govern the interests of the Craft ; and that your Royal Highness may be blessed with a long lifein the enjoyment of true health and
, happiness , and ivith a knowledge that your Royal Highness possesses the devoted attachment of the Craft , and the affectionate regard of the people . " Signed and sealed in open Lodge , at Newcastle-upon-Tyne , this 7 th day of November , 1839 . "
WIGTON . —We understand it is the intention of the Brethren of the Wigton St . John ' s Lodge of Freemasons , to hold their anniversary on the 27 th December , 1839 , when a Royal Arch Chapter will be opened in the afternoon . Supper will be prepared in the evening , as on former occasions .
BURNLEY , Sept . 19 . —The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Freemasons , for the Eastern Division of Lancaster , was held at the Bull Inn , Burnley , on Thursday last . Before ten o ' clock the large room was completely filled with the Brethren . The business of the day commenced with the opening of the Craft Lodge . The R . W . Deputy Prov . G . M ., Thomas Preston , Esq ., soon after entered the room , attended by all the Provincial Grand Officers , and the Provincial Grand Lodge was then opened in ample formand with solemn prayer .
, After transacting the business of the province , the D . P . G . M . delivered a charge to the Brethren , replete ivith most important counsel and advice , and breathing the very spirit of Masonry . About one o ' clock , the Brethren , amounting to upwards of two hundred , formed themselves in procession , and , escorted by two bands of music , proceeded to the church , where an excellent sermon was preached by the V . W . Rev . Birkett DawsonB . D . Provincial Grand
, , Chaplain , from the third chapter of Colossians , the 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd verses ; and a collection made on behalf of the charities in Burnley , amounting to upivards of £ 13 . Soon after four o ' clock , the Brethren sat down to dinner at the Bull Inn . Thomas Preston , D . P . G . M ., was in the Chair . The Chairman was supported , on his right hand , by Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie , Esq ., P . G . M . for the Western Diiision of this county , Richard Daly , Esq .,
& c . & c . ; and , on his left , by the Rev . Birkett Dawson , B . D ., the Rev . W . Hartley , the Officers of the 10 th , & c . & c . After the cloth was withdrawn , the Chairman , in a neat speech , gave as the first toast , " Our Young and Virtuous Queen . "— " The Queen Dowager . "— " The Duke of Sussex , Grand Master of England . " This toast was followed by Masonic firing . The Chairman availed himself of the absence of L . G . N . Starkie
, Esq ., to propose that gentleman ' s health . He complimented him on his attention to the duties of Provincial Grand Master for the other division of the county . His affability and kindness , the goodness of his heart , and his Masonic benevolence , were knoivn to all the Brethren . — ( Great applause . )